For America, Ukraine is irrelevant, the only war to fight for U.S. interests is at home

“[T]here can be no doubt that to the extent that the Framers conceived of liberty, it was exclusively in a negative sense of individuals and social cohorts being free of government restrictions and coercions.” David J. Bederman, 2008 (1)

The bottom line in pursuing an America First foreign policy is found in the credible ability of a U.S. president to listen to his daily intelligence briefing from CIA, hear all the horrors of the world, and learn that the Russian Army has taken Kiev, destroyed the Ukrainian military, and announced the end of hostilities. Having listened closely, the president would think for a moment, slowly raise his head, and ask his CIA briefer, “So what?” The briefer would then smile and say “Right you are, Sir.”

And right the president would be. “The Taliban takes Kabul”, “tribal wars in Africa”, “communists run Venezuela”, or “Israel bombarded by Hamas missiles” and almost all such headlines should earn the same response from a president who has ensured his nation is secure at home, energy independent, fully capable of decisively defending itself against any foreign or domestic attack, and shielded the free-market economy from intervention by his government.  Troubles elsewhere in the world that do not threaten the existence of the American republic merit no more than a quick “so what?” and perhaps a shoulder shrug.

Of all possible shrug-able headlines, the most idiotic is “Russia will invade Ukraine”. This is the pluperfect motivation for the “so what?” response, equaled only by the headline “Russia defeats Ukraine” and “Democracy dies in Ukraine”. Whatever happens to Ukraine is the business of Russia and Ukraine, the American republic has neither interests nor responsibilities in the country. The re-absorption of Ukraine into the Russian Federation would be a return to a millennium of normality, and is a suitable response by Moscow to the Western politicians’ clear madness in expanding NATO’s presence to Russia’s western border.

So why all the noise warning that the events in Ukraine are bringing on another world war? It is absolute nonsense; nothing in the Ukraine and nothing that happens there is of interest to everyday Americans, especially those who have children serving in the military. Why then are American politicians in both parties, retired generals and intelligence officials, Pentagon media spinners, geriatric pundits, and regime-bought journalists claiming that war is coming, and will begin with Putin staging a false-flag attack on his own troops and claim that it was done by Ukrainians and their NATO buddies.

Unless Putin has become as stupid and retarded as Biden, this is a sheer nonsense. If we see such a false-flag attack in Ukraine you can bet your last dollar that it will be the work of U.S. and NATO intelligence services and/or Special Forces. In his always regime-obeying way, retired U.S. Army General Jack Keane told FOX’s audience that the Putin-false-flag operation appeared to be a sure thing. Keane, you will recall, endlessly told the same audience that the light at the end of the tunnel in Afghanistan was shining ever brighter, and that the Afghan Army was on the verge of being able to defend its nation. The Putin-false-flag story is right in Keane’s wheelhouse, it does the bidding of Biden’s regime and his pals at the Pentagon, and it creates demand for “analytic products” on the issue published by Keane’s private-sector intelligence factory.

So what interests are we hearing about in the Ukraine? The answer to this question ought to be clear to all non-elite Americans. These are the monetary, criminal, and ideological interests of Obama, the Clintons and their Foundation, the Bidens, George Soros and his organizations, and the narcotics-traffickers, human-smugglers, and pedophiles who are allies of all of them. Those are the interests of America and NATO that are at risk in Ukraine, and they are the interests that the illegitimate Biden regime believes our kids must shed their blood for. If war comes, those kids will die and be maimed not to protect the republic, but to protect and expand the fortunes and power of the human scum just mentioned.

Like all American wars since the defeat of Imperial Japan, a war in Ukraine would profit only those who Marine Major General Smedley D. Butler, a two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, once described as the businessmen, politicians, bankers, and generals who have made war into a “racket” from which they profit handsomely.

“A racket is best described, I believe, is something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. … For a very few this racket, like bootlegging and other underworld activities, brings fancy profits, but the cost of the operations is always transferred to the people – who do not profit.” (2)

War in Ukraine would fill the bank accounts of the Bushes, Cheneys, Obamas, Clintons, Bidens, the Pelosi and Kerry clans, the arms makers, the bankers, Big Pharma, and various other industries. Such a war would mirror the impact of the Wuhan-Fauci-Flu War on Americans; namely It would enrich the already filthy rich and they would lose nothing in the war. The costs in blood, limbs, otherwise ruined lives, economic growth, and burying the dead would be a cost assigned only to the lower and middle classes.

With Biden deliberately killing republicanism and democracy at home, identifying Americans who oppose him as “domestic enemies”, and sicking his FBI dog-gangsters on them, why should any American care about another country’s political system. (Indeed, that is never any of America’s business.) If there is a war to be had, far better it be Americans fighting Biden, his lieutenants, their party, its ideology, and policies, Black supremacists, the CDC, AMA, and NIH, Neocons, Israel-Firsters, the media, fascist U.S. generals and admirals, and the whole rotten and thoroughly evil caste to which they belong.

Now, a victory over that multitude of murderous shit-birds would be a victory for America and for the ages.



–1.) David J. Bederman. The Classical Foundations of the American Constitution. The Prevailing Wisdom. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2008, p. 225

–2.) Major General Smedley D. Butler, USMC. War is a Racket. Dauphin Publications (Reprint), 2018, pp. 1 and 6

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