Seeking America’s destruction: The ADL, Jewish-American Supremacists, and Israel

Does any patriotic American really question the obvious fact that Jewish-Americans – apparently most of them — are right near the top of the list of the republic’s most virulent domestic enemies? These people are anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-nationalist, and, perhaps most of all, tyranny-loving. They irrefutably are seeking to utterly destroy the United States. Now, there is no reason to question this fact. It is not a conspiratorial delusion, disinformation, malinformation, or simply lies. It is just the plain truth. To question this reality can only mark the presence of a liar, an idiot, the deaf, or a Jewish-American hater of the American republic.

The U.S. government, its bureaucracy, most of the media, Hollywood and almost all economic, academic, business, political, and banking leaders, as well as a multitude of Christian pastors refuse to stand and confront the minuscule number of Jewish-Americans in the overall U.S. population. We all need to stand up and politely tell them to bugger-off, drop dead, move to Israel, or take your riches, kid-killing religious values, censorship, lethal pharma companies, all-out support for sexual depravity and stuff them up your collective ass or, better yet, up Yuval Harari’s well-reamed Nazi butt. Or maybe one of several old sayings might suffice, “What goes around comes around” and “Vigilantes always run out of time, protection, and life” come to mind. These Jewish-American supremacists – allied with the U.S. government — must be defied and eventually brought down hard if the republic is to survive.

The current head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt acts as if he is the chief public voice for what seems certain to be Jewish-America’s intense and bloodthirsty anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-Constitution policies, as well its lust for tyrannical-government control over all Americans but themselves. The organization Greenblatt leads – with its lickspittle cohort, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – are gathering data about Americans that they alone pick to define as terrorists, anti-Semites, white supremacists, right-wing conservatives, traditional Protestants and Catholics, Christian nationalists, etc. Then – after payment of course –  they turn the material over to the Democrat-commanded federal government, the DOD, and other anti-American federal agencies. The data names and locates the people the ADL has designated to be rounded-up, incarcerated, and probably killed. Among those not to be trusted agencies seem, at this pint, to be DOD, DOJ, IRS, FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA, CDC, FEMA, and FDA.

The ADL and the SPLC – and probably other subordinate organizations yet unnamed, as well as Israeli intelligence – constitute the republic’s first private-donation-funded (Jewish-American funded?) organizations that are bent on annihilating the kinds of people who founded, built, and defended America and have sought to protect its people’s God-given liberties under the Constitution. These two Jewish-American-led organizations arrogantly strut around and loudly proclaim their mission to protect all Americans from various kinds of depredations, an assertion that clearly is bullshit. They are often joined in this deeply deceitful behavior by the overwhelmingly anti-American/Israel-First lobby in the Congress.

These are clearly Jewish-American supremacist organizations that have long labored to control the United States with their fortunes, their stupendous lies, their intimidation, their Holocaust-whining, their media, their fiercely racist attitudes, their unrelenting weeping about supposed discrimination against Jews, as well as with the savage lessons they learned from the Nazis and the Bolsheviks and now practice and help Biden’s administration establish. Stalag Palestine or Labor Camp Siberia anyone? Even the KKK could not fool most Americans with their lethal, barely disguised tripe about protecting the nation’s racial purity and liberty. The Klan’s only plan was to use violence, murder, and torture to “fix the black problem” to the satisfaction of a paltry number of deadly Americans who joined and led the Klan.

The foregoing phrase ‘’deadly Americans” is the exact description of what appears to be the great majority of Jewish-Americans. How do we know this? Well, check my argument by listening to the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt and the issues he and it champions, and then tell me how many Jewish-Americans or their media-outlets have you heard damning the ADL for trying to destroy the American republic and opposing the incarceration of its enemies in the thoroughly criminal Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden tyrannies. Remember silence is the surest sign of either acquiescence or support. As I see it, a review of this media strongly shows that most Jewish-Americans have made not a peep criticizing the torment of their non-Jewish, fellow citizens by Greenblatt, the ADL, and its allied organizations and big-money donors. In view of this pervasive silence in the face of the ADL’s fierce public pogrom – and especially given the words, multiple hatreds, and tyranny-love flooding forth from the cancer called the ADL – how could any non-Jewish-American fail to conclude that most Jewish-Americans hate their fellow Americans and that they can be relied on to remain silent while Americans are attacked by their kin and coreligionists.

It is also worth noting that the foregoing is not a new phenomenon. Consider these other beauties that the ADL and its allies have championed or supported:

–Abortion: What can clearly be seen from what has been said in the media and in public statements by most Jewish leaders, is that 63 million murdered infant Americans is a tiny price to pay for what? Oh, yes, a woman’s right to be recklessly promiscuous and utterly and callously murderous. Abortion, of course, was meant to be and is the spearhead for wiping out the republic’s black citizens.  Even in Israel – home of the always whining, never-again/never-forget crowd – murdering babies at will is legal and applauded.

