Facing the spawn of this land’s strengthening fascist and interventionist winds

I don’t know if I’m smart but I think I can see
When someone is pullin’ the wool over me
And if this war comes and death’s all around
Let me die on this land ’fore I die underground
Let me die in my footsteps
Before I go down under the ground   Bob Dylan, 1963 (1)

In the weeks after 9/11, the Bush Administration raced to and fro to form an internal security organization, seeking to turn the trick before the population’s attack-induced shock began to ebb and most people learned that two consecutive administration could have killed bin Laden and stopped the 9/11 raid. During this effort, a bevy of names for the new agency flew around government circles. Many of the names reminded us of the mottoes and names given to the internal security services of Nazi and various communist governments and that executed their authoritarian goals. They Bush gang also spoke of using catchy phrases to popularize the new organization and reassure Americans that internal security would never mean the KGB and the Gulags.

The Bush administration’s problems on names and mottoes were never completely overcome because its intention was precisely to begin a KGB-Gulag era in the United States, the one, in fact, that Biden and the Democrats are now seeking to complete. When “Homeland Security” was announced as the head of the new agency, an unknown person circulated light red cards with the works “Homeland Security” on the right half of the card, while on the left was a sketch of a rifle-carrying, severe-looking Wehrmacht sergeant, and under him appeared the words “To keep you safe”. Kind of a wishy-washy motto, and many of us suggested that there were more appropriate mottoes such as “Lebensraum”, “Arbeit Macht Frei”, or even the “Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere”. It was clear that new organization was going to be used against Americans, just as the FBI already had been used – opposing the pre-9/11 killing Osama bin Laden, for example – and is now being used to bully and gather data on parents who oppose having their kids taught by the mentally deranged.

The memory of all this came up as I was reading last week’s statement by a Homeland Security spokesman that Americans are now facing a terrorism-driven “diverse and challenging threat environment.” Well, he ought to know, as he, his agency, the FBI, DOJ, the White House, much of the Congress and the Senate, and what appears to be more than few U.S. flag officers, have cooperated to carefully craft the reality of a favorable American-killing environment. The parts of that crafting are numerous and utterly obvious, and among them are:

–The Democrat-planned and minimally violent 2017 Charlottesville, Virginia, demonstrations which the Soros-funded Democrats use to raise the non-existent threat of White Supremacy. They and their lap-dog media have relentlessly pretended that this fatuous fever-dream is a reality and that White supremacists lurks in every nook and cranny in the land. Listen up, if American whites were even remotely white supremacists the republic’s domestic enemies of all colors and genders would be six-feet under.

–This starting point was expanded since January, 2021, by the fascist activities of the twit who is Biden’s attorney general, Merritt Garland. This fool’s writers came up with the simple definition of a terrorist as any white person who opposes Biden’s administration, refuses to accept unconstitutional actions – mandates for example – and denies the innate superiority over them of the Democrats’ violent, selfish, lazy, and just-plain mad Blacks, Browns, Reds, and mentally-ill sexual deviants.

Next, Biden and his bound-for demise colleagues decided that the thorough-going criminality of the FBI and Homeland Security might not be enough to win the day. They had trained and deployed BLM and Antifa terrorists, but there might be a need for more than arsonists, assassins, car-torchers, and cursing-old-people beaters to carry the day. So, they started building a more conventional army beginning with Biden’s invitation to the world’s population to illegally enter the United States and take their place on the public dole.

–The great majority of these illegal aliens are military aged men from Latin America and the rest of the world. Some with military experience – conventional or insurgent – in their own country. And, of course, there are some Islamist terrorists, but the illegal-alien terrorists are principally gang members from MS-13 and Mexican-cartel operatives. All of these illegals were welcome by the Biden Administration and both houses of Congress.

–And what about Afghanistan? Certainly, there are Taleban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS members who have crossed the open southern border since Inauguration Day, as have intelligence officers and paramilitary forces from Russia, Iran, China exc. But the vital component of  the Afghan inflow almost certainly are Afghan Special Forces personnel trained by U.S. Special Forces. Why so?

–The Democratic-running-dog component of U.S. flag officers seems to be concentrated in the U.S. Navy and, especially, in the U.S. Special Forces. Recall that special-forces generals McRaven and McChrystal were fierce opponents of Trump, his foreign policy, and those who support him, and also led the training for the Afghan special forces. In addition, several senior, retired U.S. Marine generals were up to their waist in subverting Trump.

