Of Venezuela, Andrew McCabe, and the coming reckoning

There are so many significant events occurring that it is hard to determine which are the most important. Therefore, the following comments treat just three of the issues.

–Venezuela: The ongoing U.S. intervention in Colombia is as pure a Neoconservative operation as it is possible to imagine. The Neocons want to kick out one socialist president and install another socialist president, a process they describe as an effort to reestablish a Venezuelan democracy.

Now, why would any American believe this? We have seen the Neocons do the same thing in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. and none of those mad crusades yielded anything approximating a democratic or republican system of government. What they yielded were dead and maimed Americans and a bankrupt U.S. Treasury. Indeed, while the Neocons insist that they are spreading democracy in Venezuela, they are resolutely backing their colleagues in the NATO governments, even as most of those regimes are actively adopting laws suppressing free speech; ignoring majority votes of the electorate; arresting and jailing citizens for opposing government policy, especially on immigration; limiting the right of assembly; and, naturally, increasing efforts to stop any flow of weapons to their long-disarmed and now migrant-and regime-besieged citizenry, knowing that civil wars are coming in several NATO countries.

In Venezuela, the Neocons will eventually arrange a well-choreographed, violent event – just as their direct ancestors the Nazis did by staging “Polish attacks” on German border posts on the morning of 3 September 1939 – that will be used to further propagandize Americans to support the addition of the U.S. military to the Neocons’ growing intervention in Venezuela, an operation that is meant to do only one thing; namely, enable U.S. oil companies to acquire control and then exploit Venezuela’s massive oil reserves.

Why Trump and Senator Paul are on the side of this Neocon intervention is beyond understanding because what has happened in Venezuela under Chavez and Maduro has not cost a single American life or limb, which, of course, is exactly the case that existed during most of the war in Syria – until the U.S. military intervened. They also must know – and are ignoring — an irrefutable fact that was written most succinctly by George Kennan in 1996. “Nothing in the vast historical record,” Kennan wrote in response to the idea that U.S. military intervention can remove non-democratic regimes and ensure democracies take root, “justifies the common American assumption that anyone who opposes oppression would, if he were to succeed in overthrowing it, inevitably govern more humanely himself.” (1) Quite simply, what Trump’s Neocons are doing in Venezuela has zero to do with democracy or humanitarian relief, it has only to do with oil and their own lust for unending war.

–Andrew McCabe: MaCabe is an odd duck, although he and Mrs. McCabe probably are living a temporary, upper-class high life, before justice of one sort another hits them for the $700,000 in help-Hillary-money given the latter by Terry Mcauliffe. McCabe is wandering around the country hawking a book in which he acknowledges that he and many other senior DOJ and FBI officials plotted to remove a legitimately elected president. He seems proud of the unconstitutional effort he began, and seems to deem himself immune from legal retribution for his seditious or treasonous activities.

Well, maybe he is. Both Clintons, both Podestas, Loretta Lynch, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, Eric Holder, and Adam Shiff, are all walking the streets with smug, McCabe-like attitudes. Some of them – with President Obama, John Kerry, and Senator Finestein – also appear to be involved in deliberately passing highly classified intelligence to China, either automatically via Mrs. Clinton’s unsecured basement server or simply by traveling to China to hand over the classified data to their paymasters in Beijing.

Never, I would estimate, has the American citizenry been treated to such a clear example of the two-tiered U.S. legal system, where the rich and influential break the law at will and publicly without penalty, while other Americans are jailed for bouncing a $100 check, buying marijuana, shoplifting, or driving under the influence. This reality must be very publicly destroyed by constitutional means – which must include public executions for the guilty – or it will be destroyed, probably with much less precision, by a well-armed and, in many cases, combat-experienced America-First citizenry supplied with an endless supply of sturdy, made-in-America rope. Much of the citizenry, I sense, has had enough and wants no more debate on how to fix all that is broken or ignored in the republic’s legal system. It seems a time for action, not more feckless “national conversations”.

