Of assassins, traitors, and slavers


–Now, how many U.S. senators called for Putin’s overthrow and assassination because of Russia’s absolutely necessary military operation in Ukraine? The calls came from many senators, not just the usual war-worshiper Lindsay Graham, as well as from media outlets, academics, the man-in-the street, and, naturally, TV’s innumerable retired flag-officers and retired CIA and FBI shills. Last Sunday, someone bombed a car and killed the daughter of a senior advisor to and personal friend of Vladimir Putin. Who executed the attack? By midweek, we knew. But even before that point, the mainstream media – especially in Britain – were  claiming that Putin killed the daughter of one of his closest allies. Such a conclusion was, of course, ludicrous. All the fingers of those with any commonsense were pointing at the Biden administration, its NATO and EU allies, and their intelligence services and special forces.

On Monday, the Russian FSB announced that Russia had found the murderous attack on the young woman had deen staged by Ukrainian military personnel, and was meant to kill her and her father; the later was saved by a last-minute change in travel arrangements. The FSB’s report and video evidence is compelling, and, better yet, it makes sense. That means the Ukrainian attackers were trained, armed, and provided logistical support by the intelligence services of the United States, Britain, and perhaps other NATO nations. The fact that the attack failed to kill the woman’s father only underscores Western military incompetence. Remember the Afghan army — trained for 20 years by the U.S. and NATO — that we were constantly assured could defend its country? Historically, cruelly murderous attacks have at times caused catastrophes, as in the Sarajevo assassination of an Austrian Arch-Duke on 28 June 1914, an attack that triggered the Great War. And, of course humanity’s truth of truths is that history always repeats itself.


–Who elected the World Economic Forum (WEF)? The answer is no one. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the newly arrived Israeli-Nazi Yuval Noah Harari appointed themselves, and were backed Big-Tech, banking billionaires, the media, and the United Nations, another Nazi-hive no one elected ever. The UN is and always has been an enemy of the American republic and a friend to tyranny, one that the U.S. Congress never opposes, stops funding, or, ideally, throws out of the country. For Americans, their elected officials have turned over the republic’s present and perhaps its future to these Nazi predators; indeed, Biden obviously takes his orders from the WEF, not the few voters who actually cast ballots for the decrepit dunce in 2020, nor those who overwhelmingly re-elected Trump. No organizations, other than the WEF and UN, have ever imposed as much death, crippling, terror, destruction, and tyranny in the United States and around the world, and have had no governmental authority on earth seeking to apprehend, try, and execute them. Today, United States is just as much at war with the Globalists, as it was with Japan when the Imperial Navy started war Japan’s with America at Pearl Harbor in 1941. The Globalists merit no less than the same savage annihilation the U.S. Marines and U.S. Navy visited on the Emperor’s forces and people. The black flag of “no quarter”, should fly high.

How much better would all of us be today, if the U.S. Air Force had staged simultaneous bombing strikes on the WEF’s Davos Conference and the UN just as the last WEF meeting was occurring, with follow-on Warthog raids to make sure as few as possible of the gangsters were left alive amongst the rubble. And what about all the mostly fraudulently elected U.S., EU, and NATO leaders who obey the now-growing WEF Reich and not their citizens. Well, they and the bureaucrats and generals who do their bidding are all traitors to their peoples, and the aircraft already mentioned are sturdy and deadly and could be assigned a second mission. The only job of the U.S. military, after all, is to make sure that a republican America, its people, and its Constitution survive. What is the damned military waiting for – or do they support the WEF’s, the UN’s, and the Democrats’ unfolding annihilation of all three?


–“Okay, you white, inflation-plagued, blue-collar chumps,” is what Biden’s words mean, “pony up more taxes so we can pay-off the college-loans of students who were stupid enough to borrow more money than they could hope to pay in exchange for university degrees that ensure joblessness.” The proper place for students of this type is in bankruptcy and destitution. What America does know about these college students is that they are, in essence, marginally intelligent, useless, subversive, and violent. They worship drug-soaked, criminal shit-birds like George Floyd, and they are eager to burn down inner cities, small businesses, pull down historic symbols and statutes, and destroy federal buildings. Many of them spent an entire summer burning, looting, killing, beating, and living in fetid tent cities instead of working at a time when jobs were abundant in America.

These deadbeats are products of ill-parenting and an American education system that offers useless degrees – gender studies, women’s studies, etc. – to minimally qualified young people who should never be in college in the first place. But they gain acceptance and are given enormous loans by banks who know they will never repay them. It is all a game and you can bet that Biden and his fraudsters will aim the loan-forgiveness at students who come from those who reside on the Democrats’ slave-voter plantations. How? Well how many federal or state government forms have filled out in your life that do not demand that you fill in your race or ethnicity. The answer is almost certainly none in the last forty years or more. Thus, Biden’s government can target debt-forgiveness to the children of those on their slave-voter plantations as easily as they can murder babies in the womb.

Several years ago I wrote here that the Democrats, since 1787, have always been a party of slavers, secessionists, segregationists, socialists, and shit-hole builders. They have only gown more vicious on each count since then.

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