The main Iranian threat was built by Mexico, Congress, and U.S. business

Seldom do concurrent events give U.S. citizens a chance to see the stubborn and uncaring-for-Americans stupidity of the designers of the national government’s foreign policy. But, today, such a situation has occurred and the asinine nature of U.S. foreign policy can be seen in brilliant clarity on the oddly related issues of Iran and Mexico.

This year is the 40th anniversary of President Crater’s decision to make Iran the permanent enemy of the United States. Instead of, say, sinking Iran’s entire navy or destroying its entire air force as rapidly as possible after the Iranians took the U.S. diplomatic hostages, Carter diddled as the mullahs consolidated power. Such military action would have forced Tehran’s hand, it would have had to choose to either release or kill the hostages. If they were released, Carter could have responded by ceasing military action. If they were killed, he could have completed the annihilation of the remainder of Iran’s military, as well as its oil pipelines and ocean-going tankers.

Carter’s cringing behavior has made the U.S. government’s Iran policy the handmaiden of the whims of Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as making the Iranian regime believe that most U.S. presidents would behave like Carter. Tehran has been correct on this score, save for Ronald Reagan, who potently stated aggressive military intentions toward Iran and got the hostages released without firing a shot. Obama’s desperate-for-any-deal performance in the five-power Iran agreement, of course, suggested to the Iranians to expect more American timidity in the future, given that Obama delivered far more of that commodity than even Carter, and added pallets loaded with billions of U.S. dollars as good will measure.

Today, America’s 40-years of quasi war with Iran sees Trump’s Neocons pressing for war with Iran before Trump can break the mullahs with economic sanctions. At this time, Tehran’s formal military poses threats only to countries in its own region, and not a one to the United States. We treat Iran as a dangerous enemy because of the security interests of Israel, the flush-with-cash and deeply corrupting domestic political influence of disloyal Jewish-American leaders, and the militarily fecklessness of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries. All of these want the United States to fight the Iranians while they – the threatened countries and their supporters – stand by in safety and watch U.S. debt mount and more American Marines and soldiers die for them.

While the Trump administration, the Republicans and Democrats, and almost all of the media continue to pretend that the Iranian military poses a formal military threat to the United States, the citizenry will not hear a single official voice describe with precision the only lethal threat that Iran actually poses to them. And here, as they say, enters Mexico, which, along with the Democratic and Republican parties and America’s leading business leaders, are the main facilitators and abettors of the sole lethal threat Iran can use against the United States.

Indeed, U.S. business leaders may be the most despicable and lethal of the abettors. Just listen, for example, to their ongoing damning of President Trump for preparing to impose tariffs as a way to blunt the Mexico-orchestrated migrant invasion of the American republic. As always, they are most worried about a roiled stock market that could decrease their profit margins. With no respect for the republic’s unity, citizenry, society, and history, these business leaders would welcome an army of illegal, border-crossing lepers into the United States if it would help their increase their profits. And if they ponied up lucrative enough bribes through their lobbyists, many Republican and Democrat politicians would vote to pass legislation begging foreign lepers to come to America and go on the dole and Medicare.

Only the daft, I have to think, can fail to recognize that no nation has done as much as Mexico to shatter American society, drain the national treasury, spread crime and disease among Americans, and weaken the cohesion of the Union. It has done these things deliberately by allowing and encouraging waves of Central American migrants, as well as people from dozens of other nationalities from outside the Western Hemisphere, to enter the United States through Mexican territory. Mexican leaders have never tried to halt the inflow of illegals, and, more often than not, they have facilitated their illegal invasion of the republic. This incoming anti-American cancer was not hidden, but obvious to all and was – there is no other applicable word – welcomed by the bipartisan U.S. governing and business elites, as well as by the patently mad American media and left.

There is, obviously, much more that can be said about Mexico’s intentional efforts to weaken and steal from the United States – the latter via massive remissions – and the American elite’s intentional and deliberate helping hand for Mexico’s unquenchable eagerness to harm the republic. Indeed, it is worth asking whether Mexico’s leading politicians and the country’s cartel chiefs are not one and the same. But let us, for the time being, bring Iran back onto the stage.

The Mexican government has been ecumenical in who it has either let or helped enter the United States from its territory. Anyone willing to hurt the republic has been all-but-escorted across the border. Among the welter of non-Latin American nationalities were Lebanese Shia Muslims, who have been illegally crossing the southern border at least since Carter failed to militarily destroy the Iranian regime for seizing diplomatically protected Americans.

Thus, for forty years, Mexican and American politicians have done nothing to stop the inflow of Lebanese Shias, many of them members of Iran’s violent Lebanese surrogate, Hizballah. These people now form the only credible, Iran-related military threat to the United States, and that threat is well established inside the country.

In cities, such as Los Angeles, New York City, Detroit, Dearborn, Miami, Houston, and others, Lebanese Hizballah members have long lived and worked among Americans, and some have proved to be good businessmen. Others have been involved in business fronts, while being focused on drug-and-cigarette trafficking, various kinds of fraud, human smuggling, killings, and other criminal activities. Over the decades, easy illegal entry across the southern border — unchecked by Mexico, and protected by the Congress and U.S. business leaders — has allowed the number of the Lebanese Hizballah members in America to grow steadily. This increase almost certainly has been accompanied by a similar increase in the number of covert Iranian intelligence officers – military and civilian – who have used the same southern border for entry into this country and then built an undetected civilian lifestyle. The latter, of course, includes collecting military, economic, and technological intelligence useful to Iran, while waiting and planning with their Hizballah coreligionists for the day Tehran directs them to carry out military operations inside the United States.

In addition to Hizballah’s U.S. presence, the organization’s leaders and Iranian intelligence services have built a support and logistical network for their U.S.-based comrades in Canada – in Montreal, Toronto, Windsor, and Vancouver, for example – and a similar but broader network in South America, including in Mexico, Cuba, Belize, Venezuela, Argentina, and a number of the Caribbean islands.

This Hizballah-Iranian-intelligence presence in the United States, then, is the only serious Iranian military threat to the United States proper. It is a threat the citizenry is never warned of; one that the media never reports on; one that U.S. law enforcement, paralyzed by the society-killing policies of diversity and multiculturalism at all governmental levels, watches, documents, but lets fester and does not destroy; and one that exists only because of the open southern border, the anti-U.S. enmity of Mexico, the bribe-taking Republican and Democratic politicians, and the bribe-supplying U.S. business leaders.

There is no better evidence than the Hizballah-Iran presence in the republic, which has been fostered by Mexico, welcomed by the U.S. political/business elites, and left to proliferate by U.S. law enforcement, for those who argue that effective border/immigration control is essential not only to ensure the republic’s sovereignty and independence, but as a key, indeed, an indispensable component of national security policy.

If Trump’s Neocon/Israel-Firsters succeed in bringing on an unnecessary war with Iran, everyday Americans, their children, and their businesses will be savaged by Hizballah in multiple areas of the country. Those attackers and their supporters, of course, would have to be lethally handled first, but then those leaders who allowed them over the border and welcomed their arrival – be they Mexican or American – must be made to share Hizballah’s fate. That only seems fair.

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