Ms. Ingraham is right, no sane American wants to keep this republic-killing demographic situation

Last week, the Democrats and the media had their pitchforks, torches, and nooses out for FOX’s Laura Ingraham after she told the absolute truth; namely, most Americans dislike the republic-killing demographic changes that have and are being tyrannically forced on them by the bipartisan governing elite.

In other words, America’s Bolsheviks are now after Ms. Ingraham for telling the truth. This is, of course, the modus operandi always seen among the zombies, intellectuals, racists, murderers, and other half-baked people who refuse to think for themselves and have followed Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Hillary Clinton. Then, there also is that peculiar species of moron that follows the utterly nonsensical claim of Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and their ilk of mentally deranged diversity/multiculturalism mongers that “diversity makes us stronger”. Only a fool or a liar could say such a thing with a straight face, and only an idiot could think it true.

The fact is that Ms. Ingraham spoke the unquestionable truth and so it was unrecognizable to the mainstream media, huge numbers of millennials — thanks to their extortionate and useless educations — and, again, to the average Democrat, all of whom are dependably below average but more than adequate parrots.

The irrefutable fact is that the Democrats and most of the Republicans have presided over a hostile foreign invasion of the United States. They facilitated the invasion because it promised the former an endless supply of loyal ignoramuses for voters, and assured the latter an endless source of cheap labor. Both parties, of course, understood but chose to ignore the fact that the Founders had a built a republic that could only be maintained by a largely homogeneous population and one that was religiously inclined toward Protestant Christianity.

The Founders also believed that the foreigner who did not precisely fit the foregoing model could, albeit regrettably, be admitted — there was a lot of land to fill up, after all — but that they must be dispersed among the native population and educated in schools that taught them the country’s history, the English language, and their civil responsibilities. The Founders also warned against allowing immigrants to settle in groups, thereby forming closed communities that would not assimilate and would become hostile toward those that gave them a chance live in America. As always, the Founders were exactly correct. Our major cities now host such angry and armed anti-American enclaves.

How do we begin to end this decades long and entirely politician-created demographic shift toward awarding the United States the always-to-be resisted status as a Third World shithole? Well, here are a couple of sure-fire methods:

–1.) Voters must dismiss, with absolute finality, all politicians with plans to continue undermining the republic by implementing the policies attendant to the anti-American theories of diversity and multiculturalism. Such a rejection would have nothing to do with ethnicity, race, religion, or gender. It would be done because the concepts themselves are unimaginably stupid, elitist, and destructive. They were and are designed by Ivy League professors to help the Democrats destroy the American republic. Nothing, repeat, nothing, can restore our society’s cohesiveness, and begin to strengthen our gradually splintering Union, so long as additional immigrants and illegal aliens are admitted who do not intend to assimilate, and who the Democrats mean to be their party’s slave-voters and whom the Republicans want as cheap-laborers.

–2.) We must establish a requirement for a moderate English-speaking capability for anyone applying for permanent entry into the United States; those with the highest such capability should be placed at the head of the applicant line; and no immigrant should be made a naturalized citizen without passing a test that shows an English-language competence sufficient to use the language in all everyday activities conducted outside the home, especially in the workplace

This action would have the bonus of saving enormous amounts of educational funds by gradually returning  to the commonsense situation in which instruction in all schools is conducted only in English — save for the study of foreign languages — thereby ending the multi-lingual instruction that the Democrats have designed to prevent assimilation, keep everyday dealings between native-born Americans and immigrants difficult at best, and to maintain the party’s new slave plantations of frightened immigrants who are unable to understand and adapt to their new surroundings because they do not speak competent English. The Democrats and Republicans deliberately have made the republic a modern Babel from which they exploit immigrants for votes and labor, as well as make them the enemies of the native born. Mandatory English-for-all would level the economic, academic, political, and social playing fields for all legal Americans, and would return the republic to a rough linguistic homogeneity which is, of course, an important key to its survival and cultural renewal. 

