Congress lavishes aid on foreigners and illegal aliens, impoverishes loyal Americans

For those daft souls who still believe the U.S. bipartisan governing elite is  seeking ways to help American families who have lost kin and/or have been impoverished by China’s two ongoing chemical and biological attacks on the republic’s population — the Chinese Virus and fentanyl — the Congress’s new “Covid Relief Bill” is and ought to be a harsh reacquaintance with reality.

The bipartisan elite cares not a jot about working Americans, those men and women whose lives and families have been run aground by the Congress’s abetting of China’s biological and chemical warfare, as well as its murderous lies about the seriousness of the Chinese-made virus. What does the elite care about? Well, two things:

–(a) Keeping China, corpse-Biden, and Biden’s louse-of-a-son out of the news by focusing on that hardy but false perennial lie — Russia is interfering in all U.S. affairs

–(b) Hiding the fact that most members of Congress, in both parties, have either been compromised by Chinese agents or have agreed to sell out the United States for Beijing’s payments and aid in corrupting elections. The Bidens, of course, are leading the way in protecting the governing elite from being fully exposed as commie-loving traitors; whores who will do anything for cash and political power; and haters of everything about America, its Constitution, its history, and its working-and-middle-class citizens.

If those Americans who support President Trump, and oppose their deadly, China-owned enemies in both parties, the elite, and the media, do not mind  making their trigger fingers a bit itchier, take a look at where these traitors are sending you tax money in lieu of helping get the U.S. economy back on course. The Covid Relief Bill should actually be named “The Foreign Aid Bill”, “The American-Citizens-Last Bill”, or “The Play U.S. Taxpayers for Suckers Bill”.

Which foreign countries will be getting an avalanche of U.S. taxpayer money while those taxpayers get a one-time $600 payment — unless Trump prevails — that will do nothing to alter the fact that their lives, jobs, kids’ futures, and savings are withering on the vine? Well, just take a gander at where American tax revenues will be sent by the Congress under the cover of “Covid relief”:

–Vietnam: $169,739,000

–Egypt: $1.3 billion dollars

–Nepal: $130,265,000 for democracy development

–Pakistan: $25 million for democracy and gender programs

–Venezuela: $33,000,000

–Israel: $500,000,000

–Palestinians: $250,000,000

–Nepal: $15,000,000

–Bangladesh: $198,323,000

–Columbia: $461,375,000

–Caribbean Nations: $74,800,000

–Central American Nations: $505,925,000

–Georgia: $132,025,000

–Ukraine: $453,000,000

–Sudan: $700,000,000

–Jordan: $400,000,000 in loan guarantees

–Illegal aliens in the U.S.: $1,800 checks

Peaceful intent, patient debate, and fair elections always are the preferred means of settling disputes and rectifying wrongs in republican forms of government. But by sending this money to non- and, often, anti-Americans  abroad and at home, the Congress threw a spear for the governing elite that is aimed directly at the Americans they most hate; namely, those who know treason is the elite’s trademark; support Trump and the Constitution to the hilt; love liberty and their country; possess arms, ammunition, and rope aplenty; and are willing, as the last-resort option, to use their personal weapons to terminate as many as necessary of the governing elite — stopping them dead, one might say — in order to end the elite’s plan to enslave and eventually kill them.







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