Secretary of Defense and his flag officers vow to kill those they command

For years. I have been damned, excoriated, and generally not much liked for arguing that the U.S. military’s political leaders and flag officers do not give a good god-damn about the lives of the men and women they lead. This should be apparent to all because those political leaders and flag officers have never once publicly complained, let alone resigned, over the issue of leading soldiers and Marines to their deaths when they know the commander in chief — Democrat or Republican — does not intend to win the war that he, more often than not, had started unnecessarily.

If, for reasons that escape me, people need more convincing on this point, I suggest that the current Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s order that all military personnel — you can bet flag officers will be excepted — be shot-up with the murderous Chinese virus vaccine, starting on 15 September 2021. This is not surprising as, since 1945, presidents, secretaries of defense, and those god-on-Earth flag officers have been willing to get their troops killed in wars not meant to be won. The current situation, therefore, is right in their wheelhouse. These maggot-traitors can kill and maim their troops right here at home with the sanction of the Biden regime. They then can sanctimoniously attend the funerals of those they murdered, at which, as always, they will try to suppress the laughter they want to engage in over the idea that any of the dead could actually have believed their lives were cared about by their generals and admirals.

I suppose we can only hope that our loyal soldiers and Marines have the sense to know, before 15 September, precisely where their weapons should be aimed, and will not simply and meekly file to their death at the hands of killer-nurses who wield the medically ineffective but lethal anti-Chinese-virus shots.

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