How long can Americans tolerate Obama’s administration?

What had been a steady but relatively quiet process of the Executive Branch usurping powers belonging to the American people or their representatives, has in recent months become a noisy, arrogant, and voracious theft. War-making, immigration, healthcare, privacy invasions, property seizures, and industry-wrecking and other environmental matters have, it seems, become the sole prerogative of President Obama and the unconstitutional power he is blithely wielding.

Obama, with Eric Holder’s helpful shredding of the Constitution, also has assumed to himself the power to conduct his long-intended war on white and Asian Americans, who work, raise families, keep their kids in school, and mind their own business, in order to make sure that they are subordinated and outvoted, but can still be taxed at higher rates to fund to his Black constituency; the current insipid, give-us-something-for-free generation of university students and recent graduates; and the millions of illegal Hispanics who are here, have no skills, and so bring no value to America, as well as the millions more that Obama, the Democratic Party, the academy, and the media intend to motivate to illegally enter the United States in hope of having His Majesty Obama smile on them and give them citizenship and lots of free stuff in return for living forever on another Democrat plantation.

The net result of Obama’s studied and incremental rise to the status of tyrant is that ordinary, hardworking Americans now have genuine, honorable, and actionable motivations to reclaim many of the powers that their ancestors delegated to the national government in the settlement of 1787. Indeed, they have more substantive and obvious reasons to reclaim their powers and liberty than did men who acted against British tyranny in 1775, and certainly much more substantive reasons to consider secession than did the Southern secessionists in 1861.

What is the remedy to Obama’s tyranny? Well, as my pro-Israel and other assorted admirers never tire of saying, Scheuer is a bear of little brain — “After all, he went to university in Canada, you know?!” So let me step aside and provide a few pertinent comments by men we can all agree are far smarter than this aging and, by most accounts, halfwit former-intelligence officer. The following words come from America’s Founders and those whose writings markedly influenced them, and their upshot for Americans was well said by Julius Caesar in his admonition that “heaven helps those who help themselves.”


“For it is not by some accident — no, it is because our own moral failings — that we are left with the name of the Republic, having long since lost its substance.”


“Most foolish of all is the belief that everything decreed by the institutions or laws of a particular country is just.”


“There can be slaine/No sacrifice to God more acceptable/Than an unjust and wicked king.”


“All human beings who want to be superior to other animals ought to struggle with every resource not to be like cattle passing through life silently.”


“All that is achieved by submissiveness is that heavier burdens are imposed, as if we found them easier to bear.”


“I do not blame those who wish to rule, but those who are too ready to serve. It is just as much in men’s nature to rule those who submit to them, as it is to resist those who molest them.”


“The right of self-preservation is unalienable in every individual, much more in every community.”


“Laws therefore are not, which public consent hath not made so …”


“… turning to tyranny, they [the tryants] may be as lawfully despos’d and punish’d, as they were at first elected.”


“… justice done upon a tyrant is no more but the necessary self-defense of the whole Commonwealth.”


“The perpetual jarrings we hear everyday; the division of the nation into such factions as threaten us with ruin, and all the disorders we see or fear, are the affects of this rupture. These things are not to be imputed to our original constitutions, but to those who have subverted them.”


“They [the people] know how to preserve their liberty, or to vindicate the violation of it; and the more patient they have been, the more inflexible they are when they resolve to be so no longer. Those who are so foolish to put them upon such courses, do to their cost find that there is a difference between lions and asses; and he is a fool who knows not that swords were given to men, that none might be slaves, but such as know not how to use them”


“… the liberty of the commonwealth consists in the empire of the laws, the absence whereof would betray her to the lusts of tyrants.”


“For the essence of slavery consists in being subjected to the arbitrary pleasures of others, whether many, few, or one, it matters not.”


“[T]he supreme power is ever possessed by those who have arms in their hands and are disciplined in the use of them …”


“If there be a principle that ought not to be questioned within the United States, it is, that every nation has a right to abolish an old government and establish a new one.”


“The only real security in any country is the jealousy and circumspection of the people themselves. Let them be watchful over their rulers. Should they find a combination against their liberties, and all other methods appear insufficient to preserve them, they have, thank God, an ultimate remedy. The power which created the government can destroy it.”


“Like all serious and reflective peoples, Americans have a vindictive temperment. They almost never forget an offense; but it is not easy to offend them, and their resentment is as slow to ignited, as to be extinguished.”

In compiling the foregoing I was struck that it is dominated by Romans, Englishmen, and east-coast Americans, and that I ought to include at least one appropriate viewpoint from Americans resident west of the Mississippi River. Happily, I found a statement that seems to pretty much summarize the foregoing in the American idiom. So here goes:


Grandpappy told my pappy, back in my day, son
A man had to answer for the wicked that he done
Take all the rope in Texas
Find a tall oak tree, round up all of them bad boys
Hang them high in the street,
For all the people to see.

We got too many gangsters doing dirty deeds
We’ve got too much corruption, too much crime in the streets
It’s time the long arm of the law put a few more in the ground
Send ’em all to their maker and he’ll settle ’em down
You can bet he’ll set ’em down.

All the foregoing give food for thought, at least to this bear of little brain. Perhaps a bottom line is in order here and I can think of no better one than the following thought from Algernon Sydney. When considering how to remove a tyrannical government, Sydney wrote, “Civil war in Machiavelli’s account is a disease, but tyranny is the death of the state. Gentle ways are first to be used, and ’tis best if the work can be done by them; but it must not be left undone if it they fail.”

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