Coincidences are rare, there are none in the events below

Having lived a life that has featured about as many failures as successes, I have come to believe that coincidences are few, and success and failure are largely of your own making. This is not to say that there are no coincidences, but most seem to be in the mundane category, such as befriending a person who has the same birthday as you, or deciding to pick up the phone to call someone just as the person you intended to call rings your number. In the bigger, more important affairs in the life of a person or the nation, however, coincidences are pretty rare. Those in positions of power and influence who commonly claim that important events are only coincidences must be doubted and held suspect.

With this point made, I was wondering how many people could possibly believe that the following juxtaposition of events are examples of common coincidences?

Hong Kong: Do the Chinese merit the media’s 24-hour hour damnation for opposing the Hong Kong demonstrations, while, at the same time, Macron’s thug-like treatment of France’s “Yellow Vest” protesters are ignored by the media. For 18 weeks, FOX said last Friday, the Chinese demonstrators have marched for “freedom” and suffered at the hands of the “brutal” Hong Kong government and their Chinese masters. But what about France? Well, neither FOX nor any other major U.S. media organization that I am aware of has fully covered the 43 weeks of Yellow Vest protests against Macron’s globalist and climate-change-crazed government. The brutality of the French treatment of the Yellow Vests has only been followed and documented by Russian Television (RT). Is this a coincidence? The answer is no. Why does this matter?

First, because the deliberately incendiary media coverage of Hong Kong events has given the Neocons and their mainstream and cable media allies another chance to seek war, this time with China.

Second, because the fate of Hong Kong’s population was decided in 1997 when the British government consigned it to the horrors of eventual rule by the Chinese communists. President Clinton’s administration and most other of the so-called “western democracies” supported the UK’s decision to “hand over” Hong Kong to the Beijing butchers. Neither the British nor Clinton nor any of the other Western leaders who supported the handover had any plausible reason to believe the Chinese regime would honor the 50-year period before full Chinese control became effective. It is too bad for people in Hong Kong, but their future was decided for them by the UK, the U.S., and the West, all of whom knew that their future would be reeducation camps, executions by the tens of thousands, and ultimately service as the obedient automatons of the Chinese communists. The real enslavers of Hong Kong’s residents reside in London, Washington, Paris, and elsewhere in the West. Any Western attempt to rescue Hong Kong’s population would be madly Quixotic, potentially war-causing, and utterly insincere, as Britain and the West long ago consigned the city and its people to Chinese savagery and a communist hell.

Third, and most important, the taxpayers of the United States are on the hook to pay for – and potentially see their kids die for – the defense of Europe. Why? Because U.S. elitists want to be able to identify the republic as the “leader of the Free World” and trumpet the greatness of Western democracies. Well, French police are regularly beating the Yellow Vesters, and RT has film of the French police picking random targets and then striking them from behind with a kind of club. (1) Now, as far as I am concerned, these French-vs-French battles are neither here nor there. They are internal governing matters for the French to decide for themselves. The issue at hand is that NATO is no longer “a defender of democracy” nor of the rule of law or equality before the law. Indeed, NATO member governments currently are the crucifier of what once were called “Western values”. Macron’s police beat demonstrating citizens: British politicians refuse to execute the electorate’s majority decision to leave the EU; German and Scandinavian leaders construe their countries’ laws to allow Muslim males to rape women and molest children without penalty; and Italian globalists and the EU cooperate to overthrow Salvini’s legitimate nationalist regime and restart the admission of unwanted, criminal, and diseased migrants. In addition, nearly all of the NATO governments are engaged, individually or through the EU, in restricting free speech, attacking Christianity, limiting the right to assembly, and generally making destabilizing migrant groups legally privileged and entitled to priority over native citizens for housing, employment, and public assistance. It is time for the U.S. government to recognize that democracy in Europe exists in name only, that the substance of it is long gone, and that there is no credible reason for the republic to remain in NATO, waste more money, and risk automatic war in the name of defending European democracies that are now rotting corpses.

