If there needs to be fight over race, so be it

There are increasing numbers of Democrats, along with their allies in the U.S. Government, academia, the law, the media, and, by self-implication, the leaders of business, banking, investment companies, and such rabid-dog Jewish-American organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, who are championing the elimination of white people in the United States. This is a piece of racist extremism, as well as one of just plain hate and envy. In Bidenesque terms, these incipient murderers are supremacists of color, apparently bent on becoming the world’s first master race that lives on the dole. It seems this brand of racism is close to that used by the National Socialist Party’s Third Reich to conduct – in contemporary terms – a fairly moderate genocide.

Now, the character flaw of racism is common and completely applicable to every American of every race at all levels of society and public life. Indeed, it is applicable to every human being on earth, as we are all God’s fallen creatures. Competent and stable adults of all races throughout the world, however, recognize that racism is wrong, and, if you will, a sin. They work to suppress thinking, speaking, and acting on the basis of that flaw and many others. But, obviously, not all the world’s people grow up to be responsible adults; many start out as dolts and grow into grifters, haters, and murderers, like most of the Democratic party, its supporters, and those who advocate America’s interventionist and war-causing foreign policy.

Whites are now called vicious exploiters of the so-called “people of color”. They are said to be, as white supremacists and white nationalists, unanimously eager to cause the subordination of all non-whites to their oppressive whims. This is a poisonous lie, but also a hilarious joke. I am now 70 years old and it is clear that since the mid-1960s all of America’s blue collar-and-middle classes have had their taxes extorted and wasted by both parties championing policies that began with LBJ’s Great Society, which was and is an ill-disguised attempt to make Black-Americans our society’s most privileged race. The Great Society was billed as an effort to ensure Blacks were treated economically, political, and education-wise as “equals” by the rest of the citizenry, most especially via the taxes the latter pays to the national government. In essence, LBJ and his party used, and are continuing to use, Great Society-style programs as a clear reparations program that has destroyed the Black family and – as LBJ intended – re-enslaved Blacks to the same party that owned them before 1865.

The Great Society’s policies and their successors can be said to most closely resemble slave auctions with a twist. In this iteration of these auctions, Blacks eagerly accept being paid with tax money to re-up with the Democratic Party’s slave drivers. As LBJ said at the time, the Great Society program “will keep the Niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years,” (1) a saying Biden freshened-up into “If you vote for Trump, you ain’t black”, a sharp threat to Blacks that a lifetime on the dole requires slavish loyalty even if it is self-destructive. And it very much seems to be working. The Democrats have used the policies and laws that are part of and successors to the original Great Society program to reclaim and boast about their return as slave drivers, a status they proudly held until the end of the War for Southern Independence. Of course, that war was in no way fought by the North to free the slaves. Emancipation surely was a by-product of that war and Lincoln’s political legerdemain, but to have fought the war in the name of freeing slaves – rather than maintaining the union – would have pushed the border states into the Confederacy, left Lincoln’s government without a viable fighting force, and probably started civil strife across much of the north.

Instead of accepting freedom, equality, and, as important, its attendant personal responsibilities and building from there, American Blacks, since LBJ, have learned to endlessly take from a trough holding virtually every imaginable inducement to become good, lawful, responsible, productive, and prosperous citizens. At least that’s what the everyday American thought, but the Democrats intended it to be a re-enslavement fund. Trillions of dollars have been directed into the pockets of Black Americans, and they have been given privileged access to schools, jobs, and now to rank in military in a manner that is blind to merit, but eagled-eye for the right color to be given preference. And yet what have Blacks experienced from the actions/policies of the Democratic Party? The Black family has been destroyed; Democrat cities are governed by Black majors, usually bent on the same economic and social ruination that the terrorist Mandela and his successors inflicted on South Africa; those cities are jungles of criminality; fatherless Black families are a disastrous and preeminent fact; Black-on-Black crime is soaring, as is Black-on-White crime; genocide-intended abortion is championed by many Black leaders and has cost many millions of Black lives; and the wastage of enormous amounts of tax money have been used to offer Blacks unique and surely unconstitutional monetary benefits and institutional-privileges. (Though a part of this reality seems to be at an end, praise God, given the Supreme Court’s termination of affirmative action and – hopefully — the anger, alienation, and hatred it was deliberately meant to promote in the non-Black population.)

More recently, the Democrat slave-drivers ordered their Black plantation dwellers to demean themselves even more, and they have obeyed smartly and lawlessly. As a result, Americans have been treated to sight of Blacks burning American cities; killing fellow citizens of all colors, but especially whites; deranged Black teenagers indiscriminately killing or crippling old white people, even those in wheel-chairs; and the creation of Black-based terrorist organizations that regularly engage in violence and arson fueled by funds from leading U.S. corporations and America’s corps of addled billionaires.

The Democrats also have forced their Black slaves to grossly degrade themselves as human beings by allying them with every enemy of the American republic, equality, liberty, Christianity, and all non-Black Americans and their children, by making common cause with drug runners, illegal aliens, individuals and groups representing every kind of sexual depravity, human traffickers, mad feminists, and pedophile child-killers, the latter to take the place of the abortionists. All of this is madness.