–The 2020 Presidential Election and after: This is a rather natural follow-on to the above piece on McCabe. Although Steve Bannon said last weekend that 2019 will see the most important, if scabrous political debate since the last few antebellum years, but I doubt it. Who will listen? Americans who voted for Trump and those who have converted to his side since the 2016 election have heard all the need to know about what the Democrats intend to do to them, their families, and their republic. The also have seen that intention acted out dozens of times in the videos of police across the country standing back and letting the Antifa militia destroy property, burn cars, and attack citizens for their political, social, and religious beliefs. Yesterday, they also saw a target list of 43 Democratic senators support the murdering of new-borns because they were lucky enough to evade the blade of a smiling AMA butcher seeking kill them in the womb.

These Americans know in their gut that America simply cannot survive the continuation in office of the kind of lethal human scum that is found in the likes of McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strozh, Obama, Powers, the Clintons, Rice, Kerry, Admiral McRaven, and so many others who have served in or for Democratic administrations at the national, state, and city levels. Likewise, they know that America could not survive the election of another Neoconservative government like that of George W. Bush, a war-mongering bunch that featured far too many of the Neocons who are now poisoning Trump’s plans for an America First foreign policy.

We have had too many presidential elections that have been described as “turning points”, and those thus described – like the elections of Bush and Obama – were singular and near-fatal disasters for the republic, just as a victorious Hillary Clinton campaign would have been the fatal icing on an already baked, republic-killing cake.

No, the 2020 presidential election will not be a turning point for America, but rather it will be a final reckoning. Americans know the stinking uselessness, war-mongering, and double-crossing of the Republicans, save for the House’s Freedom Caucus and perhaps a dozen Senators. They also know the endless lawlessness, greed, corruption, infant-murdering, treason and sedition, Christianity-hating, war-mongering, and election-rigging of the Democrats, as well as the approval of most of the media and the average Democratic voter for that behavior.

The rigged 2018 mid-term elections, moreover, reinforced the anti-republicanism and anti-constitutionalism that has festering in the hearts and minds of Democrats since their party led an unjustified secession from the Union in 1861. The 2018 election brought into office an odious gaggle of bigoted, insane, and deviant congressional representatives – mostly from the lunatic, leftist fringes of minority groups and, not surprisingly, mostly women. Together these facts make the idea of the Democrats regaining the White House intolerable as a possibility, and one that, as a reality, would make civil war not a necessity, but a constitutional duty.

The historical point just alluded to deserves a further comment. When Jefferson Davis and his governing colleagues led the Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) out of the Union in the spring of 1861, they were motivated to act on the basis of fears about what detrimental policies Lincoln and his administration might try to impose on the South. They particularly feared that the north, under Lincoln, would seek to end slavery. That worry worry was as much a fantasy as a fear. Lincoln knew without equivocation that the North was unwilling, in 1861, to fight a war to end slavery. If Lincoln had called for a military response to Davis’s bombardment of Fort Sumter and openly identified it as war to free the slaves – an absolutely unconstitutional action – he and his lieutenants would have not been able to raise a force capable of even remotely approaching that goal, let alone one eager and able to defeat the South’s armies, which, in such a war, would have been legitimately defending the Constitution. Lincoln, instead, identified the war as an effort to save the Union, an identification that brought northern men to the flag and battlefield in large numbers for the duration of the war.

In 2020 presidential election, the other side of the 1861 coin will pertain to the republic. The Americans who eagerly will take up arms, pens, and prayers to annihilate the 2020 Democrats, if they prevail in the election they surely will rig, will be acting, unlike the C.S.A., not on often-unfounded fears of the future, but on a detailed knowledge of ugly facts – the brain-dead, anti-human socialism of Sanders and Cortez; the violent attacks by Antifa, BLM, and BAM; and the greed, lawlessness, and treason of so-called “centrist” Democrats — as well as on the hard-earned lessons taught them by the Democrats’ decades-long sordid and lawless behaviors, and their steady and always expanding preference for anti-American rhetoric, policies, and actions.

Never, in U.S. history, have Americans confronted a domestic enemy at once so arrogant, lethal, and detestable as the Democrats; one that truthfully can boast of a thoroughly documented history of hatred for and violent actions against the interests and future of the republic and its citizenry; and one that much more than merits a ruthless, root-and-branch annihilation.

The 2020 election and its aftermath, then, will determine whether America’s republican experiment is at an end, or if that experiment can be reinvigorated and joyfully rebuilt on the steadily mouldering bodies of the Democrats who clearly intended to first pervert and then to kill it.

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