The Pope yearns for New World Order tyranny

More than seventy years after my baptism, the great enemy of Catholicism and Christianity and the champion of abominations, Pope Francis, has cemented his  well-earned reputation as just one more New World Order-Marxist shill. For me it’s doubly painful because he also is a Jesuit, an order of men from whom I received a rigorous undergraduate education and a reinforcement of my faith. But that was fifty years ago, and it has taken me most of that half-century to realize that the Jesuit men from whom I learned are long gone, and have been replaced by an order of new-age fruit pies who behave not as “soldiers of Christ” but as mercenaries for a church-crushing Pope and the project of humanity crushing led by the like of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, the UN, the Papacy and their associated gangsters.

In hindsight, I failed to see the clues that were are all too apparent from the start of this Pope’s pontificate. Most especially, I paid too little attention to the deluge of praise from the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and the enormous mass of Jesus-only-on-Christmas-and-Easter American Roman Catholics and Protestants, all of whom appeared overwhelmingly delirious and even mad in their gushing welcome for the Pope on his first trip to America. At the time, I thought how disappointed this mass of Americans would be when the new Jesuit Pope gave them a proper what for.

But this Pope never gave them what for, he gave them abominations, climate fraud, persistent anti-Americanism, and a steady and aggressive campaign to destroy traditional Catholics and Catholicism. He revealed himself — through consistent words and deeds — to be at one with the Marxist New World Order. The joy he found on his arrival in America was because his acolytes knew he was one of them, a Pope who would begin to give them a softer ride toward salvation after they has been been battered by the always correct but at times stern words of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Those two men always were empathetic toward their flock, but they never let them forget that the road to salvation is not a broad, smooth, and unobstructed highway, but rather a grinding, lifelong effort to get the camel through the eye of a needle.

It took only a short time to realize that this Pope was cut from the same cloth as typical Latin-American Marxists, as well as the cloth produced by the new-age Jesuits and their theorists when they manufactured the violence-causing and bitter-envy producing secular dogma of Liberation Theology. The latter is perhaps best summarized as the following message to people who achieve success in all ranks of society: “You have too much, we will take it from you, and leave you nothing.” Which, not surprisingly, is the motto which is emblazoned on the banners of the authoritarian WEF, the UN, and the NWO.

Since assuming the Papacy, this Pope’s every word and action has been aimed at destroying traditional Catholicism. His special priority is eliminating the the Latin Mass and those “Traditional Catholics” who love it. Thanks to the Pope’s well-advertised fingering of the Latin-Mass lovers among American Catholics, who also have been fingered by the most despicable private-sector, FBI/DOD/DHS-paid U.S. media organizations are — or soon will be — on the FBI’s terrorist watch list on the basis of their religious beliefs and preferences. This week, the Pope again deliberately made life dicey for American Catholics, and Americans generally, because they have refused to obediently support a unneeded, anti-human Carbon tax and its accompanying poverty-boom. This once again proves that the Pope’s driving motive in his Papacy is to instill in his flock unquestioning obedience to authority. The Pope does not seem to know that among the many glories of Christianity is the unbreakable link between the faith and liberty.

This Pope’s endless use of the mantra “this planet is our common home”, also the favorite mantra of globalist leaders, is nothing more than a sledge hammer to break nationalism, to condition the people to learn an equation whose answer amounts to “saving our common home” = living under vicious  authoritarian world government, which already has killed millions of people with the Chinese Virus; plans to kill billions more with additional biological-attacks, forced starvation, water rationing, ending the cultivation of rice, greatly limiting the acreage used for growing food; the witless slaying of huge numbers of cows and chickens, halting the manufacture of nitrogen-based fertilizers that is irreplaceable for grain growing, and ending agriculture production in The Netherlands, the world’s second largest producer of foodstuffs. (See, UN, WEF, NWO documents and statements and — if your stomach can take it — the speeches, statements, and musings of John Keery/Czar of all the Climate- frauds, as well as the stupidest American who ever lived)

This Pope is uninterested in following Christ’s cross but is publicly eager to follow the familiar symbols of  the kind of life on earth that he wants champions, one which flies as its flag the hammer-and-sickle, the swastika, the red flag of China, the Democratic Party’s terrorist flag of Antifa, and whose saints are Che, Castro, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Gates, Schwab, Trudeau, Biden, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, and every other authoritarian who has slithered or is now slithering on the earth. By becoming a mindless advocate of the knowingly murderous and science-free Climate Change experts, and throwing the power of his influence behind the New World Order, the Pope has proven his goal is not in saving souls, improving lives, and keeping the peace, but rather the creation of a New World Order featuring an omnipresent tyranny of the elites.

Finally, two sections of the Pope’s most recent message “Laudate Dei” (Praise God), are worth noting. First, the Pope’s new document is about glorifying the fraud of climate change and, as a whole, reeks of his detestation for Western Culture. It betrays, I suspect, a career spent seeking to undermine it on every possible occasion.

In the document, the Pope first lashes out at a key component of that culture, namely the idea of individual merit and, therefore, the indispensable importance of rewarding each individual for achieving  meritorious goals. His goal apparently is  to place equity over equality, meaning that the application of the lowest common denominator at all levels of human enterprise. He seems to argue that both the most talented and least talented must be assigned — by a government of the elite, of course — equal outcomes in life. In the American context, this would mean forcing Americans to believe in the equality of the achievements of George Washington and Joe Biden, of Dwight Eisenhower and Joan Rivers, and of Jesus and Stalin.  On this issue, the Pope writes:

Mistaken notions also develop about the concept of “meritocracy”, which becomes seen as a “merited” human power to which everything must be submitted, under the rule of those born with greater possibilities and advantages. A healthy approach to the value of hard work, the development of one’s native abilities and a praiseworthy spirit of initiative is one thing, but if one does not seek a genuine equality of opportunity, “meritocracy” can easily become a screen that further consolidates the privileges of a few with great power. [NB: These are odd words for Pope as his allegiance belongs to “the few with great power. Are they not his well-loved comrades?]  In this perverse logic, why should they care about the damage done to our common home, if they feel securely shielded by the financial resources that they have earned by their abilities and effort?

Second comes the Pope’s tongue-lashing for Americans on the issue of the climate-change fraud. The Pope supports to the hilt the climate-change quacks’ advocacy of the grotesque lie about man-made climate change, and claims that it is “settled science” and so not questionable.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact. As a result, along with indispensable political decisions, we would be making progress along the way to genuine care for one another.”

With these words the Pope again purposefully creates additional and unnecessary tensions among American Catholics, between those Catholics who can see at first glimpse an unscientific, pocket-picking fraud, and those who believe that Jesus taught those with Him in Bethlehem about the bad impact of carbon dioxide on polar bears, and then informed the two criminals crucified on either side of Him that their executions were due to carbon monoxide. No sane man would want to cause a schism in any Christian sect, and yet the Pope’s words throughout “Laudate Dei”, and in many other statements over the years, seem to betray an angry obsession to suppress all people who dissent on issues he advocates — especially American dissenters–  through the tyrannical policies of a one-world-government. The Pope’s clear preference seems to be the second coming of Mao, not that of Jesus Christ.


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