Will Americans help Biden, Fauci, and Gates murder their kids?

Political, economic, and societal life in the United States is edging toward the intolerable as the republic is still in the hands of its domestic enemies and their foreign legion. But the end of the drama seems clear enough. In that evolving clarity the only certainty appears to be the necessity for resolute and, whenever required, armed resistance to the deliberate, murderous activities of the Biden Administration and all of its allies in industry, the media and Hollywood, banking, sports, foreign carpetbaggers, and, especially, those elected judges and district attorneys who have their posts because of Soros funding, rigged elections, and other foreign support.

The uniqueness of our condition is obvious. In the general course of a life, there are, naturally, few instances in an adult’s life that absolutely justify his or her killing another person. War, of course, is one of those instances, and self-defense is another one. But in America, there can be no greater justification for killing a person than finding a person, or persons, deliberately trying to kill a child, be that little one yours or another parent’s.

Except for a significant but still-limited portion of the American population, many people seem to have become inured to the cold-blooded murder of in-the-womb or just-born innocents. Perhaps this lethal indifference is due to the relative invisibility of the nearly 62 million infants that have been murdered in this republic since 1973. Several of the licensed murderers of those infants have been hunted down and eliminated, but such successes have been few and AMA members continue to enjoy, and make good livings from, applying their murderous instincts and skills against the most undefended of Americans.

One must wonder, in these disjointed and dispiriting days, whether the award of a license-to-murder to American women and their doctors – in the name of equality, no less — was not actually meant to acclimate all Americans to national-government backed, protected, and enforced infanticide as a normal part of everyday life. Since 1973, in essence, Americans have lived their lives daily and probably seldom thought of the national-government sanctioned practice that piles up ever more infant cadavers, or that the same government does little or nothing to stop the profitable practice of selling baby-parts to doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and prominent pedophiles to use in experiments and rituals; to use as ingredients in vaccines; and to graft onto or into the bodies of other mammals. A smaller component of the demand for the bodies and/or parts of babies are trafficked to sate the wicked appetites of the large number of sexually depraved that inhabit the elite echelons of American society, which includes the sitting and past presidents, as well as a large segment of the so-called bipartisan governing elite.

But now the curtain has dropped, and the ease of murdering the young is an your face and personal issue for untold numbers of American parents. Biden, his lieutenants, their allies and funders, and their European counterparts – all of whom seem likely owners of those wicked appetites and an unquenchable blood lust – have turned their murderous intent from the deliberate mass murder of adults, by poisonous vaccines, isolation, and joblessness, to their most prized target-set, 5-12 year olds. And they aspire to expand that doomed group further down the years to a point moments after birth. All of this will be done despite parental opposition and will be justified by Biden’s entirely bereft-of-law mandates, the directions of the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) – headed by a former African terrorist — and the money and psychotic and sanguinary minds of two contemporary Himmlers, one an Israel-protected and self-proclaimed Jew-hunter/killer, the other a deranged computer geek.

I have written before that America is nearing civil war. Perhaps I was wrong. A war surely is coming, but as the view and understanding of Americans continues to sharpen it seems that the coming struggle is more accurately termed a war of independence. The break point on this issue occurred when school districts across the country announced that they would begin the forced lethal vaccinations of students 5 years of age and older, without securing parental approval, and citing as authorization for that crime the directions of the WHO, a UN organization which – like the UN – has no legal standing to enforce anything on anyone in U.S. territory. If the WHO’s direction is carried out without widespread armed opposition, Americans will be saying they willingly accept both their kids’ corpses and a form slavery far more vicious and dehumanizing than anything Britain did to their colonial ancestors. Worse, it will show the cowardice and moral worthlessness of American parents who let their children be murdered by Democrats, all of whom are now mentally retarded and anti-human BLMers.

The WHO, the UN, and their allies – such as the Davos Group and the World Economic Forum – have no constitutional standing in the United States. These organizations – and all of their members, employees, and public sympathizers – cannot order or conduct government-like activities in the United States, and are only committing criminal acts if they do. Nor can U.S. citizens act on their orders and defend their actions by claiming that orders from WHO and/or the UN gave them legal authority to murder children. Those acting on the basis of WHO/UN directives to forcibly inoculate children self-identify as criminals, as do those who try to protect and further their efforts. There is no “I was only following orders” legal defense in this land.

So the time has come to kill those who deliberately seek to kill our children. These crazed creatures are too many too count, but include doctors, NGO personnel, nurses, teachers, politicians, administrators, scientists – and if things deteriorate to the point now reached in Australia – perhaps police officers and soldiers.

All adults, at a time like this, are the parents of all children and should be prepared to risk life and limb to prevent their lawless, lethal, and unauthorized vaccination. Just as there is no law, man-made or Divine, authorizing the vaccinators to murder our children with lethal shots, there is likewise no law, man-made or Divine, that would be broken if those eagerly drooling executioners were eliminated to prevent their lethal attacks on children.

The resolve of our ancestors to save American lives and liberty was declared by the Second Continental Congress in the following words, drafted by John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson:

In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birthright, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it — for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before. (1)

As ever, history is repeating itself here in America. Let us take up arms and conduct ourselves accordingly, and in that way be worthy of respect from our saved children, our ancestors, and our posterity.



–1.) Jefferson, Dickinson, et. al, “On the Necessity of Taking Up Arms,” 6 July 1775, at https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/contcong_07-06-75.asp

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