The Palestinians have been said to be a people “who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” For inexplicable reasons, American Blacks seem to follow the same pattern even more faithfully than Palestinians. Most Blacks seem never to have recognized the extraordinary array of advantages that have been on offer to them — thanks to the taxes paid and patience exhibited by the White working-and-middle classes – for nearly seventy years. Today, Blacks make it appear that they are – this time voluntarily – as fully in the thrall of the Democratic slave drivers as they were in 1861. The Democrats do not need whips any longer, just gobs of White peoples’ tax money to waste on opportunities ignored, refuse, or botched by Blacks.

There is no denying that Blacks have had a long, hard trail to travel to equality, but so did white indentured servants, the Irish, a host of Eastern Europeans of all religions, Hispanics, Italians, Asians, Catholics of all nationalities, etc. For all of these groups and more, the road towards full equality, voting rights, employment, education, and, frankly, fitting into a long-established society long, arduous, and at time violent. In my experience, White people have bent over backward to be fair-minded toward Black – note Whites’ have yet to respond in kind to Black calls for their elimination. In addition, Whites have been forcibly indoctrinated by their federal and state governments and their thug bureaucracies to give the benefit of the doubt to their Black fellow citizens, who too often seem to prefer to be on the dole and under the leadership Democratic slave drivers over participating in the development republican liberty for all. Remember, Democratic leaders think Blacks are stupid, smugly saying they are not smart enough to acquire an identification document and bring it to a polling station.

To understand the extraordinary change wrought since the 1850s in American society on the race issue, one can probably not do better than to read the words Abraham Lincoln spoke when he was trying to win an Illinois senate seat in 1858. Lincoln is irrefutably known to have consistently opposed slavery, but, as important, he also knew his countrymen and their attitudes. During the seven senatorial debates with Stephen Douglas – which attracted enormous crowds – Douglas and his aides spread rumors that Lincoln intended to create full equality between Blacks and Whites, an allegation whose widespread belief would have sunk Lincoln’s senate campaign and short-circuited his then-growing national stature. Faced with this certainty, Lincoln did what he did best. As part of his opening statement in his 4th debate with Douglas, on 15 September 1858, Lincoln faced reality, applied commonsense, and lived to fight another day. In his disarmingly folksy way, Lincoln said that

While I was at the hotel today, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. [Great Laughter.] While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. (2)

Lincoln’s statement nailed the state of White America’s mind in 1858. He knew that, in 1858, there was almost no support for complete White-Black equality anywhere in the United States, save from the war-mongering mad men and women who were part of the extremist groups called abolitionists in New England and elsewhere in the Northeast. These extremists were – and intended to be – promoters of civil war. As noted above, Lincoln faced the same hard reality after the success of the completely constitutional secession movement. He knew that a war whose declared purpose was to end slavery would attract few northern volunteers for U.S. military. He also knew that a war for protecting the union would produce untold numbers of volunteers. Even on this score, Lincoln needed help, and got it from Jefferson Davis, who defied the clear warnings of his senior advisers and ordered the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Lincoln needed Davis to shoot first, and the Mississippian obliged.

At war’s end in 1865, Lincoln’s was dead and most of the Confederate states were in economic distress or economic ruin. Under the new president, Andrew Johnson, the Congress began a program called reconstruction which was understood to be a means of aiding the south economically and easing their way back into the Union. This, of course, turned out to be a cover for coercing the south and its people to behave like good little northerners and do the national government’s bidding. First, the U.S. army was sent to occupy the region and enforce Washington’s will. Next, as in the case of the actions of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton against the imploded Soviet Union, the north’s economic-sharks were unleased to pick clean the bones of the South’s devastated economy. Most important, never-say-die Democratic politicians – many of whom had been slavers– were gifted by Washington with a fine opportunity to extra-legally return Blacks to bondage. The Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan as their private Anti-Black army for coercing the new American citizens. The Democrats ignored the law and the Civil War amendments to the Constitution and made Blacks little more than slaves in terms of living conditions, employment opportunities, education, poll taxes, wages, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, and lynching. In this vein, they also had the support of substantial northern indifference, as well as of the mostly Anti-Black southern media. Reconstruction and the Democrat’s racist savagery made the postwar period into a new hell for the former slaves and destitute southern Whites. One that did not begin ebbing until Black participation in both World Wars, and the new opportunities that flowed from the New Deal. Those opportunities also were buttressed by the dazzling display of Black talent, seen and admired by nearly all Americans, in the areas literature, singing, musicianship, sports, Church-going, and neighborhood building. No quick fixes were at hand, but a start was made in the interwar years and continued to slowly but tangibly grow until the middle-1960s.

