Democrats and Social Justice advocates are today’s Nazis, and they are proud of that fact

What has been long a clear fact is now dawning as a surprise for many people in the United States. Namely, that the Democrats have nursed their longtime Black slaves, as well as the wealthy whites they have so miserably educated over three generations, to become vicious racists.

Listen to them speak and hear Joseph Goebbels in multiple Democrat leaders and their boundlessly racist automatons, people like Shirley Jackson Lee, Jack Dorsey, the new Black-Nazi, wife-abusing senator from Georgia, all CNN anchors, and the loser/Chinese agent from California, Swalwell. Watch Fauci, Gates, Cuomo, Whitmer, and Newsom deal with the Chinese Virus and see these would-be Mengeles joyfully arranging the murder of hundreds of thousands, and applying their lethal Nazi venom especially to the elderly. Listen to Jerry Nadler – the reincarnation of the lard-laden Goering – pontificate on the Democrat reality that the law is what the party says it is.

Watch Durbin, Pelosi, Hoyer, and “yes-boss” Clyburn – he who is required to say “Yes, Marse Nancy” to his white overseer Pelosi – emote hate for Trump supporters with all the passion of fully indoctrinated SS officers. Then watch ten Republican representatives — among them traitorous Neocon swine like Cheney, Crenshaw, and Kinzinger — rush to join the Nazi Democrats in lynching Trump, while audibly a humming the Nazis’ Horst Wessel Song, and thinking how easily the Democrats suborned the Capitol police, the FBI, and the DC police force.

The Democrats, on the model Germany’s National Socialists, already have pledged to disarm Americans and deprive Trump supporters of private-sector employment, education, federal jobs, and the protections of the First Amendment, especially free speech, the right to assemble and carry arms, and the practice of Christianity. They have pledged to open reeducation camps which will be used to “de-program” Trump supporters, as well as to take away their children to ensure they are not politically poisoned by their parents. Across the Democrat Party’s membership and among their Wall Street and media allies. pro-Trump populists have long been derided as hicks, rubes, and buffoons, not to mention lesser human beings, just as Nazi leaders, Nazi media outlets, and pro-Nazi industrialists, film-makers, bankers, and arms-makers spoke of pro-Weimar-Republic Germans and German Jews.

And speaking of Jews, let’s think about where Jewish-Americans have placed their bets, which is, as it happens, a place that may well prove fatal to their interests, perhaps their lives. Since Trump declared his candidacy for president, the leaders of the Jewish-American community and their underlings — driven by a quite-mad hatred for Trump — have placed their allegiance and future safety first with Hillary Clinton, now with Biden. Jewish-American-owned media outlets, banks, and businesses, as well as large numbers of Jewish-American journalists, politicians, academics, billionaires, movie stars, philanthropists, heath-care advocates, and ordinary citizens have attacked Trump and his supporters with a degree of vitriolic hate and murderous intent at least equal to that expressed by any other Democratic faction.

Oddly, these Jewish anti-Trumpers have tied themselves to a party whose overwhelming rancidness and tyrannical instincts is colored by a well-articulated and ominously black shade – the Swastika’s color, you know — of anti-Semitism. Indeed, even that great champion of Israel-First and Jewish supremacy, Bill Krystal, and his ass-backwards, perhaps perverted Lincoln Project, have hung their war-loving, Jewish-Americans-must-rule flag on a Democratic Party, an organization that, as a matter of doctrine, hates him, his group, and American Jews generally.

The latter, in particular, may well find that the consequences of letting their irrational personal hatred for Trump drive them, also permits them to enter the Biden era – if it begins — only to be eaten by their own Jew-and-Israel hating, anti-Trump Democratic comrades. The cost of their hateful obsessions about Trump and his supporters may well teach them that “never again” is always an aspiration never a fact, and that by aligning themselves with the Democrats they may have enabled a replay of past events. Quite a price to pay for being animated by unfettered hatred.

All told, then, the annihilation or enslavement of American whites at all levels of society seems the main goal of a Democratic party that is dominated  by the American Nazis who compose the Democratic Party. Biden already has promised financial help for all small businesses, so long as they are not owned by whites. Draft federal anti-terrorism laws are said to focus on white males. And just listen to the pure anti-white racism that flows out of the mouths of Jackson Lee, Harris, Warnock, and many other blacks in the Democrats caucus. It is not hard to imagine what they are up to and what they dream about.

Only one thing is left that will repel – or at least make difficult — the Democrats’ planned final solution, and that, obviously, is the Founders’ gift of the Second Amendment. The Biden-led American Nazis’ must be allowed to start their pogrom for white destruction. The patience of loyal Americans must be strong enough to allow their racist enemies to fire the first shot. After that, the war for the republic and liberty will be in full swing, and probably fought out under a black flag, meaning no quarter. War does, after all, often decide an issue with finality, in one way or another. The Democrats are positioning themselves to painfully learn that fact.



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