No unity; no healing; damn the Democrats and media; pray for God’s help, but arm to save America

“Folks we got a lot of work to do. I don’t need you to get me elected, I need you once I’m elected.” Joe Biden (1)

“We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Joe Biden (2)

“China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man. … I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what, they’re not, they’re not competition for us.” Joe Biden (3)

Enough was enough. Now it is too much. After, four-plus years of torment from the Democrats and the media, is time to slay the republic’s domestic enemies.

–Voting inexplicably halted nearly simultaneously on election night in states where Trump was ahead, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina.

–In the middle of the night, large dumps of ballots are deposited in several of those states. All are marked for Biden. None for Trump. None of the other local and state candidates listed on the ballots are marked.

–Vote counting drags on for days. Republican ballot watchers are not allowed to get close enough to see how votes are evaluated. The major networks – including the Democrats’ two-bit whores at FOX – declare that the criminal, half-wit, Chinese agent, and his sleep-around partner, are elected. The major networks, too, are Democratic whores. Graft from the Democrats (and China?) is the only skin they have in the game.

–Credible reports pour in of vote fixing, deleting, destroying, back-dating, and dumping in areas away from voting stations. Numerous individuals swear out affidavits testifying to witnessing lawlessness in vote counting. The number of such individuals is increasing.

–The media-anointed, Chinese-agent from Delaware declares he will work for unity among all Americans. He is a daft, lying, and eternally greedy slug. He always has been. He is a desperate criminal and is in need of an aggressive polygraph examination about his own and his family’s close connections to the Beijing regime.

China-Joe’s unity and healing mean the continued education of children by anti-American, Marxist teachers; restarting overseas military interventionism; the seeking of war with Russia; the identification of all forms of sexual depravity as normal; further development of minority rule and hatred for whites; the export of American jobs and businesses to appease and enrich China; the maintenance of the Biden crime family’s income from Chinese and Russian payoffs; an end to the national government’s campaign to stop woman-and-child traffickers; the end of criminal investigations into child abusers like Hunter Biden, Bill Clinton, and their associates, as well as the sponsors and clients of Jeffrey Epstein; the dismantling of the border wall; Supreme Court packing, and the making of two third-world entities – DC and Puerto Rico – into states.

In addition, China-Hillary, like China-Joe, will continue to be paid by Beijing for compromising U.S. military technology to China, and for identifying U.S. human-intelligence assets there; the U.S. energy industry will be gutted; freak balls like Cortez, Omar, and easy-Kamala will be in charge of applying BLM and ANTIFA terrorism against Trump, his family, and their supporters in all walks of life; taxes will skyrocket; retirement accounts will be gutted; jobs-for-minorities-first will be expanded and accelerated; and such lawless and traitorous wastes of skin as Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary, McCabe, Holder, Sally Yates, John Kerry,  Loretta Lynch, Strzok, and Lisa Page, will be rehabilitated and given renewed access to the taxpayer-filled trough from which they have long and feloniously fed.

It seems unlikely that this kind of unity and healing is acceptable to Trump’s supporters. Indeed, it could be accepted by no decent and loyal American, a species of which the Democratic Party is devoid. Trump supporters want no war, only the rule of law, as did the founding generation in 1775. But if the Democrats and their supporters want war, they can have it.

Patience and peaceful behavior must prevail until the justice system again proves itself corrupt and partisan. If that occurs, recall and act on the order Captain John Parker gave his 77 militiamen at Lexington Green on 19 April 1775. “Don’t fire unless fired upon,” Parker instructed them,” But, if they want to have a war, let it begin here.” (1)





–4.) Quoted in



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