On killing the old, a doctors’ coup, Hong Kong, and an Obama pardon

Well, it seems the Chinese Virus has given Democratic governors a splendid opportunity to try out the signature part of the Obama’s healthcare program, the death panels. Around the country, these governors – with Andrew Cuomo of New York so far the over-achiever –  joined in a practice of letting older people catch and die from the Chinese Virus in nursing homes, they reportedly even sent people to the homes to up the dead count. This method of operation got an early start in Washington State, and it worked so well there the Democrats are trying it out in the states where they have governors. Obama, Hillary, and Ezekiel Emmanuel must be grinning from ear-to-ear. For them and most Democrats, there is nothing better than making Americans die, especially infants and the elderly, neither of whom can fight back. The other venue for trying out death panels was – until Trump came to the rescue – the Veteran Administration’s hospitals where the reality was that sometimes legless, arm-less, chemically poisoned, or mentally disturbed veterans are not as spry as they once were, and so could be left to be toyed with, tortured, or to die.

I must admit that it never really occurred to me that the Deep State would include the national government’s medical/scientific/health-research establishment, that the National Institutes of Health would be no better than Comey’s loathsome FBI. Now, however, it seems clear that these branches of government and their leaders – one flush with U.S. taxpayer cash, the other with vastly overpaid side jobs from Bill Gates so they will push his deranged theories about vaccines, population control, and the UN’s role as the proper agent of each – have perpetrated a multi-trillion dollar disease-fraud on their fellow citizens. The fraud, as executed by Federal civil servants, greatly and knowingly over-hyped the Chinese Virus as an agent of rampant death; refused to protect Americans via the use of the safe-drug Hydroxychloroquine; greatly inflated death statistics; and deprived the citizenry of the rewarding Trump economy, the last after four presidents who were economic morons, thieves, or socialists. These fraudsters have now left Americans waiting for a flood of suicides, high numbers of deaths among the ill who did not get care during the lockdown, and the possibility of a long recession and high unemployment. On the welcome day of their post-trial executions, Comey, Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Rice, McCabe, Clapper, etc. better leave room on the gallows so that the Federal civil servants, doctors, scientists, and modelers who have sabotaged the nation and its citizens into economic/unemployment disaster can also swing.

Concurrently, the Chinese communists and Democratic Party leaders appear to have once again put the Hong Kong issue into play as a diversion to help the Democrats ease the nation’s increasing focus on their flu-fraud, graft, corruption, and treason. The media report that Beijing is about to apply harsh new laws that will wipe out pro-democracy forces in Hong Kong. In response, and right on cue, Trump administration spokesmen – especially Pompeo – and members of both parties in the Congress are demanding that the United States deliver pain on China if it neutralizes the island’s pro-democracy faction. Two points on this issue are important in preventing an unnecessary U.S. fight with China:

(a) The security of the United States is never dependent on how many democracies there are, or can be established, on the planet. Indeed, post-1945 events show that the Western European democracies and Israel’s democracy have been the bane of the republic’s existence. American taxpayers pay – via NATO – a large part of the defense bills for NATO’s 27 other member democracies. Israel’s democracy, at the same time, has corrupted the U.S. political system; kept both hands permanently in U.S. taxpayer’s pockets to get huge dole payments they arrogantly see as their right; and never misses a chance to promote the Muslim world’s hatred for the United States.

(b) In 1997, the UK, with complete U.S. and EU support, deliberately delivered the people of Hong Kong to the murderous governing style and traditions of the Chinese communists. All parties to that decision now claim, in their best Claude Rains’ voice, that they are “shocked” that Beijing is intent on creating a communist hell in Hong Kong after only 23 of the 50 years it pledged to keep hands-off the island. Why would any moderately well-educated British, American, or European leader ever take the word – even if it is inscribed in a treaty – of a Chinese communist as having any value as an accurate sign of his intentions. The years from 1917 to 2020 have witnessed a parade of broken promises and subsequent mass murder from the big three communist states, the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea. A paraphrase of Ingrid Bergman is apropos here “You may remember what Chinese promises have been worth in the past.” There is no possible way any sane U.S. or Western leader can be surprised by China’s current lethal intent toward Hong Kong’s democracy-protesters. The only surprises are that it took China 23 years to break its world, and that – and maybe this is not so surprising – U.S. and West leaders have not publicly admitted that they gladly signed-on in support of the 1997 death warrant for Hong Kong’s population. Those leaders knew then, and know now, that there will be no permanent, Western-style democracy in Hong Kong. It is much too late, too expensive, and too irrelevant to U.S. security to get involved with a fight with China over a gift U.S. leaders — the Clinton gang — helped Britain give Beijing 23 years ago.

Finally, on 20 May 2020 the Blaze’s website printed an article by Steve Deace called “President Trump should Pardon Barack Obama”.[1] In essence, Mr. Deace argues that Americans have experienced great turmoil during the past three years and, to put an end to that disruption, as well as to reunite Americans, President Trump ought to pardon Obama. Afterwards, Mr. Deace argues, Americans can get along and can proceed to a bright new era of prosperity and national unity. On reading the peace, I thought that the article was long piece of sarcasm, as if Obama – the author of treason, coups, and authoritarianism – would be a post-pardon, perfect citizen rather than a rabid cur, and that the members of the Deep State and the corrupt federal judiciary would dismantle themselves and pal around, smoking dope with Obama. It seems, however, that some readers of that article are taking it seriously. The article should be considered dead on arrival. There is no possible reconciliation with Obama and the treasonous denizens of his Deep State. He and his gang brought the republic, its Constitution, and its citizenry to the edge of an abyss they designed. There is no sane ground for compromise with this lot, and those who would seriously propose such a deal can only be supporters of Obama, Democrats, tyranny, and the destruction of the republic. It is time to raise the black flag and forever rid the Union of the current lethal scourge by which it is under siege. The fine American author, critic, and curmudgeon H.L. Mencken wrote in 1921 that “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, raise the black flag, and begin slitting throats [2] Truer words, truer words.


(1.) https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/commentary-president-trump-should-pardon-barack-obama


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