Shootings: Can anyone with a bit of commonsense really believe that the series of shootings during and now, with Odessa, on the eve of the House and Senate coming back into session after a luxurious 5-week paid vacation are just run-of-the-mill coincidences? Once again in Odessa, the shooter called the FBI and local authorities before he attacked, and, as in most cases since 2017, little or nothing was done to preempt the attacks. How can it possibly be that the FBI and/or the local police do not act on information that is given to them and for which they did not even have to break a sweat to ferret out? From the pro-Democrat, Saudi princeling’s Las Vegas ambush of concert-goers to the attack in Odessa, warnings were ignored, and dead, wounded, and traumatized resulted.

–None of this can be attributed to guns, let alone the 2nd Amendment. It has to do with three things: (a) No one benefits from these killings except the Democratic Party, and it benefits greatly. Seizing guns from Americans is a central part of the party’s platform, and its sad-excuse for leaders use every shooting – except if it occurs in Chicago, where 8 were shot dead last weekend — to fuel their goal of disarming Americans; (b) Mental illness is the dominant characteristic of the Democratic Party and those who vote for it, just listen to their presidential candidates, view the newspapers and media outlets that are arms of the party; and look and listen to the apparently barely human creatures who are in Antifa. A quick review of these things offer a clear photo of where madness resides, thrives, and is propagated in America; (c) Democrats control the educational system from pre-K through Ph.D. levels. They teach kids about a world that has not, does not, and will never exist. They thusly produce graduates who enter a world in which nothing is familiar to them, and so are disoriented, frightened, unable to make a decent living, and useless to themselves and the republic. All of these threats to Americans can be neutered if the Democratic Party is eradicated, and perhaps there is a slim chance that might be done the polls.

–Climate: Is it possible that the best meteorological minds in the world have not been able to tell what a hurricane is going to do, even though it is a single weather event, there is no obstacle to knowing where it is, and there are multiple nations steadily flying civil and military planes and sophisticated instruments into the storm? Apparently so, and for more than a week these experts consistently have been forced to reassess and change their predictions because they simply did not know what the storm is going to do. To their unending credit, these fine meteorological minds never tired of reminding viewers that they were doing the best they could with weather models that, while plentiful, were seldom unanimous in laying out what to expect from hurricanes.

–Now, these hard-working experts, faced with a clear, tangible, dangerous, and immediate weather event, and armed with cutting-edge technology and models, had to carefully explain that they are partly guessing and mostly depending on the history of what hurricanes have done for several centuries in the Atlantic. Is it merely a coincidence that the host of well-educated, climate-change wankers can be so cock sure they can tell precisely what will happen to the earth’s climate 20, 30, or 40 years in the future, especially because the data they pick to use – more likely invent – is such a small part of the many centuries of data available to study? No coincidence here, the truth is that Climateers cannot forecast with even minimal precision. The words, studies, and screeching, chicken-little warnings of the Climate Changers — scientists and their equally deceitful media propagandists alike — are replete with deliberate lies; laughably false statistics; melting glaciers that not only stubbornly fail to melt but are growing; inundated cities that still stand high and dry a decade or two after the  climate scientists had designated their certain submersion dates (2); and action plans that would do nothing but make Americans the tax-slaves of Democrats, globalists, and the lying climate scientists and media commentators who are on their payroll.

Each time I hear any Democrat leader, Democratic loyalist, Democrat media shill, or Mitt Romney speak, I think that no men ever have been so astoundingly prescient as were America’s Founders. Those men left the 2nd Amendment as part of their legacy and that action assures contemporary Americans have in their own hands a reliable capability to ensure that their republic and liberties will endure for themselves, their children, and future generations. How hopeless things would be for Americans if we were – like Britons, Frenchmen, and Italians – unarmed, and so utterly unable to defend our homeland, kith, and kin from globalists tyrants and their gangster, communist, and pedophile followers.


–1.) The compelling video coverage of the random violence that Macron’s police have applied against the Yellow Vesters can be seen – for now — by searching YouTube for “RT” and “Yellow Vests”.

–2.) I have found the YouTube videos by a man named “Tony Heller” to be extraordinary in their clear, concise, and irrefutable presentation of evidence showing how the quack Climate-Change scientists fabricate, distort, or simply hide/delete scientific data that would destroy their arguments and reveal them as grubby, do-anything-for-money schills who happen to be in the leading rank – with most Western governments — of the world’s greediest hucksters and most destructive liars.

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