In the 1930s, Col. Lindbergh warned of the tyrant-led, war-hell Americans live in today

No one more clearly saw the all-war-all-the-time condition Americans find themselves in today than Charles A. Lindbergh, perhaps America’s greatest aviator, anti-interventionist, and advocate of neutrality.

Lindbergh was there at the creation, if you will, when Franklin Roosevelt’s administration took up and redoubled the lies of Woodrow Wilson and worked tirelessly from the late 1930s to get the United States involved in the European war and to start a war in the Pacific. This is not the occasion for a detailed retelling of Roosevelt’s devious pro-war maneuvers. In our current circumstances, however, it worth quoting Lindbergh on lies Roosevelt used to get America involved in Europe’s war. “The record of the Roosevelt Administration,” Lindbergh wrote, in December 1941,

has been a record of subterfuge masquerading as a crusade for freedom. “Cash and Carry”, “Steps Short of War”, “Aid to the Democracies”, “Neutrality Patrols”, “Lease and Lend”; every one of these slogans was used to deceive the American people; every one of them was a disgrace to the names of democracy and freedom. … I believe in freedom and I believe in democracy, but I do not believe in the form of freedom and democracy toward which our President is leading us today. I say that democracy is gone from a nation when its people are no longer informed of the fundamental policies and intentions of its government. I say that the word freedom is a travesty among men who have been forced into war by a President they elected because he promised peace.

Have you ever stopped to think how ridiculous it is that this democratic nation has twice, within a generation, been carried to war by Presidents who were elected because they promised peace? Have you ever realized how absurd it is for us in America to have committees who claim, in one breath, to stand for freedom and democracy, when in the next breath they demand that the Government of this country declare war while the majority of our citizens are opposed to it?

We do not need a “Committee to Fight for Freedom” abroad, as much as we need a committee to fight for the freedom of American citizens to decide their own destiny at home. [1]

Today, arguments in favor of a U.S. foreign policy based on and loyal to non-intervention and neutrality have never been stronger or more compelling. The war that is now occurring in the Ukraine cannot be described in any way as a genuine U.S. national interest. If either all the Russians or all the Ukrainians died — or all of both –it would be no skin off the American nose. Our enemies are here at home, they run the government as a private club, they rape children, they fix elections, they drain our national oil reserve and empty our arsenals and give their contents to the ever-begging Europeans, they put sexually depraved mediocrities on the courts, they illegally flood the republic with the scum of the earth, they search and find or start wars overseas to increase their power and find new pools of loot to plunder, and and they orchestrate food and fuel shortages and exploding inflation. They care not a lick about Americans, only about the cannon fodder American parents provide for their unnecessary interventionist wars.

The only reason the Biden administration is interested in the war is because he, his family, the Clintons, Soros, the EU leaders, and the whole of the Democratic Party and many Republicans have been economically raping Ukraine – seems they have a taste for rape other than just for children – and have been using Ukraine as a money-laundering facility and a place from which money can be skimmed off the top of the aide sent to that country by U.S. taxpayers. Fifteen billion dollars for Ukraine in the last six weeks?  How much of that is now in Democrat campaign coffers or Swiss banks?

This is truly the war of the Democrats and the Republican, the Neocons, and the Israel-First, Jewish-American intelligentsia. The latter loves nothing more than war and – with the Democrats – inflicting pain on Americans. This is not an American war as the republic losses nothing no matter who wins. In that sense, it is identical to an Israel-Iran or Israel-Arab war. Neither would affect us negatively; indeed, only our enemies would be killed in such wars.

A non-intervention and neutral foreign policy would have left Americans free to calmly watch the Ukraine war and wonder how can it be possible that, since 1914, the feckless Europeans cannot find a way to govern themselves without war, and, ultimately, in this era, the installation of an authoritarian government in Ukraine that is like those of the EU, only in Kiev the regime is led by a narcotics-taking mad man wearing high heels.

In turn, the Russia-Ukraine war is a pointed reminder of the ghastly mistake the U.S. government made by not withdrawing from NATO in the year after the USSR collapsed. The only roles the U.S. plays in NATO is as a sap and a Daddy Warbucks. None of the NATO militaries are capable of defending their homelands without the money, manpower, and overwhelming nuclear deterrent possessed by the U.S. military. Clinton, Bush the younger, and Obama harvested the countries in Eastern Europe, moving them from the prison that was the USSR into the more genial but still a prison known as NATO and the EU. More important, the new NATO members moved the threat posed by the alliance – as well as U.S. bio-weapons factories — much nearer to Russia’s western border and thereby built a much better chance of an eventual world war. That clearly was the goal of expanding NATO. The addition to the alliance of these relatively poor states also raised the costs paid by U.S. taxpayers to prevent NATO’s collapse from over-extension.

Getting out of NATO would free the United States for the first time since the alliance was formed in 1949. No longer would the United States go to war automatically if unimportant European countries are attacked by Russia or any other country. As matters stand today, no Congressional declaration of war is needed because the American signers of the NATO Treaty unconstitutionally gave away our sovereignty and independence to worthless European allies. These piddling nations, not the representatives of the American people, control the decision for war.

Alliances are the bane of any republican government, and no group of leaders were more resolved to forego alliances than America’s founders, especially Washington, Hamilton, Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson. Many of the Founders would have preferred to reject the alliance with France because it was not limited to economics, but they accepted the treaty because the colonies’ cause was in extremis. Bilateral agreements designed to foster trade were fine, so long as they contained no military or political commitments.

In addition, all of the silly, war-causing nonsense that describes America as an “exceptional nation”, one whose duty it is to bring freedom and liberty to all peoples, should be laughed permanently off the stage. The Founders believed that all Americans – including themselves — were no different than any other of the world’s peoples, they were all fallen men and women who were capable of good and evil, generosity and avarice, and restraint and a passion for violence. The Founders believed they and all Americans were far from exceptional, they were merely human.

If Americans wish to judge what is truly “exceptional” about their country, they should look to the fertility of its soil, its remarkable ports and inland waterways, its mineral and fuel resources of every description, its abundant fresh water and forests, the sheer beauty that surrounds us, and, most of all, its relative geographical remoteness. All of these are part of God’s creation and are meant for the use of Americans.

We also should remember, and then celebrate and reclaim, one of our main inheritances from the Founders. This inheritance made the republic sui generis, and it lies in a foreign policy anchored to the ideas of non-intervention and neutrality, as well as to the prosperity, human happiness, and, most important, peace which flow from those policies.


–1.) Charles A. Lindbergh, “What do we mean by Freedom and Democracy”. This is the text of speech to be given at an American First rally in Boston on 11 December 1941. The rally was cancelled after Japan raided Pearl Harbor. Lindbergh, by the way, flew fifty combat missions in the Pacific during the war with Japan.

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