The worth of Trump’s America First foreign policy is certified by republic’s domestic enemies

The meaning of the words “America First” are foreign to so many Americans because most have received an education deliberately deformed beyond recognition — especially in the field of history – by generations of teachers, Democratic politicians, and Department of Education bureaucrats, and the opposition of each to liberty, free speech, critical-thinking, and patriotism.

Since 1945, students have been taught that the concept of doing what was best for the republic and its citizens is selfish, dangerously nationalistic, racist, isolationist, and unrealistic – as if anyone in the nation’s scamming education industry has even a single contact point with reality.

Because of this situation, the United States has been used by its bipartisan governing elite – and its on-the-ground agents known as teachers – as a source of funding for every crackpot abstract idea, government, and tyrant in the world. A goodly part of that funding has been pocketed by the elite in the form of kickbacks, and these have enabled tens of thousands of politicians who won election as check-to-check employees to launch into retirement as, at least, multi-millionaires. The motto of these wastes-of-skin have been either “Anyone and Anything but America First” or “NATO, Israel, and Arab Tyrants and Dictators First”.

The elites also have used the U.S. military to wage unnecessary wars that further enriched them, protected tyrannical regimes, and killed and maimed tens of thousands of the nation’s soldier-children. The elected officials of the national government – Republicans and Democrats — have either lost or refused to win every useless war they have entered or started since 1945.

The only important takeaways from these wars are that (a) from private to Lieutenant-Colonel our fighting men and women have performed well and courageously; (b) from Colonel to top general or admiral they have been led by officers who sucked up to the political warmongers and obeyed presidents who did not intend to win the wars they started, all without having a second thought about the lives of their troops; and (c) from 1945 to this day, not one Marine, soldier, sailor, airman, or coast guardsmen who has died or been crippled in battle can be said to have found his or her fate in a battle to protect U.S. freedom and liberty. They have died for corrupt, tyrannical, avaricious, and elitist bastards who used their blood, bodies, and limbs to enrich themselves and play the blood-dripping role of “Leader of the Free World.”

During these decades, military men and women were used by both political parties and their senior generals as pawns not to protect the republic, but to drain it of both its best young people and its riches, the latter in the name of feathering their own nests. They also used America’s fighting forces in myriad unnecessary wars to justify the gradual – and now galloping – elimination of civil liberties at home, especially the permanent rights of Americans found in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments to the Constitution.

In the post-war era, the bipartisan governing elite and its generals waged wars-of-choice not to defeat foreign enemies that threatened the republic’s survival. Rather, they fought and used them as the justification for constricting and eventually ending – in the name of internal security — the rights of a restless, at times rowdy, ambitious, religious, patriotic, argumentative, and hardworking population, most of which wanted nothing from the national government but lower taxes and to left alone. These wars were meant to facilitate the enslavement of the citizenry, never to defeat an enemy.

Then, almost miraculously, along comes Trump and the return of America First. Since 20 January, 2017, the United States has started no new wars; has brought the North Korea problem down from a war-boil to a slower simmer; has killed al-Baghdadi and his lieutenants; ended, for now, the Islamic State’s physical caliphate; killed Iran’s butcher Soleimani with magnificent skill; brought troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Europe; began the long overdue dismantling of NATO, and the proper abandonment of 27 faux allies who want Americans to pay for their defense and fight their wars. Trump’s administration also has rebuilt the U.S. military – after Bush and Obama had run it into the ground – and Trump has made clear that he does not intend to use it unless America is attacked or is imminently and genuinely threatened.

Trump also has made it clear to all citizens that the U.S. military belongs to them not to the politicians, and that it will be used only to defend them, their republic, their Union, and their Constitution. He has promised that it will not be used to wage interventionist wars abroad that kill their soldier-children in the name of imposing on unwilling foreigners such abstract, war-causing ideas as spreading democracy, gender equality, human rights, elections, diversity, multiculturalism, women’s rights, etc.

In other words, the U.S. military will henceforth be used as the Founders intended; that is, to defend America, never to interfere in the manner in which one set or another of foreigners are governed; or simply to wage war because a president dislikes a particular foreign leader, and so wages a war against “a bad man”, such as Gadhafi, Saddam, Mullah Omar, Slobodan Milosevic, etc.