But since the start of LBJ’s re-enslavement program, Black Americans seem to have decided to stick with the heirs of Democratic slavers in return for life on the dole; their support for Democratic politicians who are termed Black leaders – think here of rank and grifting racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton; token jobs in federal, state, and local governments; unconstitutional minority privileges in hiring and education; and the freedom to commit and escape punishment for premeditated arson and murder. For these rewards, many Blacks commit their kids to educational mediocrity because the Democrats block school-choice legislation and oppose home schooling. They also have flocked to have abortions so that the dreams of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and most of the Democratic Party to eradicate the country’s Black population can be achieved. The money and sweet talk that shapes Black behavior to conform to the Democratic Party’s anti-American, anti-Christian, and Anti-White goals are the core goal of the Great Society which has played out precisely as LBJ planned.

Now we are seeing the same brand of coercive tactics being used by the Biden administration to reduce White influence by murder, incarceration, or relegation to peasantry. Allied with that corrupt and debauched administration, the Democratic Party, the banks, the national government’s socialist bureaucracy, the sexually depraved, and large corporations are all seeking to reduce Whites to the status of slaves. Realistically, there is not a chance in hell that these entities will succeed in getting Whites to exchange liberty, family religion, country, and God-given rights for the same sort of tripe has apparently fully satisfied Blacks. It is much more likely that the Democrats and their gang of corrupt elitists – almost all demented white elitists, few of who have worked a day in their lives – are going to meet with a traditional brand of resistance that will, shall we say, change their lives forever.

White people, I believe, would be delighted to be to work with Blacks and all other races to cleanse the republic of those intent on authoritarian rule, replacement migration, mass murder by vaccine and abortion, pedophilia, fluid genders, sexual depravity in all its forms, the use of equity to reward those without merit, impoverishing climate fraud, the willy-nilly surgical removal of breasts and genitals from grammar school kids that the Democrats want groomed to be sex-and-torture toys, and a dozen other endeavors meant to kill republicanism, constitutionalism, fair elections, Christianity, unbiased law-enforcement and justice, open-minded judges, etc.

To close, think for a moment about what Mr. Lincoln correctly assessed to be the near universal opposition of White Americans – north and south – to complete equality between Whites and Blacks. Then think about how far the White American attitudes toward Blacks have changed since 1858. The difference between then and today is enormous and theoretically provides more than ample room for inter-racial cooperation and the defense of republicanism, liberty, and Christianity. And yet, so many Black people either are or have been portrayed by the media – especially by television and Hollywood’s movies – as believing nothing has changed for the better and/or as believing the only path forward for Blacks and their freakish and sexually depraved Democrat masters is violence against whites and the creation fascist, Anti-White national government. So much for the work of Dr. King and the meaning of his legacy. It has been deliberately trashed by the Democrats, just as they have inculcated in the same people their own fierce hatred for America’s Founders, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Christianity, the American south, and commonsense.

As for Whites – north and south – it only makes sense they seek to recover some of the reality identified by Mr. Lincoln in 1858. As long as Blacks and their mad-and-putrid owners want to entrench and then use a racial-pecking order that puts whites on the bottom and makes them and their children targets for random physical violence, Whites will stand with Mr. Lincoln and ensure, in one way or another, that while such a pecking order is being created, they are intellectually and morally prepared, well-armed, and ready fight our way back to the top and remain there. If Whites fail to prevail in such a contest they will lose all they have and all they built on this continent since the 17th century, leaving it to the people of all races who wish to be recognized as the scum of the earth,

Finally, one can only imagine that LBJ must be looking up from his home in hell and smiling, perhaps saying “Damn, those Niggers really are going to vote for us for 200 years!” The most tragic part of all of this is that nearly the only Whites who mean to harm Blacks are those in the highest echelons of the republic’s current political, governing, medical, business, bureaucratic, and academic elites, and they are succeeding in inflicting a harm meant to yield the eradication of Blacks. In the song called “Jokerman” (3), which Bob Dylan wrote in 1983, the following lyrics can be found, Freedom just around the corner for you, but with the truth so far off, what good will it do?”(4)  For myself, I think it is plausible to say that the freedom Blacks claim to desire is indeed “just around the corner” and has been the case for much of the past 150 years, but unless they recognize the truth and costs of their voluntary re-enslavement to their Democrat masters, and then throw of the chains of their current exploitation by all of the above-named elite entities, they will remain forever ignorant of their position, which is just around the corner from freedom.


–1.)  This quotation from Johnson can be found on the internet in several places, mostly on leftist sites that offer such flimsy arguments as” it has not been proven that LBJ ever spoke the words”. (See, for example, https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lbj-voting-democratic/). Oddly though, when Twitter was still owned in 2020 by leftist authoritarians, Anti-White racists, the FBI, the State Department, and the CIA a tweet was published on this issue and was not removed. It remains there now. It includes Johnson’s words and a lengthy, accurate, and persuasive description of how Democrats have deliberately and often violently re-enslaved Blacks. (See, https://twitter.com/segalink/status/1301150896563290112?lang=en, (September 2020). See also, https://intellectualtakeout.org/2016/10/did-lbj-say-ill-have-those-nggers-voting-democratic-for-200-years/?print=print for fact-based examination of the issue that concludes that the above-noted article from Snopes in wrong.

–2.) https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/historyculture/debate4.htm

–3.) Bob Dylan, “Jokerman”, 1983, see https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/jokerman/

–4.) Ibid.

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