A humanitarian appeal to save the lives of Democrats

To:  The Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court

From:  M.F. Scheuer

Date: 25 March 2021

Subject: A humanitarian appeal to save the lives of Democrats

–1.) You may be aware that the Biden administration is reportedly requesting the Supreme Court to allow policemen to forcibly enter private homes to seize legally owned weapons. Biden’s people claim that this authority is needed to prevent “suicides”. [1]

–2.) Your Honors, I implore you to protect these obviously mentally ill and suicidal Democrats. What they are asking you to do is shred the U.S. Constitution. But more than that, their minds are terribly deranged – perhaps an understatement – by their clear and utter inability to govern in any way but one that is destroying the citizenry and the republic. Such an unprecedented failure – after troubling themselves to rig a presidential election – is causing these people such mental distress that they are seeking a means by which they can collectively commit suicide.

–3.) Now, the majority of your Honors have, yourselves, failed so miserably to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights during the past five years, that your collective psyches, too, must be in torment, strained to the breaking point. But you must calm yourselves and resolve to prevent the mass suicide of pro-Democrat police forces, and many other Democrats, by refusing to complete the destruction of the U.S. Constitution that they are seeking.

–4.) I must say, your Honors, that this is not hard issue to decide, as the Constitution is explicit in denying all the Democrats are asking you for. It is clear that the Biden administration’s request is meant for you to provide a venue in which it, all Democrats, and pro-Democrat police can end it all in a blaze of their own insanity. While I see nothing to object to in that ultimate goal – indeed, I applaud and pray for it to come about – you should not make it easy for them to escape the proper judicial punishment that is coming their way with some speed.

–5.) Justices, just do your obvious duty, which means defending the document you are pledged to preserve as it was written by men far more brilliant than you. By doing so, the Court will save the lives of many thousands of Democratic would-be enslavers. You will be ensuring that these people will meet their proper fate via legitimate judicial processes; namely, investigation, indictment, arrest, trial by jury, conviction, and execution by hanging, firing squad, electrocution, or lethal injection.

–6.) There people are rank traitors, your Honors, you must not make lethal punishment easy for them by agreeing to negate the citizenry’s irrefutable rights under the Constitution and allowing them to commit mass suicide.

With respect for the idea of a Supreme Court, but little for its current majority of Constitution betrayers, I remain, with the best of intentions,

M.F. Scheuer



–1.) https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-administration-tells-supreme-court-police-can-seize-guns-in-homes-without-a-warrant-to-prevent-suicide_3747864.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

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