Osama bin Laden’s plan for victory keeps unrolling

Osama bin Laden was a rare and honorable man of faith, and a most capable and remarkable leader and speaker. The historical record of his actions, words, advice, and faith are part of the Sunni Muslim world’s collective memory and, I would bet, affections and even reverence. The content of the speeches, statements, and diaries he left behind seem to have remained current since his death, especially among young Sunni Islamists, and of course form a brilliant chapter in the history of Salafism’s search for a united Muslim world.

Throughout his career as a mujahedin, Bin Laden knew that he and his colleagues had no better supporter of their plans for a united Ummah than the war-mad, expansionist, unthinking, arrogant, largely irreligious, and shit-for-brains leaders of the United States. In one of his speeches, Bin Laden responded to a question asking “Why do we attack and in other ways take on the U.S. superpower, rather than going after the main, ruthless enemies of the Ummah; namely, Israel and the Arab tyrannies?”

In response, Bin Laden said that the task of the mujahedin and their leaders was to make a hard choice and one that might, at first, seem ass-backwards. The metaphor he used was that the mujahedin had to chose between attacking one of two bicycles, one a sturdy and fast steel-framed bicycle with durable tires, and the other a ramshackle older bicycle, gimping along and made largely with wood, bits of metal, and patched, nearly bald tires. Bin Laden then identified the first bicycle as Israel and the latter bicycle as the rickety and doddering United States. He said that the power of the United States is not primarily based on its on military, but, rather, it is the country’s economic and industrial bases that sends that money, weapons, technology, etc, that keeps the Israeli bicycle ship-shape mechanically, and does much the same for the Arab tyrannies. Bin Laden concluded that commonsense strongly suggested it would be foolish not to concentrate first on destroying the weaker bicycle, which represents the supposedly greatest military the world has known — an odd thing for anyone to believe since this superpower had failed to win a single one of the many wars it has started since 1945 — and then turn on Israel.

Bin Laden was killed in 2011, but the Salafist movement and its determination remain strong but muted, in part because of the need to rebuild and recruit, but mostly because it is winning. Today, the U.S. bicycle is disintegrating before the world’s eyes, with the Biden administration at the helm of this destruction. For the moment, the Salafists may well believe that it would be madness to do anything that gets in the way of letting Biden and his fellow bipartisan traitors complete the demolition of the American republic.

The more important reason for the Salafists apparent quiescence, of course, is that they can see their enemy is collapsing and that Allah may yet intend to bring them victory, if they patiently obey the Koran and then act when the time for jihad is right. Notwithstanding bin Laden’s death, President Trump’s bold and transparently foolish assertions that he had “destroyed” ISIS and al-Qaeda forces in Iraq, are quite untrue, especially after Biden recreated and abundantly armed the mujahedin’s safe haven in Afghanistan. Badly damaged in Iraq they may have been, but they were and are very far from being destroyed; see, for example, their continuing activities in the Sahel, the Philippines, Black Africa, and soon China’s Xingiang Province. Because of their faith — and that of many other Muslims — Salafists have an innate ability to see the need for patience, resilience, and prayer as an essential part of the armory of war.

They also know that they will no longer have to fight the war primarily on their own lands and endure a repetition of the carnage that was inflicted on themselves and Muslim civilians by the West in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, and elsewhere. Why? Because the Islamists no longer face the problem that bin Laden confronted; namely, how to get at the West — especially the United States — from al Qaida’s strongholds in the Middle East. Bin Laden frankly said that America was a hard nut to crack because it was far away, and that 9/11-like operations were expensive, difficult, and no sure thing to run. The 9/11 raid turned the trick for Bin Laden and immediately brought U.S. ground forces to fight on the Salafists home ground, and in the land that saw Muslim victories against Britain, the USSR, and now the U.S. and NATO. At the end of each war the foreigners ran home with their tails between their legs. In the U.S. case, moreover, one president refused to prevent 9/11, and the next three chose to deliberately lose what became a 20-year war. If nothing else, those victories reassured Muslims of all sects that Allah does bring victory to those who fight in the cause of their faith, if they merit that victory in his eyes.

The heads of al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other Islamist organizations worldwide know that they are now in a position — when the time is right — to steadily attack their Western enemies in Europe and the United States. Both the European governments and the U.S. government — through suicidal immigration policies and a focus on enslaving and then destroying their own populations — have left themselves wide-open to guerilla warfare on their own lands. Some of the Islamists coming into the U.S. undetected across the southern border bring in arms small arms and/or timers, explosives, small drones, etc. These useful tools do not add up to great amounts; they are only the icing on the cake.

Islamists, or sympathizers thereof, who have come to to live in America in the past thirty years — many with their families — surely have slowly acquired stocks of weapons, knowing that such a war-preparation process would be fully protected by the Democrats and Republicans, both of which flamboyantly established them as a special, privileged minority, having more rights than native-born Americans and so must not be disturbed no matter what they do, in order to keep them voting for devoted bipartisan minority-pleasers.