Replacing America’s white population: Jewish-American leaders have long advocated the illegal import of largely illiterate millions of cheap-labor-offering foreigners, people who are already well-trained by Latin American tyrannies to fear and obey government. These foreigners also must be allowed in because they often bring diseases long eradicated in America and so reintroduce them among the Americans the ADL has marked for incarceration and/or execution; namely, white people. There also seems to be no push-back from the Jewish-American community, its media, or its leaders to oppose the Biden regime’s obvious plans to use FEMA, the ATF, the U.S. Military, the IRS, the FBI, the NSA and other agencies, to rid the republic – either by killing them or first incarcerating and then murdering them — of whites, Christians of all colors, and nationalists.

Gun grabbing: One would suppose that no one would be more worried about gun-control – really gun-confiscation – than Jewish Americans, as they via their ancestors learned the dangers thereof from the Herr Hitler. But, no, Jewish-Americans – especially in their wildly out of proportion to population and generally demented Congressional delegation — form a large proportion of the shit-babbling fools, Democrats, and cowards (all synonyms, I guess) who support the removal of the 2nd Amendment. Why so? Because, as Hillary Clinton so often puts it, “guns endanger children,” which must mean that Jewish-American and all other anti-gun crusaders think 63 million murdered un-borns and new-borns are nifty, but no children should be killed by guns before the pedophile-loving Democratic Party and its members and heroes – like Jeffrey Epstein and many big shots in politics, business, the media, and Hollywood – can groom and/or kidnap the little ones and then distribute to them to party members and their supporters for torture events and/or fine dining.

Endless wars: Any war is a good war for the ADL, and apparently for the largely silent Jewish-American community and its Congressional contingent. Any war that Israel likes and supports is okay with the ADL, the Jewish-American community and media, and its bought-and-paid for slop-jar mouthed congressional representatives. One of America’s three great diplomats, George Kennan – the others being Benjamin Franklin and John Quincy Adams – said that the idea of the United States recognizing Israel was tantamount to knowingly signing an accord in which America would be the eternal loser. Truer words were never spoken, given our history of Middle East wars, support for the permanence of the Israel-run gulag Israel in Palestine, the Israelis’ theft of U.S. nuclear secrets, which were key the building of their first atomic weapons, Israel’s suborning of Jewish-American bureaucrats to commit espionage against the United States, Israel’s probable use of American financial aid to purchase the undying, unthinking, and America-damaging loyalty of large, corrupt, and dual-pass-ported majorities in both houses of Congress, the U.S. government’s repeated, haplessly idiotic attempts to defame and defang Islam, the benefit of which accrues only to Israel as the efforts are meant to lead to more U.S.-Arab wars.

–Anti-Semitism: The idea of applying the term antisemitism to any speech that Jewish-American leaders and organizations do not like has long worked like a charm to intimidate those Americans who question whether Jewish-American supremacy over the lives and ambitions of all other Americans is the desired outcome for their society. Often the phrase is just the start of attacks by the ADL and their allies on an individual’s financial, banking, and business interests, combined with pressure on advertisers to abandon the ADL’s target. This is not new, Jewish-Americans leaders and film makers, with U.S.-based British diplomats and intelligence officers, F.D. Roosevelt and his cabinet, and the FBI, worked together in the latter 1930s to force America’s entry into World War 2. Then, when Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and the America First Committee (AFC) called out this stinking, war-mongering gang between 1939 and 1941, the miscreants worked to undermine the non-interventionists – often using war-wanting journalists and their papers, as well as unconstitutional electronic and physical surveillance — and identify them as Nazis and traitors.

–All of this was done against Lindbergh, the AFC, and America as a whole at a time when nationwide polls consistently showed that about 80-percent of Americans wanted no part of another European war. Given these numbers and his own beliefs, Lindbergh refused to play any part in quietly watching this British-Eastern Elite-Jewish-American subversion of the American will, and, with precision and utter truth, publicly identified Britain, Jewish-American leaders, and Roosevelt’s regime as the three greatest agitators pushing America into a war its people clearly did not want. Lindbergh, America First, and the American people held the line and had some short-term successes until Roosevelt’s engineered war with Japan began at Pearl Harbor, which also produced Hitler’s declaration of war. The revenge exacted on Lindbergh by Jewish-American leaders from 1939 through the present day has reduced Lindbergh’s stature and reputation to dust covered with manure, when, in truth, Colonel Lindbergh was one of the greatest, most talented, most heroic Americans of the 20th century. If you have doubts about the pro-war agitation of Jewish-American leaders from 1939-1941, watch Warner Brothers’ movies from the period; read about Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter’s role as Roosevelt’s agent in promoting the interventionist cause; read the writings of journalist Walter Lippmann as he pushed for war, and review the pro-war activities of the Jewish Telegraph Agency based in New York City.

Finally, I want to thank the ADL and several of its media shills who recently reviewed my work in four articles and found it wanting: Media Matters (2), The Wrap, and Salon. To receive just a tiny percentage of the same oddly written, deeply ignorant, and racist articles from the same kind of Jewish-American hate-hacks that attacked Colonel Lindbergh, I can only regard as a commendation. To my great delight, I have apparently hit the same target (domestic Democratic tyranny and domestic war-lovers) as did Colonel Lindbergh. It is a target I will continue to hit as often as necessary until it is either tamed or destroyed, or I am.

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