–Now, U.S. Special forces – as did those of Britain and other NATO “allies” — taught the Afghans their trade. Indeed, there have been media reports that the British may adopt, Gurkha-like, the Afghans they trained into their own special forces.

The foregoing leaves us with the distinct possibility that a goodly number of the Afghans that Biden and his team brought willy-nilly into the United States – often unprecedentedly landing them at active U.S. military bases (How’s that for maintaining security?) – were members of the Afghan Special Forces trained by disloyal subordinates of McChrystal, McRaven and other, retired Special Forces sergeants and officers looking for very good and easy money as military contractors

–Why do so? Because Biden and his traitorous generals cannot rely on the entire U.S. military when it orders those forces to merrily kill, vaccinate, and incarcerate their fellow citizens. Indeed, the quarter-million, refusing-the-vax men and women who Biden and Austin are planning to cashier from the military, can hardly be expected to rally to help the Democrats’ long-planned persecution and murder of the citizenry, especially their main human-targets in the southern states. Afghan Special Forces, on the other hand, are murderers-for-hire and would have no qualms about killing unlimited numbers of Americans, especially Christians. The tyrannical British had Hessian killers to unleash on Americans, the tyrant Biden has Afghan killers to unleash. Again, history seems ready to repeat itself.

–Another possible use for a trusty Afghan? One wonders how many Afghan Special Forces members were trained as snipers. The Democrats obviously need to deep-six the widely hated and brain-dead Biden/Brandon. What could be better for Democrats than a false-flag operation that assassinates Biden, and can be blamed on White supremacists. How handy an U.S.-trained Afghan sniper might be to get the false-flag ball rolling!

Finally, Biden’s open borders and craven but well-planned skedaddle from Afghanistan provides nationals from all countries that were bombed-to-shit and culled population-wise with a fine chance to avenge their losses. Payback is now on deck for the unnecessary interventionist wars because (a) Biden has given the most golden of opportunities to those whose countries and families have been savaged by U.S. intervention — close-in access , and because of (b) the eternal wisdom of the old saying “what goes around, comes around”.

It is this last multinational group that Americans must keep foremost in their minds. America’s non-interventionists, of course, always have warned that this sort of payback would be coming our way. Indeed, that reality is a main justification for being a non-interventionist; that is, do not cause violent revenge against the republic and its citizens because of the damage wrought abroad by unnecessary U.S.-initiated wars waged in the name of abstract and unobtainable ideals.

This is only common sense. But since McKinley had a late-night talk with God and said the deity told to him to wage the utterly unnecessary Spanish-American war and then the Philippine insurgency, useless and murderous interventionism has become an American trademark. After McKinley, Mark Twain precisely described how future presidents would deceitfully take the republic into unending unnecessary wars. “Next,” Twain wrote in 1916,

the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.” (2)

Twain hit the nail on that head. Wilson deceived Americans into intervening in the Great War in the name of an abstract idiocy — “making the world safe for democracy.” FDR and his FBI abetted foreign nations’ covert actions that were aimed at conniving us into World War 2; put U.S. sailors and their ships in harm’s way to spur U-boats attacks on them; and sought to bankrupt Japan and thereby prompt Tokyo to start war in the Pacific. Truman ignored the Constitution to begin his feckless war in Korea. Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon diddled away 50,000-plus America lives in a Vietnam war they refused to win. Bush-the-elder designated war as the appropriate tool for forming his authoritarian New World Order. And, as noted, Clinton, Bush-the-younger, and Obama set the standard for the piratical art of waging unnecessary interventionist wars not to win, but only to enrich themselves and their criminal gangs.

The time now appears near when all loyal Americans will have to fight to stave off the whirlwind these men and women have sewn. Quite frankly, the republic’s fate is hanging in the balance, and its enemies are both, as the saying goes, foreign and domestic.


–1.) Bob Dylan, “Let me die in my footsteps,” 1963 at https://www.bobdylan.com/songs/let-me-die-my-footsteps/

–2.) Mark Twain, The Mysterious Stranger, 2016, text at https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3186/3186-h/3186-h.htm. Twain’s words are at the end of the last paragraph of Chapter 9 at that site.

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