The Democrats’ war on Trump and the republic leads only to their slaughter

When Pelosi, Schiff, the other semi-humans in the Democrat caucus, and the mainstream media initiated an impeachment investigation of President Trump, Americans heard, for the first time in the republic’s history, a declaration of civil war that would genuinely threaten the citizenry’s freedoms and liberties. When President Jefferson Davis ordered Confederate batteries to fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, he and his cabinet colleagues did indeed start a civil war. Davis’s action, however, did not in any way constitute an attack on the liberties of northern citizens. That said, a civil war is the sort of conflict whose outcome and consequences can never be foretold. It therefore was perceived by some at the time as just such an existential threat.

To repeat, there is no evidence that Davis and his colleagues wanted to enslave northerners. Their intent was to leave and thereby break the Union and establish a second slave-holding republic in North America. This goal was a threat to the Union’s survival – so it had to defeated – but the Confederates were no threat to liberty in the North. The always wildcard nature of civil war, though, did initiate – during and especially after Lincoln’s death – the slow but steady consolidation of wartime policies into the now Democrat-backed policy of completing the national government’s transformation into an elites-run, dictatorial regime that is beyond the control of the electorate.

So now Americans are facing, thanks to the Democrats, the first genuine life-and-death threat to their liberties; Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and the USSR never posed such a domestic threat, only the deeds of G.W. Bush and, especially, Woodrow Wilson and Barack Obama came close.

There is – if it is possible – less substance on the issue of President Trump’s conversation with Ukraine’s president, then there was on the Democrat-fabricated Russia lies. The Democrats clearly hate Trump, but is even clearer that they hate Americans and their republic more. They intend to seize all guns from Americans to make resistance to tyranny impossible; control all healthcare, so the unborn, born, and elderly can be murdered at their discretion; reimpose Obama’s exorbitant taxes on all Americans; further fill the country with illegal, criminal, diseased, and unwanted foreigners and ensure they vote Democrat; eliminate the ability of working-class Americans to save anything by taxing them to the bone for their totalitarian, enormously farcical, and utterly anti-scientific global-warming charade; and subordinate America to China’s communist regime, the anti-human UN, and the authoritarian EU.

Unlike the Confederate leaders, the Democrat leaders’ plan is not to split the Union but to create a death-dealing, continent-wide internment camp for U.S. citizens, just as their Chinese idols and pay-masters have done for their Muslim population in Xinjiang. Once confined, the Democrats will offer Americans the chance to choose between death and pledging obedience to the Democrats’ neo-fascist, globalist agenda. In the end, however, they intend to kill all incarcerated Americans, and they will laugh especially hard as they kill those who thought they saved themselves by renouncing liberty and pledging fealty to the globalists.

America’s first civil war, for the most part, was fought by able, honorable, and patriotic republican politicians on both sides, men who had spent several decades working together, often with acrimony, to avoid war. Their efforts finally failed, and 625,000 Americans died in bloody struggle in which neither side had a monopoly on virtue before, during, or after the war . The North prevailed, but it and the South owe unending respect and thanks to one of the greatest Americans, General Robert E. Lee. As Marse Robert surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to the temperate, nay generous terms offered by General Grant, he also firmly and definitively forbid the plans of several of his general officers to disperse the army into the mountains and countryside to begin waging a guerrilla war against the North. Lee’s commonsense and personal courage in facing down his officers on this score ended bloodshed and protected liberty in the republic until the Democratic Party formed the Ku Klux Klan and began the guerrilla war Lee had stopped in its tracks.

At this point in his first term, President Trump has only begun to resuscitate a dying economy, a despairing, overtaxed, censored, and over-regulated citizenry, and a preference for peace that was abandoned by the governing elite. By his example and successes, Mr. Trump also has so far prevented the smoldering hatred of Americans for the national government; federal, state, and local bureaucrats, and the teachers who educate their children to revel in the glories of sexual deviancy, libertinism, atheism, socialism, and anti-Americanism from blazing into civil war.

America, then, stands on the edge of a Democrat-made civil war, and the Ukraine lie has the potential to push the republic over the brink into conflict. The Democrats so far have been protected from the eradication they richly deserve by two things. First, by Trump’s tangible economic successes and consistent willingness to work with the Democrats on issues vital to the citizenry, jobs, infrastructure, health care, trade, border control, etc. His supporters have stood back and watched to see if he could wring positive cooperation from the republic’s Democratic tormentors. Second, by the simple, accurate economic determination of thrifty and patriotic Americans that there is not a single Democratic leader whose life is worth the cost of a 9mm cartridge.

If a time comes when the Democrats seem about to wreck Trump, his presidency, and so the republic, however, the traditional concern of American patriots for thrift and cost effectiveness in their expenditures surely will be tossed out the window. The Democrats then will reap the much-merited slaughter brought by whirlwind they stupidly created.

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