Racism, hate, power-lust, and greed are part of human nature; they can be restrained, not ended; trying to do so means war

On the question of secession … I am ultra – I believe in coercion and cannot comprehend how any Government can exist unless it defends its integrity. Mode and Manner may be regulated by Policy and reason, but that any part of a people may carry off a part of the Common Territory without consent, or purchase, I cannot understand. William T. Sherman, 4 April 1861 (1)

The deliberately ill-educated are on the loose and violent across America, and, if the republic survives, control of education in America must be returned to local governments and the parents who elect that body. The absurd, violent, cruel, and hapless people who support, join, or donate to Black Lives Matter (BLM) are really the victims, not of racism, but of the lust for power and riches of (a) the Democratic Party, (b) the Department of Education, (c) the teachers’ unions, (d) the professoriate, (e) the mainstream media, (f) the Tech Titans, (g) Hollywood, and (h) so very much of the Christian clergy.

Quite obviously, that combination of entities has not produced well-rounded adults and responsible citizens. They have produced the pathetic jackasses who join groups like BLM. These groups consist of people whose word – even if intelligible — would be respected or valued only by those who are similarly mediocre and pathetic, or by madmen and those — like the Democrats — who need cannon fodder. Poor pathetic things, thugs, and slugs, they were never taught that the only thing in life and history that never, ever changes is human nature.

We all are born with same human nature. It cannot not be forced to change; at best, each person has a chance to control his worst characteristics and to work to enhance the better. Fools, like those in the entities named above, and especially in the little Reich they have together set up in Seattle, successfully hone the worst of human nature to a razor’s edge. Most Americans, on the other hand, strive for self-control, and bits of improvement in the worst characteristics of their own human natures.

Now, it is worthwhile thinking about the kind of people in history who have created the herds, arguments, and movements — like those created by the entities named above, and their subsidiary allies – and what these leaders, their activities, and their doctrines of forcing massive changes in human nature have wrought. The 20th century was sprinkled with mediocrities who were intent on perfecting men by indoctrination, torture, and lethal force. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, the tribes of Rwanda, and, most recently, the idiotic and murderous black political leaders of South Africa quickly come to mind. This last group of scum is not the most lethal, but is the most stupid. It already has ruined the South African economy – once that continent’s wealth-making jewel – and now are gradually murdering the remaining white South African farmers and their families. The result of this white genocide will eventually leave South Africa and the surrounding countries unable to feed themselves. Well done, Mandela.

Similar monsters have stalked the United States. Margaret Sanger, for example, championed abortion in part because she believed it would, over time, eliminate America’s black population. She was triumphant in every sense, as abortion is now the main legal instrument with which to murder blacks in America. A few bad-apple cops will never take that trophy away from Ms. Sanger, at least as long as her fellow monsters Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Ralph, Northam, and their corpse-loving crowd are around, and they and their allies can raise campaign funds by selling the body parts of murdered infants.

Indeed, the only real threat to Sanger – who has 61-plus million scalps on her belt so far – lies in that mad-hatter of a eugenicist known as Bill Gates. Allied with the anti-humans who rule the UN, the Democratic Party, the media, the West’s medical/scientific establishment, and other necromaniacs and pedophiles, Gates keeps his reportedly murderous vaccines well-hidden in far off India and Africa, where they are steadily harvesting great crops of dead people who believed Gates intended to help them. And what does Gates think about his fellow Americans? Well, he is almost rabid in his desire to create and own the first vaccine for the Chinese Virus, so that he can “help” people in The United States just as his other vaccines have helped people overseas.

These days, except for American abortionists-cum-black-eliminators, the murderous billionaire vaccine merchants, the Chinese communists, and the racist black South African political leaders, extermination campaigns appear less frequently in world. But as fate would have it, the Democrats and the UN have allied themselves with those that remain, with the Democrats taking the lead in organizing and funding their very own brain-dead rioters and looters, as well as Nazi-like terrorist groups, such as ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter (BLM), By Any Means Necessary (BAM), etc. The people who are eager to fill the ranks of these groups make Hitler’s brown-shirts look like intellectual giants. And, like the brown-shirts, they are utterly expendable.

The bright side of the last month’s rioting, looting, vicious rhetoric, arson, killings, theft, and criminality – and perhaps Trump not moving against all of it too soon – is that loyal Americans of all races have been quietly watching the cost of placating the scoundrels who are doing the damage, and so are coming to realize that these two-bit, street-criminals can never be satisfied, and so must be made to surrender unconditionally or face the wrath of loyal Americans – northern and southern. These loyal Americans, though not often vociferous, are not the pandering, kneeling, whining, weeping, white-hating, and money-grubbing folk who run major U.S. businesses and banks, much of Wall Street, the academy, the media, the social media, Hollywood, and the Democratic Party. You know, these are the folks and entities that have indoctrinated and organized the ill-educated people who currently are playing the role of violent slaves/insurrectionists and mindless sheep, and are now destroying major U.S. cities.

The last time America faced civil war, William T. Sherman, a good friend of the South, but on the verge of rejoining the U.S. Army, warned his southern friends that they were underestimating the resolve of northern Americans to preserve the Union that was founded in 1787. “You are rushing into war,” Sherman said on 24 December 1860, “with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth – right at your doors.” (2)

Sherman could easily have been warning the clowns and sheep/slaves running the new Reich colony in Seattle and the rest of their associates across the republic, all of whom are being prepared for the slaughter that is the inevitable if the Democrats’ effort to break the Union continues. But this war will not end as did the war of 1861-1865. There will be no respect for the insurrectionists in the street, for their political and financial backers, or for their ideas and demands. There will be none of the mercy and thirst for reconciliation that was manifested and worked for by Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Robert E. Lee, and much of the population, north and south, after Appomattox.

This is the Democrat slave-drivers’ second attempt to break the Union and enslave its people. It will be their last.



–1.) See, Brooks Simpson and Jean V. Berlin (Eds.). Sherman’s Civil War. Selected Correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860-1865. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1999, p. 66

–2.) John D. Wright, (Ed.). The Oxford Dictionary of Civil War Quotations. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006, p. 361

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