What are the Democrats, Media, Hollywood, and their acolytes hiding?

This piece is a rumination on hatred and its sources. Hatred, of course, is just one of a long list of human emotions, feelings, or thought processes that are hard-wired in all people and so are unable to be eradicated. The only credible control on what are commonly accepted as negative ideas and emotions, lies in proper parental upbringing, civics education from kindergarten through, at least, high school, and the influence of the Bible and ministers, priests, preachers and rabbis. But hatred always will be with us, as will love, jealousy, courage, greed, generosity, cowardice, calmness, and fanaticism. Human nature is always steady, always unchanging, and always unchangeable. It can only be controlled by those who become adults, which leaves out several recent generations.

But the depth of the Democratic-and-media engendered and led hatred toward President Trump, his lieutenants, and those who elected them is, I think, unprecedented in America and beyond the comprehension of loyal Americans. It also is a metal derangement so severe that, after three-plus years, it prevents almost any good-will effort to treat it with an open mind and find a common position.

It has long since stopped being possible to promote a gradual reconciliation between today’s Democratic haters and those they hate. Is it not inexplicable that Americans – northern and southern – could begin to reconcile in the days and months after Appomattox, and this in the context of four years of war and more than 600,000 dead? To be sure, the process was slow; it took most of a century to approximate completion. Two decades ago we approached being healed from that war and its hatreds, but today’s haters of Trump and those who elected them have, really since the younger Bush’s elections, assiduously worked to rip off the now thick and tough scar formed since 1865 and return America to civil-war-welcoming attitudes of many citizens on both sides in 1860-61.

Why would anyone want to open that scar anew? Answers anyone? The fanatic motivation that produces hatred for Trump and his supporters from the Democrats and all who follow their lead – including tens of millions of children who are taught to hate by their Democrat teachers – is not possible to understand in terms of lost elections, animosity toward particular persons, or even a perpetually adolescent temper tantrum.

The only answer seems to be that the Democrats and their allies in the media, the academy, the federal and state civil services and judiciaries, the Protestant and Catholic churches, parts of the U.S. military, and some among the Republicans are hiding something. The next question, naturally, is what could it be? It does not take a lot of smarts to know what is being hidden. A few of the wide variety of items that the Democrats’, et al. are hiding — on fear of prison or execution — can be accounted for in the following categories.

–A.) Killing the republic, its economy, and its national security

–The decades that Democrats have spent getting kickbacks from the foreign leaders who returned part of U.S. aid to Democratic Party coffers. We will learn much about how this process has worked and who has benefited as Biden’s activities in the Ukraine and China are uncovered.

–Eight years of Obama suppressing economic growth, while trying to choke of all growth by creating thousands of business-killing regulations, signing the baseless, wealth-sucking, and job-killing Paris Climate Accord, and deliberately ruining the U.S. healthcare system

–The Democrats’ decades of flooding the nation with foreign peasants (AKA: slaves-to-be) from Latin America, people who live easily with governmental corruption and socialism, know how to practice corruption on a day-to-day basis simply to procure life’s necessities, and have been conditioned to do what they are told by politicians. The flood also included the diseased, the criminal, and the narcotics- and human-traffickers

–The Democrats consistent support, in cooperation with the UN and its affiliates, for letting scientists use rigged and always-wrong models to create (a) a false need for more U.S. taxes to be paid to globalist organizations; (b) fear among Americans; and (c) and terror among their children. The thirty-years of wildly inaccurate modelling on the issue of Climate Change/Global Warming is the best example of this, but we should not forget that the preceding 20 years of their modeling predicted a new global ice age that never occurred. Currently, we are watching the disastrous medical modeling – featuring inflated projected death totals, now being further padded — that was knowingly wrong and deliberately terrifying from the start. This has made the Chinese Virus far more disastrous than necessary in human and economic terms.

–B.) Treasonous and murderous activities that include:

–Decades of all-out Democratic support for George Soros, a man who says the best experience of his life was helping the Nazis round-up Jews and seize their property. This support includes funneling U.S. taxpayer dollars to his NGOS, whose aim is to destroy the American republic. The Democrats give the same adoring support to the manically grinning, freakish, and ruthless Bill Gates, who revels in eugenics, the formulation of questionable vaccines (there has been a worldwide explosion of polio said to be caused by one of his vaccines), the tracking of the world’s population, and any possible measure that will significantly reduce world population. (NB: Read RFK Jr’s just-published report on Gates’s deadly vaccines here: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2020/04/09/robert-f-kennedy-jr-responds-to-bill-gates-statements-on-a-mandatory-coronavirus-vaccine/, and watch and closely listen to Amazing Polly’s superb and complementary video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR8gw6GLwug)

–The Clinton Foundation’s reported economic and human rape of post-hurricane Haiti, which featured donations never expended to aid Haitians, and may have been accompanied by child/sex-trafficking out of Haiti by the Foundation’s affiliates or friends.

–The Democrats lead the adoration that has long been displayed by the bipartisan governing elite, Hollywood, the media, and business and banking heavyweights for Jeffrey Epstein, Little St. James Island, and all the activities they are reported to have been joyfully conducted there, including torturing, killing, skin-stripping, and consuming children.

–Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s facilitation of the sale to Russia of 20-percent of U.S.  uranium reserves to Russia in return for payments to the Clinton Foundation, as well as her use of an unsecured e-mail server to supply classified U.S, intelligence to multiple foreign nations, including China.

