Enough on Afghanistan. The take is: Democrats hate Americans and will kill them from the womb to the Hindu Kush

Following are the important lessons from Afghanistan for Americans whose taxes were wasted and soldier-children killed or maimed there:

–1.) Bush never intended to win the war. Rumsfeld’s “small footprint/long occupation” policy ensured the United States would suffer the same fate as the earlier British and Soviet invaders. And it did.

–2.) The goal of the 20-year occupation and its war-to-keep-the-status-quo was two-fold: (1) To flood the country with massive Western aid – especially cash – which could be heavily skimmed as it came through various embassies, with that the take being returned to the grafters and globalists in Europe and the U.S. and (2) To keep the poppies growing. Rumsfeld was presented with detailed maps and hand-help and satellite photography of all known “heroin factories” and their associated facilities in Afghanistan a few days after 9/11. He listened and then told the presenters that “the U.S. military does not fight poppies,” and that decision ruled the day for 20 years. Afghan heroin, like China-made Fentanyl, is another example and an active agent of the national government’s hatred for Americans.

–3.) The occupation of Afghanistan, and U.S.-led efforts to impose secularism, irreligion, women’s rights, gender studies, and an array of other sordid, so-called Western values on Afghans, made the Taliban a nationalist force for restoring Afghan independence, sovereignty, and traditional Islamic culture. The Taliban did so via a war against a foreign and atheistic invasion, which was followed by occupation and attempted domination. There is no doubt that the majority of Afghans supported the Taleban’s ejection of the U.S. and Western forces and their “values”, if not the everything about the Taliban’s modus operandi. But the Taliban was the only agent of Afghan independence in town and it won

–4.) War is a tough business and the top-most echelons of U.S. and Western militaries only dabble in war, they never fight it to win definitive victory. The Afghan-war expenditures – human and monetary – of those militaries and their governments are pure waste, have nothing to do with protecting liberty at home, and primarily exist to feather the gold-lined nests of the grifting political and military elites. At the top of the list of those with pockets are full of loot and hands covered with blood are Biden, his Jamaican Vice President, Burns, Blinken, Milley, and Austin.

–5.) There is no use whining about any feature of the Afghan endgame, which came off exactly as America’s bipartisan political and military elites wanted it to. The green-carded Afghans and ordinary Americans left behind were left because no senior politician or general gave a damn about their lives. Catastrophe during military withdrawal – even the U.S. stage-managed one in Afghanistan — begets chaos and broad destruction which generally wipes-out most evidence of the deep criminal activities of the former occupiers.

–6.) Perhaps the most important reason to stop whining and start thinking, is that Afghanistan is nothing but one more installment – a rather small one — of the on-going mass killing of Americans that all Democrats, many Republicans, and all federal health bureaucrats intend to conduct. There is no use whining about the soon-to-be-dead Americans left behind in Afghanistan or the huge segment of the republic’s population that is soon to be dead at the hands of Biden, Fauci, Gates, et al. American citizens can do next to nothing to aid their brethren trapped in Afghanistan, but they can begin to quickly organize and then act to eliminate those at all levels of government who are attacking them and their children with murderous vaccines and their just as deadly mandates. Afghanistan is in the rear-view mirror and fading, look ahead and act to neutralize those seeking the destruction of the republic and most of its citizens.

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