President Trump: Crush the insurrection against you, the Constitution, and the loyal citizenry

During a recent interview on CBN, I said that it appeared to me that the country could be justifiably judged to be in a state of insurrection. Several internet sites have taken note of the interview, which is surprising as the masters of the internet make my writings and talks quite hard to find.

On several occasions, I sat down to write a blog piece on the insurrection that has been occurring in America since President Trump was elected, and even well before then. On each occasion, I thought “No, this must be obvious to everyone.” The reaction that the video CBN interview has received, however, makes me think a piece on insurrection is in order.

In the winter of 1860-1861 – often called America’s “Secession Winter” – President Lincoln patiently sought to deal with a parade of seceding states, the formation of the Confederate States of America (C.S.A.), and interference with the national government’s activities, such as the mails, and facilities, such as arsenals and naval installations. The certainly must have been other disruptions in the working relationships between the national government and those of the states, and perhaps especially in the functioning of the federal judiciary in the seceded states.

Lincoln and the U.S. Senate worked in their own lanes throughout the winter to try and find a peaceful resolution to the confrontation and the restoration of the Union. That effort came to an end on 12 April 1861 when C.S.A, President Jefferson Davis ordered the bombardment of Fort Sumter, which is located on an island in Charleston’s harbor. The Confederate attack was not a shot across the Union’s bow, but a 24-plus hour attack that reduced parts of the fort to rubble, and caused the fort’s commander to surrender the post. The attack started a brutal, four-year civil war that yielded 620,000 dead combatants, all Americans, all fellow countrymen.

On 15 April 1861, President Lincoln recognized he could no longer deal with secession by reassuring rhetoric and avoiding actions provoking the South, and, of course, the Senate’s peace talks already had ended. On that day, he issued a proclamation calling for 75,000 volunteers to join the U.S. military for the propose of restoring the Union. The proclamation explained, in part,

“By the President of The United States: A Proclamation, 15 April 1861

WHEREAS the laws of the United States have been, for some time past, and now are opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed, in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law.

Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-five thousand, in order to suppress said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed.  …” [1]

Now, we can flash ahead almost 16 decades and see that the republic is now experiencing an insurrection broader, more violent, and far more threatening to the survival of the republic and the Union than anything the C.S.A. did before the attack on Fort Sumter. Most especially, the republic now demands — as Mr. Lincoln wrote — a force that can “cause the laws to be duly executed”. Consider the following three points, two specific and one more general.

–1.) The Union’s contemporary enemies have created “sanctuary” states, cities, and towns for protecting illegal aliens, among them many known criminals, from the application of valid laws passed by the national legislature and signed by the president. In essence, the word sanctuary used in this way amounts to the de facto and, at times, the de jure nullification of the national government’s laws and prevents the executive branch from exercising its obligation – under the Constitution’s Supremacy Clause — to fulfill the terms of the immigration laws. It also prevents the national government form helping to protect the lives and property of those U.S. citizens who are endangered by the nullifiers’ illegal actions to shield murderers, rapists, and child molesters from deportation, as well as their willingness to watch their illegal-alien pets spread several contagious diseases – some deadly — in areas where they are being protected and where those diseases have been absent for much of a century.

Often times, moreover, the authorities who issue sanctuary declarations also use their power to forbid state and/or local law enforcement authorities from assisting the national government’s attempts to enforce the republic’s laws and protect the citizenry. At present, the proliferation of sanctuaries across the nation certainly has created, as Lincoln said, “combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by law.” (NB: The fact is, of course, that the sanctuary movement has been abetted at every step of the way by many Democratic federal, state, and local judges.)

–2.) The state governments of California, Colorado, New York, Washington, and Oregon — and major cities therein — are in the midst of efforts to quite openly dissolve republican governments within their jurisdictions and replace it with socialist-oriented ones. No one seems to mention it, but such an effort at any level of government in the United States is utterly unconstitutional. Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution says:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.” (2)

This was a question that never came up during the Civil War, as the struggle pitted the world’s two most free and thoroughly republican governments against each other. Quite simply, socialism can never be voted into existence at any governmental level in the United States and, without a constitutional amendment that vitiates Article 4, Section 4, any attempt to do so is an act of insurrection and/or rebellion fully meriting immediate suppression by the Executive Branch using the republic’s military assets. Sanders, Warren, and the Democrats’ other socialists and communists ought to thank goodness that their speech is protected by the 1st Amendment. They can keep bleating, but any tangible success in their effort to establish a socialist or any other kind of non-republican government in a state, several states, or nationally will earn for the would-be creators of such a hell-on-earth the Constitution’s considerable capacity for wrath. With that righteous wrath will come nooses for those conducting the destruction of republicanism and, should it happen, the jurists who supported that destruction with numerous partisan and unconstitutional legal decisions that facilitated the demise of republicanism.

