Scourge of the Republic, thy name is Biden

–To: The White House, for Biden

–From: M.F. Scheuer

–Subject: Who the hell do you think you are?

Beijing Joe:

I must ask, with no respect intended, what kind of a retard are you? Where in the world did you get the idea that you had any plausible constitutional authority suggesting you could tell an American citizen if he can celebrate the republic’s Independence Day and, if he does, how many people can attend the event. Only a dumb ass or a tyrant would trot out such a suggestion.

You, China Joe, are too incoherent to think of it on your own, so I must assume that all of your aides and your elder-abusing wife — repeatedly shoving you to the microphone to display your advanced dementia to all — are either dumb or would-be tyrants. I lean toward the latter, and strongly suspect that those around you are eager for you to be removed from power — pillowed-to-death, perhaps? — so they do not have to dress up one of your party’s mindless transgender automatons as a MAGA supporter and arrange for that creature to kill you.

Now if  you cared about protecting Americans from the Chinese Virus, you — or your scriptwriters — would cut the crap about how all citizens must pull together to ensure everyone is vaccinated. That kind of condescending Fauci-ist chatter doesn’t cut the mustard any more, and it is, transparently, a call for the sainted jabbed to go after and try to — with rhetoric and/or violence — intimidate people who refuse to be vaccinated.

What Americans need is a daily report on how many of their fellow citizens have died from the “safe” vaccinations and how many have been taken seriously ill and/or will be negatively impacted for the rest of their lives. They cannot accept such data from the Fauci-istas at CDC and NIH. Both places house thousands of skilled, politically partisan, and overpaid people, who deliberately killed hundreds of thousands of Americans because they lied about the “dangers” of using Hydroxychloroquine. China Joe, you really ought have one of your body doubles order the U.S. military’s medical corps to produce the data by 5pm each day. Using the military would give Americans, at best, a one-in-ten chance of receiving some honest data, but those are enormously better odds for truth when compared to the zero chance they have when listening to you or your administration.

Because you are a fool, Joey Bribes, you won’t think of it, but you also should close the southern border. All Loyal Americans clearly see what you are up to in that area. They know your band of traitors is trying to identify as many China-Virus-positive illegal aliens as possible, and then push them into all areas of the country lickety-split. Why? Because you and your bandit gang want to blame the spike in Chinese-Virus cases these incoming criminals will cause on the state governments that have opened their economies to help their people to recover economically, mentally, and in terms of education for youngsters. You — once the great bragging grifter of Kiev — are too far gone with dementia to plot such a plan. So it must be that Fauci and Birx, in tandem with the communists, sexual deviants, pedophiles, has beens, racists, unqualified minorities, and Constitution wreckers with which you are filling the government, have done so. Your paymasters in Beijing and Tehran may be funding this operation, but its more likely that you and your band of traitors are skimming the needed funds from the pittance Pelosi and Schumer reluctantly earmarked for long out-of-work Americans?

Anyway that’s enough for now. I have expended far more time on this note then you are worth. Indeed, you and your legion of miscreants are worth none of my time — except to motivate to me to regularly visit the range to practice. Your an embarrassing ass, China Joe, and seemingly not much of interest to the opposite sex, at least for those females who are more than 8 years old and cannot be forced to oblige. You did, however, corral that soon-to-be-famous elder-abuser Dr. Jill to be your wife. You are not a lucky guy, Joey Bribes.

With utter contempt for you, I remain, hoping for your near-term departure from the scene, and eventual appearance in the Lord’s court of final judgement,

M.F. Scheuer

(P.S.) A word to the wise, Beijing Joe. Make sure you wear plenty of asbestos when you are brought before the Lord’s court. Besides your grifting, extortion, treason, and election fixing, that little matter of 61-plus million murdered infants also will be on the docket.


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