Congress abandons the 1st Amendment to its paymasters and other foreigners

The bill on antisemitism taht was rushed through and passed by the House of Representatives on 3 May 2024 is a direct and savage attack on the First Amendment. All the traditional steps of legislating were abandoned to pass the bill (H.R. 6090). There was no review in committee, no chances for members to seek changes, and no debate on the House floor. Reportedly, sections of the bill are taken directly from documents written on the subject by other countries or by international organizations. The Congress underscored this last point by having the law name a UN/European organization – with U.S. Israel-Firsters as members [1] — called the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance as the entity that will advise and direct U.S. federal agencies on how and against whom to implement the law, it can even change the definition of antisemitism at its discretion. How is this for a republic-wrecking travesty, an anti-American, unconstitutional law, written and passed by well-bribed traitors, and managed by foreigners in the interests of an unfriendly nation. As they say, you can’t make this stuff up.

This pro-tyranny bill passed only because the supposedly conservative and patriotic Republican caucus largely voted for the bill, after the Louisiana Democrat the Republicans named as their Speaker of the House okayed suspension of the legislative process to pass bill demanded by some of his largest donors. Clearly, if the Speaker was a native Southerner living in Louisiana after the defeat of the CSA’s war for independence, he would have been an outspoken and very rich turncoat carpetbagger, as well as an advocate of continuing the South’s cruel occupation by the Union army. The bill speaks loudly and frankly of the coming tyrannical and martial rule of the United States that is planned by almost all members of the Congress in both houses, the federal bureaucracy, most state governors, most flag officers, foreign countries, international organizations, domestic bankers, media outlets manufacturers, tech titans, drug-makers, media conglomerates, international organizations, doctors, lawyers and academics.

The bill on its face is wildly and abusively unconstitutional. Hate is not and never can be a crime in a constitutional republic. It is no more unconstitutional to express hate than it is to express love, anger, adoration, bewilderment, frustration, or any other emotion. Dozens of verbal human expressions no doubt hurt some or many people’s feelings –imagine the impact of the loud and frequent calls for exterminating white Americans — but as regrettable as they are, they are not a crime. Adults walk away from such statements and leave the name-callers to stew in their own prejudices, dislikes, and hatreds. Only a government looking to install dictatorial rule would seek to make criminals of those using any kind of speech to which someone objects of dislikes.

Then, adding insult to injury, videos [2] appear showing Trump at a microphone, apparently afflicted with chronic constitutional ignorance, announcing that those Americans using antisemitic words or actions — the latter already covered by harsh laws — ought to face “destruction” and even the death penalty. Trump also said “they have to pay the ultimate price.” Okay, so what about Iranians living in America who, at times have a propensity to say “death to America”, do we gather them up for “destruction”? What about radical Blacks and progressives who say the same thing more often — and more viciously — and also call for “exterminating whites”, do we round them up for the noose? What about the antebellum Abolitionists who, for a decade and more, heaped shockingly abusive and war-causing words on southerners, and described the U.S. Constitution as a soiled “menstrual rag”, round them up for hanging? What about Yankees’ fans, who on multiple occasions each season express an enduring and intense hatred for the Boston Red Socks, off with their heads?

Grow-up and get a grip, Mr. President as the very last thing the republic needs at the moment is a Chief Executive whose favorite county is not in North America but in the Middle East, as we already have a Congress on the take from that distant and, for America, strategically worthless, utterly ruthless, intolerably arrogant, and endlessly trouble-making country. You know, you might even give some thought to how your position squares with the fact that 34 U.S. sailors were killed and 171 wounded when the Israeli Air Force deliberately attacked the USS Liberty on 8 June 1967. Or perhaps you believe, like so many other foreign-suborned politicians over the past 57 years, that the Israel-conducted slaughter was “just a terrible accident”.

I carry no brief for FDR, Mr. President, but, leaving aside that he wanted war and knew Pearl Harbor was coming, he responded as a man and a patriot to the Imperial Japanese Navy bombing and torpedoing the ships of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. And after all, Mr. President, it is distinctly anti-presidential for any president to appear on public stages in the guise of a howling guard-dog championing an unfriendly foreign power – “let Israel finish the job” [3] — and advocating elimination of American protestors and the First Amendment.

Finally, the traitors who passed this grossly unconstitutional piece of legislation could not resist rubbing tyranny’s victory in the face of loyal Americans by the saying in the bill’s Section 6, Para B: “Constitutional Protections.Nothing in this Act shall be construed to diminish or infringe upon any right protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.” [4] Those who voted to pass this bill’s rank and treasonous provisions must have laughed about this deliberate lie all the way to the money-changers to pick up their bribe-payments.


–1.), See Section 4 of the bill.

–2.) and



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