–3.) The Democratic Party and George Soros and his many organizations are engaged in widespread efforts to destroy American society, a process that has produced untold numbers of unconstitutional, liberty-denying, and abusive actions at the state, county, and local levels.

— Democratic Party-associated judges in the federal judiciary have routinely denied President Trump’s ability to use claims of executive privilege that are constitutionally protected. In addition, Democratic-controlled operatives among the U.S. military’s general officer corps, the federal civil service, the CIA AND FBI, Congressional staffs, and among senior officials at the Departments of State, Defense, and Justice have and are conducting a coup d’état against both President Trump and the Constitution. The perpetrators of this coup also have closely cooperated with multiple foreign powers to overthrow the Trump administration. This last fact alone ensures, praise God, that if the law is followed, their mass arrest, trial, conviction for treason, and execution by hanging ought to be as close to a sure a thing as the fact that night follows day.

–Democratic judges, state and district attorneys, governors, mayors, school boards, and city councils have deliberately cut away portions of the Bill of Rights-guaranteed liberties of the citizens under their jurisdiction. The most common civil-liberty reductions  have occurred in the citizenry’s rights to free speech, peaceful assembly, religion and conscience, and press freedom (especially on the internet and social media), as well as by incrementally abridging the absolute right of U.S. citizens to be armed with weapons of a quality sufficient destroy a tyrannical – that is, under the Constitution – non-republican government.

–The Democratic Party, Soros, and their organizations also have championed every possible form of child abuse across the United States, starting with the murder of 61-plus million infants and the use of the fake “climate science”, manufactured by the UN, Democratic leaders, U.S. universities, NASA, and NOAA, to terrorize children via media outlets and their own teachers. In addition, they are seeking – in cooperation with state and local officials, school boards, and teacher unions – to destroy the self-confidence, self-image, commonsense, and religious faith of this and future generations of children by pushing sexual deviants of every kind into grammar and high schools for a kind of sickening show-and-tell that portrays the glories of sexual perversion and depravity. The authors of these attacks on the minds of our children claim they are teaching understanding and tolerance. Not a chance. Their sole intention is to confuse children, while simultaneously cultivating and recruiting them into a life of sexual perversion and anti-Christianity. While all of this is clear, we have not even begun to unravel the vile and inhuman barbarity against children that has been practiced and protected by Democratic leaders and followers – and certainly some Republicans – and which was managed by their best friend, the child molesting, child trafficking, child torturing, blackmailing, and lifetime Democrat, Jeffrey Epstein.

Led, funded, and pushed by the Democratic Party, the U.S. State Department, and George Soros and his network, today’s America-hating secessionists and nullifiers have done enormously more damage to republicanism, the economy, the citizenry’s health, private property, children, and social cohesion than did the Confederate nation prior to the war-starting attack on Fort Sumter. Indeed, those who have deliberately blocked the lawful execution of the laws by the national government’s Executive branch, have deliberately carved out huge cities that are every bit as much out of the Union as the states of Alabama and Mississippi were in 1861.

On balance, it is easy to recognize that an insurrection is now underway in the United States, one that is far more dangerous to the republic than that conducted by Jefferson Davis and the C.S.A, in 1861-65. Though fierce, lethal, intelligent, and durable enemies, the Confederacy’s political and military leaders were honest, competent, and honorable men; they neither disguised nor lied about what they were up to. In addition, their goal was much the same as that of Lincoln and his colleagues; namely the preservation of republican government in the C.S.A.’s territory.

All of today’s Democratic Party – leaders, members, and supporters — is dedicated to destroying the United States via an insurrection that it has been orchestrating conducting for decades, and which was thrown into high gear when Mr. Trump became a presidential candidate and then president. These people, unlike the C.S.A. leaders, have neither honor, honesty, nor a lick of dedication to the preservation of republican government. The situation President Trump faces today is more dire than that produced by the Southern insurrection that confronted Mr. Lincoln. We must pray that Mr. Trump recognizes this fact in all its ugliness and danger, and that he is prepared to defend the republic and reestablish the blessings of republicanism for all Americans, using, if necessary, the same resolve, means, and ruthlessness manifested by Mr. Lincoln.

In one way, such action will be easier for President Trump than it was for President Lincoln. Lincoln, after all, had to fight and kill his rebelling fellow countrymen — among them members of his extended family — and he and his wife suffered greatly from impact of that brutal reality. President Trump will have no such concern. The republic’s Democratic/Soros enemies cannot be described as “fellow Americans” by any stretch of the imagination. They richly deserve to be, as was said on both sides during the civil war, “hurried down to Hades”, and with the utmost pain that it is possible to inflict.


–1.) See &


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