Biden and his party sign up for the annihilation of mankind

Yesterday, Joe Biden said the world was forming a New World Order and that the United States must lead it. You have heard this murderous crap before — or at least have read about — under other names, such as Germany’s search for “lebensraum” and Japan’s attempt to build the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”. In both cases, the campaigns were dark pieces of madness and massacre that completely failed at the cost of multiple millions of lives and subsequent decades of Cold War.

Now, the same plan again is on tap, only this time is led by people far, far worse than Hitler and Tojo. Clearly, these two boys will look like amateur gangsters compared to Biden, Obama, Gates, Clinton, Fauci, Pelosi, and their teeming herd of sexually depraved, greedy, pedophile, and power-mad semi-humans. Even Stalin and Mao pale in comparison to the slaughtering ambitions of today’s fascist mass murderers in the Democratic Party.

The intent of the New World Order is contained in an old and deadly song that was first written and sung by the French Revolutionaries under the deceitful banner of “Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity”. It involves, of course, the use of lyrics that identify the singers as the saviors of the common folk, but instead, and invariably, their policies and actions result in conditions where the common folk become fodder for war, tenants of concentration camps, victims of poison gasses or lethal vaccines, or targets to be shot down in droves on the streets or starved to death by the millions in the countryside.

Well that is the precisely the kind of New World Order that Biden was talking about yesterday, one that is recycling, modernizing, and making more lethal all the methods of the mass-murdering groups that have plagued this earth since the endlessly bloodthirsty French revolutionaries. Biden and his fascist buddies intend to bring not prosperity and peace, but desolation, billions of dead from starvation, industrial-scale murder, isolation, enslavement, and lethal man-made plagues and deadly vaccines.

The blind lust for killing that fuels the New World Order was plain in a story Biden related yesterday. He began by saying that a senior military officer had told him that 60 million people had been killed between 1900 and 1946. Biden said that a repeat of that number had not happened since 1946, so the world is improving and the New World Order will make it even better as it is installed to rule the earth.

All that can be said is that Biden and his family appear not only to enjoy molesting children, but they also enjoy and approve murdering them. Biden and the military officer who told him the story know that the Democratic Party, American women, and the members of the American Medical Association have killed nearly 62 million, innocent, defenseless, and God-given infants since 1973. In short the Democrats and their allies alone have killed a number greater than the reported 60-million killed by all causes from 1900-to-1946.

Anyone who thinks that Biden, the Democrats, many Republicans, journalists, academics, and all others who support the establishment of the New World Order intend to improve conditions for the common folk, best think again. Those who gleefully murder the unborn and just-born can only be expected to find even more mirth and entertainment in killing billions in the name of making a new and better world.

Biden’s support for a New World Order is, in reality, a proclamation of his and his party’s full support for the callous annihilation of mankind. Indeed, if billions of people are to be killed, there is no better outfit than the Democrats to handle the job. They cannot lead or help people, but they surely can kill them in large numbers, as we are reminded by their history of abortion, slavery, unnecessary wars, internment camps, Covid, etc.. They are certain to put Mengele, Eichmann, Uncle Joe, Mao, and even Margaret Sanger to shame.


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