–3.) We must also accept the fact that the U.S. Constitution’s provisions pertain only to U.S. citizens, and is meant solely to protect them, their liberty, and their republic. In other words, the Constitution cannot sanely be construed as applying and giving rights to any foreigner living outside sovereign U.S. territory, or of giving Americans the duty to feed, clothe, protect, fund, nurse-to-health, educate, rescue, or host any foreigners who claim such help as his right. Such actions are rightfully the work of religions, charities, rich Tech Giants (fat chance), but never that of the national government. The Constitution, in other words, belongs solely to Americans, and they and their elected representatives can use it in any manner that suits them and their republic’s needs, when it comes to devising policies dealing with foreigners located in foreign lands. The rest of the world’s views on the matter amount to irrelevant nattering to be listened to politely, and then entirely ignored.

Armed with this fact, U.S. citizens and their elected representatives also should ignore any federal judge who decides issues before him in a manner that is based on a belief that anything in the Constitution covers and protects non-U.S.-citizen foreigners living outside the United States.

If, for example, the citizenry wants to completely ban Muslim immigration for the next decade — after having grown weary of Muslims and their genital mutilation of young women, camps for training young children to shoot-up schools, wife beating, creating of armed enclaves in major cities, honor killings, acid throwing, armed attacks, and penchant for protecting Muslim murderers while they are planning to massacre non-Muslims — there is nothing in the Constitution that prevents such a ban on Muslim immigration. A judge who finds that there is, is an ass who was educated in fake law schools meant to destroy, Justice Ginsberg-like, the U.S. Constitution.

Likewise, there is nothing in the Constitution that can be construed so as to prevent Americans from deciding that would-be immigrants will not be admitted if they are diseased, mentally deranged, or illiterate. Americans also are not compelled by the Constitution to admit people who emanate from societies that work only because of systematic corruption, tribalism, misogyny, socialism, crime, or tyranny.  None of these traits stop at the border, and all would be imported by their carriers into the republic, where they would be injected into and then further corrupt its politics.

The Constitution authorizes only Americans to decide who is or is not welcome in their country. Such a decision belongs to a sovereign people and that, by definition, means that what U.S. actions the dung hill-dwelling leaders of the UN, the EU, and the Third World, as well as that damned Marxist Pope and the media, demand regarding the republic’s immigration policies do matter not a whit to the citizenry. In a short tweet, they all should be told to go pound sand.

Finally, while the greedy Republicans are complicit in this immigration disaster, the responsibility for prolonging, broadening, and sharpening its negative and destabilizing impact lies solely with the Democrats. In August, 1894, Theodore Roosevelt wrote that,

“No government that cannot command the respectful support of the best thinkers is in an entirely sound condition; but it is well to keep in mind the remark of Frederick the Great, that if he wished to punish a province, he would allow it to be governed by the philosophers. It is a great misfortune for the country when the practical politician and the doctrinaire have no point in common, but the misfortune is, if anything, greatest for the doctrinaire.” (1)

If here today, President Roosevelt would denounce the fact that his fellow citizens had permitted themselves to be governed by the Democrats’ crackpot philosophers since  Lyndon Johnson began his party’s war to destroy the middle class — black and white — and to build slave plantations of black voters bound to the party by the funds that the national government stole from black and white middle-class taxpayers and gave to those it trained to be dole-addicted. All of this was conducted under the leadership of Ivy League professors and the Democrats they educated, and they, too, have been at the helm of the diversity and multicultural doctrines that have made America the demographic nightmare it is today.

I have long held — and argued in this space — that the Democrats must be recognized as the party of the four S’s; that is, as the champions of slavery, secession, segregation, and socialism. Now they have won their fifth “S” by becoming the champions of making America a shit-hole via immigration.

So, today, the Democrats and their pet philosophers are slavers, secessionists, segregationists, socialists, and, shit-hole builders. If Roosevelt was correct, and in politics he usually was, they — those he called “doctrinaire” — will soon find a richly merited and, pray God, indictment-fueled misfortune catching up with them. Though rotting in prison until they die seems too good an end for them, I suppose you never get everything you want. 

And Roosevelt, by the way, surely would ask why his fellow citizens have tolerated the Democrats’ tyranny for so long without an appropriate and punishing response. “There must be sincere purpose to push forward and remedy wrong,” he wrote in June, 1918, “but there must be firm refusal to submit to the leadership of the criminal fringe or the lunatic fringe.” (2)  That refusal, Roosevelt could be reassured, will definitely be felt by the Democratic criminals and lunatics if their indictments do not soon flow forth.



–2.) Quoted in Daniel Ruddy. Theodore the Great. Conservative Crusader. Washington, DC: Regenery History, 2016, p. xiv


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