How has Trump done? Well has made a very good start in beginning to move the republic into what the Virginian John Randolph called the “snug safe haven” of neutrality and non-intervention. But the proof of the pudding is in the words of hisdomestic foes, women and men from both parties who are now pouring scorn on Trump and America First.

Their words irrefutably prove that Trump is on the right foreign-policy track for the republic and its citizens. He is tearing down America’s post-1945, all-war-all-the-time foreign policy, and so the corrupt, power hungry, war-mongers are wailing crocodile tears, while promoting their stale and already-failed “expertise”.

First, listen to Obama-automaton and ultimate sophmoric loser, Susan Rice:

“Our allies don’t know what to make of us. The president of the United States is a liar and the whole world knows it. I’m deeply, deeply concerned that if we had four more years of this, we would not be an America that anybody can recognize. The situation would be unsalvageable, our national security and standing in the world irreparably damaged.” (18 August 2020) [2]

–Next, listen to 73 self-identified GOP “foreign policy experts”, men and women who gave us wars in Vietnam, for Israel, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq (twice), Yemen, etc. These are men and women who never gave a damn about either the military personnel they got killed or maimed, the parents/families of those casualties, or the trillions of taxpayer dollars they wasted or, more likely, pocketed. (NB: These 73 warmongers hate Trump because he hates unnecessary wars and useless alliances, which makes Trump all aces with most non-elite Americans. This list noted above, incidentally, includes the name of man named Philip Zelikow. He is the man who ensured Americans never got the full scoop on 9/11, and probably lives in trembling terror that Trump will declassify the 9/11 Commission’s archives when reelected.)

“A Statement by Former Republican National Security Officials: We are former national security officials who served during the administrations of Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and/or Donald Trump, or as Republican Members of Congress. We are profoundly concerned about the course of our nation under the leadership of Donald Trump. Through his actions and his rhetoric, Trump has demonstrated that he lacks the character and competence to lead this nation and has engaged in corrupt behavior that renders him unfit to serve as President.” [3]

Finally, listen to Richard Haass, the President of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR, of course, is an elitist, war-mongering, and globalist organization that, since its inception, has championed interventionism, global government, more and more power for the Western World’s elites, and the repression of unruly populations, especially Americans and their passionate republicanism.

“And if Trump is reelected? Buoyed by an electoral victory that he would interpret as a mandate, he would likely double down on the central elements of the foreign policy that has defined his first term. At some point, disruption becomes so far-reaching that there is no turning back. Present at the Disruption could become Present at the Destruction. …

A great deal hinges on which course the United States follows. Even a partial restoration would make Trump’s foreign policy something of an aberration, in which case its impact would prove limited. But if his brand of foreign policy persists for another four years, Trump will be seen as a truly consequential president. In this scenario, the model embraced by the United States from World War II until 2016 will prove to be the aberration—a relatively brief exception in a longer tradition of isolationism, protectionism, and nationalist unilateralism. History makes it impossible to view this latter prospect with anything but alarm.’ [4]

Note especially Haass’s intense fear of America’s return to its “longer tradition of isolationism, protectionism, and nationalist unilateralism”; that is, of returning to peace and domestic prosperity. Here Haass is speaking for Rice, the 73 failed GOP foreign policy experts, and really all of the American elite who have enriched themselves, and their egos, at the citizenry’s expense, through endless war, dead and maimed military personnel, wasted or stolen taxpayer trillions, the liberties of Americans, and the drastic reduction of the republic’s sovereignty and independence of action.

Haass and his Legion-of-the-Corrupt-Elite fear Trump not only because of  his America First policy, but because, through Trump, Americans in all walks of life are getting an opportunity to relearn the legacy of the Founders, especially  the strong desire of those fine and talented men for a republic that would always operate in the world on the peace-protecting principles of non-intervention – “isolationism” is slur thrown by failed globalists – and, again, “the snug safe haven of neutrality.” [5]

Thank you, Mr. President. Press on boldly, Sir, press on.



–1.) David Johnson, John Randolph of Roanoke, p. 153

–2.) See,

–3.) See,

–4.) See, The italics and bold letters in this quote are the author’s.

–5.) Dee endnote 1 above.


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