Democrat is the best synonym for “insurrectionist”

How long will loyal Americans have to watch the quickly aging dog-face of John Brennan speak utter lies about them, and heap his vile hatred on those who want the republic to survive and flourish? Who knows, but one would think it can be inexpensively stopped.

Anyway, about a year ago I did an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network ( and explained that the Democrats have long been waging an expanding and lethal insurrection against the republic and its supporters. But, let us first explain what is not an insurrection.

An insurrection is not and never will be, in and of itself, an event such as that which occurred on 6 January 2020 at the U.S. Capitol. What happened there was a riot planned by the Democratic Party and the mayor and police forces it controls in Washington DC, with the support of Virginia’s Democratic governor. After all, the Democrats support the destruction of all of America’s historical symbols – and soon its written history — except for the building from which they hide, steal from the citizenry, and arrange their international corruption and pedophile operations; namely the U.S. Capitol. When the Democrats and their allies are arraigned, tried, and convicted, they ought to be hung from a location where, just as they drop, they can see the Capitol that they long and toxically soiled by their presence and recently tried to destroy.

The Democrats arranged the event at the Capitol, and it was just one more operation in the insurrection they have been waging against the republic for decades, but especially since mid-2015. Their illegal, destructive, treasonous, corrupt, lethal, and always revenge-compelling operations have included:

–The murder of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

–The massacre of more than 50 Americans at a country-music concert in Los Vegas, and the attempted murder of more than a dozen Republican representatives attending a baseball practice.  Both covered up by the FBI as the acts of a single mad individual.

–Their five-year war to overturn the will of the American patriots who elected Trump, by arguing a case based on lies and evidence that was fabricated by the Democrats, foreign intelligence services and media, the U.S.-based media, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

–Their placement of an agent of China’s communist regime on the House intelligence committee, as well as two more Chinese agents – the faux president and his addict/pedophile son – in the White House.

–The destruction of untold numbers of the statues and other monuments that recall and rightfully honor American history. Most ludicrous, is their effort to eliminate the Army of Northern Virginia’s battle flag, the flying of which signifies love of locality and region; remembrance of those who were killed or maimed fighting for the South, a thirst for independence, and, since the war, the unequaled, almost inexplicable willingness of Americans to slowly reconcile after an enormously bloody and destructive war. That war of course had almost nothing to do with slavery. Very few Americans were motivated by slavery to wage the war that nearly destroyed their country. Slavery did not cause the war, did not motivate masses of northern men to join the Union armies, and did not motivate most Southern fighting men to fight to defend slavery. Slavery was not the cause of the war, it was its outcome, and, from a 20th and 21st century presentist perspective, a most welcome one because it powers the academy’s racist hatred for whites. To see it as the war’s cause, or a still naturally festering problem, is to believe the hogwash published these days by presentist-minded historians, men and women who are among the republic’s leading enemies.

–The Democrats running of a murderous-and-traitorous bitch for the presidency in 2016, a person who used a personal server that was built so as to allow China, Iran, Russia, Israel, and many other nations to download America’s most important classified information.

–The year-long Chinese Virus charade conducted by a coalition of Democrats, members of the AMA, the United Nations, the Beijing regime, Bill Gates, and the media. It shattered the nation’s small businesses, continues to bleed the economy, and has terrorized both children and weak and/or stupid adults who refuse to think for themselves. The faked-in-severity Chinese Virus also has been used by five Democratic governors to deliberately murder tens of thousands of the elderly, by the Speaker of the House to cover for them, as well as to provide cover for the millions of fraudulent mail-in votes for Beijing Joe, and by Fauci, other murderous federal civil servants, and their allies in the academy, China and its military, the AMA, and the UN to make hydroxychloroquine unavailable to the public in order to cause the unnecessary deaths of many ten of thousands of Americans.

–The conclusion of a deal with Iran that allows the mullahs to complete their nuclear program, and which gave Obama, the Democrats, and their foreign friends kickbacks from the massive amount of U.S. dollars they gave to Tehran.

–The economically lethal, let-‘me-eat-cake plans they have for working-class Americans, expressed most clearly by the bitch’s publicly stated intention to wreck the coal-mining industry, the Chines-agent corpse’s obliteration of more than 10,000 plus pipeline construction jobs, and by the Chinese-agent corpse and Mrs. Heinz’s daft but well-paid gigolo aristocratically advising job-losing, American workers to magically become IT technicians, code writers, or solar-panel makers.

–The multi-year campaign to block construction of the border wall so as to to maintain the massive in-flow of the Third World’s human detritus into the United States to negate the electoral power of loyal and native-born Americans, as well to destroy the tranquility and cohesiveness of American society.

–The long campaign funded and otherwise assisted by Democrats, the media, the Christian clergy, the academy, and major American businesses to falsely identify rank terrorists – ANTIFA and BLM especially – as poor, long-suffering minorities seeking social justice through the rioting, arson, killing, and physical destruction that always is the indelible trademark of fascist and racist scum.

–The complete and easily proven rigging of the 2020 presidential election by the Democrats, many Republicans, multiple foreign powers, anti-American private citizens, and some U.S. companies.

–The ongoing and growing censoring of Conservative media outlets by Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other pro-Democrat and treasonous U.S.-based media companies.

–The Democrats’ current efforts to prevent the employment of Conservatives, deprive them of the Bill of Rights’ protections under the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments, and the party’s use of their media allies and brain-dead House members like Cortez and the truly demented Cohen to demand that Conservatives be detained for reeducation in internment camps.

–The insertion of obviously mentally ill Transsexuals into the ranks of the U.S. military to degrade morale and create a disruptive privileged class among enlisted personnel.

–The Democrats use of their complete control of FBI and Department of Justice to facilitate much of the foregoing, as well as to build from thin air “evidence” of a terrorist threat from American patriots, while preventing the exposure of hundreds of Democrats, Republicans, Hollywood’s horde of perverts, media personalities, judges, billionaires, and leading businessman as pedophiles who used Jeffrey Epstein and his international pedophile network to acquire many thousands of children to be used by them first as sex toys, then tortured, and then ritually murdered.

Is there is an insurrection in this country? Yes there is, one of longstanding duration. The foregoing points prove its existence and identifies its leaders, funders, and perpetrators. It is wholly owned and conducted by the Democratic party, many Republicans, the media, and the other subsidiary agents mentioned above. Together they can be simply and accurately defined as the “Sum of the Earth”, not at all unlike the Nazis. In fact, the Democrats and their lot are identical thereto.

There are only two options left for Loyal Americans. Either the U.S. military acts soon to remove the corpse and his gangsters from the offices they attained unconstitutionally via a rigged presidential election conducted by the Democratic Party, with the help of foreign governments. Or, if the U.S. military fails to do its obvious duty to the republic, and to the Constitution, by annihilating the Democrat-led insurrection, armed and loyal citizens will have to do their unavoidable, Declaration of Independence-defined and 2nd Amendment-enabled duty to annihilate the anti-republic insurrectionists.

Targets are plentiful, but, for now, we must be sure to hold our fire. Let the Democrats’ and Brennan’s anti-republic goons fire first; perhaps they can even be goaded into acting first. If, as part of a plan, they attack first or if they goaded into attacking, we will be fully justified in obliterating them, just as they intended and are now publicly pledging to obliterate us.

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