In Europe, the dunce-like EU leaders will be shocked — when the time is right — by the armed response of domestic Islamist leaders and their followers to the preferential EU legal, social, and academic, treatment given to them after their illegal arrival. The EU’s decades-long eagerness to invent baseless legal justifications to prevent prosecution and punishment of some or many Muslims who have participated in rapes, thefts, riots, arson, grooming kids for sexual exploitation has won few friends but much contempt among the endlessly patient Islamists in Europe. As in America, these Islamists also have been stockpiling some illegal small arms, explosives, and other war materials while most native Europeans have, tragically, been disarmed by their governments. More important, however, are the weapons that have been brought into the EU by Islamists illegally entering from Turkey and the Balkans, people who have ended up in major EU cities, portions of which are increasingly dominated by Islamism and veteran mujahedin and are no-go zones for citizens and police and so home of secure weapons caches. In addition, human reinforcements are readily at hand because of the insane creation by Clinton and the EU of Muslim citadels in Kosovo and Albania after the Balkans war.

It also is a certainty that Europe’s Islamists have been buying weapons from the utterly corrupt Ukrainian regime; either directly from government officials or from smugglers. Ukraine, after all, was a leading gun-smuggling country before Russia’s special military operation, and has enhanced its leading role by selling portions of the insurgent-useful arms supplied to Zelensky –$61 billion more by the U.S. last week — by the EU, NATO, and both U.S. political parties to all comers, including terrorist groups, organized crime organizations, human-and-child smugglers, and, really, any person or group that has the cash. Biden’s gang of bipartisan traitors also have failed to show any interest in discovering how many weapons from foreign countries — especially China — are being carried across the southern border into the United States by Mexican cartels and their agents.

In essence, then, native-born Americans and Europeans are now waiting for what could be the called the war at home after the wars overseas. The wars they wave witnessed, supported, paid for, and lost children in since 2001 have been a prelude, admittedly a 20-plus-year prelude, that is only now nearing its end. This prelude has done nothing but ever more deeply ingrain, in most Muslims, Osama bin Laden’s claim that the governments of the West  — and especially the United States –are the sure, constant, and lethal enemies of Islam. Muslims also are plainly seeing the wisdom of bin Laden’s claim that the weaker bicycle must be destroyed before Israel can be eliminated.

There is almost a poetic justice in bin Laden’s correct calls on this score. Not only are the United States and the EU falling apart at the seams via government-mandated suicide, but their Mossad-compromised leaders are hastening that demise by supporting Israel’s unending slaughter of Palestinians not only by paying the traditional homage to their extortionist Israeli and Jewish-American paymasters [1, an automated list of Israeli shills in the U.S. Congress] in the forms of money, technology,  and weapons, but, for the first time, publicly expending the efforts and lives of the airmen, sailors, soldiers, and Marines to assist Israel’s plan to exterminate Muslim and Christian Palestinians, people whom Israel regards as loathsome animals. And also woe betide the Middle East’s ruling Sunni tyrants as it becomes absolutely and finally clear to all Sunnis that their governments will not lift a single finger to stop the elimination of all Muslim Palestinians at Israeli hands and all Xingiang Muslims at the hands of the Chinese communists. Again, this is a fact that was publicly and repeatedly taught by Osama bin Laden through his whole career.

Finally, my greatest and, in truth, only concern is, as always, the survival of United States and restoration of its Constitution, a concern that, at this late date, perhaps cannot be effectively achieved. But the beginning of such a survival can only come from the immediate closing and armed defense –using as much lethality as necessary — of our southern border, and then the deportation of all illegals. Most but not all things change over time but this recipe for survival does not. As I wrote in 2008:

“In America’s war with Islamists the only place to start is with the physical security of the United States. … How to Proceed? Well, the best answer would be to deploy the U.S. Army and Marine Corps along U.S. land borders to prevent the entry of illegals until an effective network of fences, trenches, watch towers, radars, and — if necessary — minefields can be built in a crash program along the Canadian and Mexican borders. But the world’s best and most expensive military is fully deployed overseas in losing Wilsonian wars meant to install secular democracies that Muslims are resisting to the death. And even if U.S. forces were not stretched so thin, those elected to run the federal government have, for decades, failed completely, knowingly, and deliberately to enure the physical security of U.S. borders. On this issue Americans find themselves in what Thomas Paine described as the “intolerable state” of being “exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without a government.” [1]


1.) https://twitter.com/DrLoupis/status/1782615483042160910?t=pKBnJ8i_cqn7esdNBjoSOA&s=09

2.) Michael Scheuer. Marching Toward Hell. America and Islam After Iraq. New York: Free Press, 2008, pp.255-257

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