–The multiple dozens of deaths among people who have dared to oppose the Clinton political machine since the 1980s, perhaps even a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

–The Democrats relentless support for abortion and Planned Parenthood (PP) which has yielded 61 million dead American infants, the dismemberment and sale of infant-body parts, and PP’s reported recycling of part of its government funding to the Democratic Party via “campaign contributions”.

–C. Killing the Union and the Constitution

–The Democrats have staged three wholly unconstitutional removal attempts against President Trump, one during the campaign and then the Russia and Ukraine tries. They are now preparing a fourth based on their claims that Trump mishandled the Chinese Virus, an illness that they helped the Chinese insert and spread in the United States, and which the Democrats’, the Clinton Foundation’s, and Bill Gates’ shills in the U.S. medical community and their we’ll-prove-whatever-you-want modelers of medical events are trying to extend for as long possible, to kill as many Americans as possible (and corruptly pad the lists thereof), and wipe out as much of the U.S. economy as possible.

–The Democrats have initiated, championed, and protected sanctuary cities, counties, and states to concentrate their illegally imported slave-voters and hit men, thereby denying republican government to the U.S. citizens of those entities and richly earning the use of force by the national government to destroy their pockets of secession and restore republican government therein.

–The Democrats, their media acolytes, and their big-tech buddies are actively engaged in destroying the 1st Amendment’s guarantees of free speech, the right of assembly, the right of religious liberty, and the right of press freedom by censoring citizen reporters on various internet sites. They try to defend this censorship with a silly, mishmash of a legal argument that claims their sites afford opportunities for people to have their say, but that they themselves are not publishers, and so censoring is their right. The FCC can and should forbid their hobbling of the voices of loyal Americans who disagree with the Democrat-led, criminal-political-media-entertainment-business elite. (NB: Clearly the Chinese Virus is a deadly attack by Beijing in the United States, but it also has given the Democrats and their allies – foreign and domestic – a chance to practice the nearly complete termination of the citizenry’s above-noted rights, as well as to practice how to install a tyrannical government. Trump and his lieutenants have so far kept these traitors at bay, but without the opening of the economy, a return to work by loyal working- and middle-class Americans, and steady economic growth the practice noted could well become a genuine and lasting tyranny.)

I was going to write another bullet point on the most important amendment in the Bill of Rights, the 2nd, which is the most basic means of preserving all of the Bill of Rights for all loyal Americans. As I was proofing this piece, however, I was listening to an interview given by the journalist John Solomon. In that interview (See, https://www.bitchute.com/video/0fmaD1w8HPKX/; this is a splendid Australian channel and worth watching daily), Solomon claimed that a Durham-convened grand jury in the District of Columbia has issued subpoenas for witnesses on FISA corruption. Solomon’s bottom line at the end of the interview was that there would be “a limited number of indictments” that will send a “big message”.

Now, I do not know Mr. Solomon, but I do follow his work and it has long been peculiarly accurate, perhaps suggesting access to sources close to the president. The reality, though, is that “a limited number of indictments” that will send a “big message” will not suffice. Solomon said that such a method of procedure will use “shame” as a tool to prevent a future repetition of the murderous attacks on Americans, their republic and institutions, and their personal liberties and prosperity.

With respect to Mr. Solomon, his contention is a nonsense. The historically powerful influence of shame on maintaining proper personal behavior and obedience to the law by Americans is largely dead. It now operates primarily among the base of Trump’s support and among what General Flynn calls “digital soldiers”. Among most of the governing, business, banking, media, and military elites, shame is a factor that was long ago murdered and entombed by the Clintons and their political machine, the pool of piss known as Hollywood, and the Godless, milquetoast clerics that now appear to dominate most of republic’s traditional Protestant and Catholic pulpits. In this context, Mr. Solomon’s “limited number of indictments” will indeed send a message to elite miscreants, and that message will be “You got away with it!”

Mr. Solomon and many other conservative pundits – especially on social media outlets – have claimed ad nauseam that everyday Americans would not understand a large, much less a monumental number of indictments and arrests, and would react thereto by starting a civil war. This analysis is precisely ass-backwards and would let the crime-committing Democratic swine and their foreign paymasters off the hook and leave them free to try again at their leisure. Loyal Americans, however, will know that corrective power of “shame” is effective only in their lives, and those that are seeking the republic’s demise are utterly and proudly shameless. (See, Bill Clinton’s 26 visits of Epstein’s pedophile island.) If Mr. Solomon and other pundits fear a civil war if the Trump administration actually cleans house, root-and-branch, and down to the last scoundrel, they are pretty far out of touch with reality in America.

Should the Trump administration try to pawn-off loyal Americans with “a limited number of indictments”, there will indeed be a civil war. Which brings us back to the 2nd Amendment and the fact that it is now and always has been the only genuine protection available for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. A slap on the hand and a stern warning to a few of those who have tried to kill the republic and enslave Americans would amount to Jefferson Davis firing on Fort Sumter in April, 1861. In doing so, Davis brought on the civil war.

A decision to let the Democrats and their cohorts go free after the political, economic, human, military, and constitutional atrocities they have so publicly and proudly committed will be a Davis-like artillery barrage that starts a civil war, one in which the shameless guilty will wish they had died long ago.

For the moment, stay alert, keep your bullshit detector switched on, and buy guns, buy guns, and buy more guns.

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