Fox News joins the rat media’s relentless support for U.S. interventionist wars

As if FOX’s Brian Kilmeade’s daily rant, and General Jack Keane’s periodic rants, in support of endless U.S. interventionist wars are not enough, yesterday FOX’s Dana Perino chimed in with an interview of a U.S. military veteran – I did not catch his name — about the 16 January 2016 attack that killed and wounded multiple U.S. military personnel and contractors in Syria. This attack reportedly has been claimed by the Islamic State’s (IS) media arm.

Perino was at her George W. Bush-butt-licking best, repeating his endless and mindless mantra that we must remain at war because we cannot let these U.S. personnel “die in vain”. The military veteran, off course, agreed with Perino, and then slipped into the same simpering, Bush/Perino-esque sentimentality, saying we cannot let these men “die in vain” and then wheeled out the Bush regime’s sadly durable lie that the war against the Islamists is a “long generational and ideological war” that cannot be won quickly. This maudlin hero of the battlefield finished by again repeating “they must not have died in vain”, meaning – based on his and Perino’s half-ass remarks – that the forever war against the Islamic State, al-Qaeda, and other Islamists must continue so “we can kill them over there and not here at home.”

The foregoing is one-hundred percent nonsense, which is believed only by those who want to keep America at war forever, among whom seem to be the leaders of FOX News. The interviewed veteran, in particular, was so dense – or so deliberately deceitful — that he did not seem to realize that his plea that “they must not have died in vain” will simply condemn more U.S. Marines and soldiers to the same vain deaths that all killed-in-action U.S. military personnel have been led to by their presidents and generals since 9/11.

Three other quick points.

–1.) The U.S. military and civilian personnel who were just killed in Syria, were killed because they were intervening in Syrian affairs on the orders of the U.S. government. Their activities there did absolutely nothing to prevent another attack in the United States. What their presence in Syria did was to remind the Islamists, and those who sympathize with them, that the U.S. government continues to militarily intervene in Islamic nations, and thereafter tries to impose-by-force on Muslims the democracy, secularism, elections, deviant sexuality, and women’s rights that they long since have proven willing to fight to the death. This is simple really. If you want to stop the killing and maiming of U.S. military personnel in Syria, get them out of Syria immediately, and then out of Iraq and Afghanistan as well.

If you want to make sure that the Islamists do not come to the continental United States to attack, immediately build a concrete and/or steel wall along the entire length of the southern border, and immediately locate, round-up, and expel all Muslims who are in this country illegally. Both should have been done right after 9/11, both must be done now. The failure to do is explicable only by recognizing that the bipartisan U.S. governing elite loves to see those they consider lesser Americans die at home and abroad, be it from war or opioids. The only additional defense the republic would need against the Islamists would be to remove the U.S. military from combat roles in all Muslim countries. Absence, after all, may not always make the heart grow fonder, but it does lessen the enemy’s focus, dulls his perception of threat, and allows him to address pressing issues closer to home, especially Israel and tyrant Arab rulers.

–2.) There is nothing inherent in so-called “ideological” or “religious” wars that mandates that they must last for generations. This is a myth created by the Clintons, the Bushes, Obama, U.S. general officers, Neocons, Israel-Firsters, and Jewish-American journalists. These men and women want everlasting wars, but they do not want a final victory because that would derail the gravy train from which they and their elite friends have grown filthy rich since Pearl Harbor.

Any kind of American war – including ideological, religious, and guerrilla wars – can be won in fairly short order if (a) the United States intends to win them, and if (b) the United States wages an all-out war that delivers massive indiscriminate violence and destruction upon the enemy, his civilian supporters, their manufacturing facilities, and their infrastructure.

In the ideological war of 1941-1945, the United States and Russia used this tack to utterly destroy the Nazi ideology and its military manifestation that had pervaded Germany and dominated much of Europe. In the 1941-1945 religious war against the Imperial Japanese military and people, led by a god named Hirohito, the United States used the same tack, plus the God-given traditional masculinity of the astounding and marvelously lethal U.S. Marine Corps, to destroy the deeply racist Japanese religiosity that sought to enslave most of Asia.

–For the United States, long wars occur only when the U.S. governing elite, its kept media, and its unable-to-win generals want them to; when none of them gives a damn about wasted funds, national debt, or body and limb counts; and when they can make average Americans believe the insane idea that the lives of any number of foreigners waging or supporting war against the republic is worth the of a single American life.

–3.) How much did it cost the Democrats/Neocons to fund their Islamic State friends for the operation that killed those U.S. soldiers and contractors in Syria, just after President Trump ordered a U.S. withdrawal from that country? How much support did John Brennan and his brother British MI6 maggots provide to the Islamist killers of the Americans? As they say, inquiring minds …

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