Northam will pour a kettle of hate on Virginians if they are disarmed

In Richmond, Virginia’s Democrat-controlled bicameral legislature is trying to pass legislation that will deny the state’s citizenry the guarantees enshrined in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and in Virginia’s constitution as well. If the legislation is passed, no Virginian will be able to defend himself or herself against either still-armed criminals or Northam’s tyranny, which will go full tilt if weapons are confiscated.

It is easy for Virginians who insist on the maintenance of their 2nd Amendment rights to identify Governor Northam, the Senate, and the Assembly as the entities responsible for the tyranny being built in Virginia. This conclusion is correct, but it is incomplete. The lethal enemies of the Virginia and U.S. constitutions now running the state government and legislature are the implementers not only of their own plans, but of plans that are championed by each and every Virginian who voted to put the Democrats in power.

The men and women now in control of Virginia’s government clearly plan to make their unconstitutional intentions into Virginia’s new laws. But Northam and his fellow Democratic gangsters are a merely a tyrannical nuisance, and could be eliminated with a bit of well-aimed, hard work. For that reason, the millions of Virginia who did not vote for the Democrats must face a much harder and more dangerous reality; namely, that the people who gave Northam and his party majority power are not simply voters, they are both enemies of those they view as deplorables — the phrase used by the Mother of Hate — and the true source and fuel of the Northam regime’s hatred for Virginians who oppose the regime’s lawless intentions.

These Democratic voters are well-educated, financially secure, extraordinarily arrogant, and hardcore haters; they are armed with highly violent and utterly destructive intent. They support not only extinguishing the 2nd Amendment, but also the abolition of the 1st Amendment and other guarantees of liberty located in the U.S. and Virginia constitutions. These people are not just opposition voters. They do not just disagree with their fellow citizens, they hate them. They are engines of hate and are empowering tyranny in Virginia. They are, indeed, the stuff from which civil wars must result if the Constitution and liberty are to be preserved in the Old Dominion.

What do Northam supporters’ think, and what more are they after? Clearly part of the answer to the question is the end of the 2nd Amendment within the boundaries of Virginia. But that is only the starting point. The first step in understanding what Northam and his supporters hate — beyond the right of Virginians to own arms to resist tyranny and defend themselves, their kin, and their property — is to list just a few of the reasons why Northam, his tyrant-lieutenants, and those who reliably vote for them are afraid of and hate those who vote against them. Seizing weapons would temporarily negate a large part of their fear, and their resulting Dutch courage and seething hatred will take them crusading against Virginians – especially white and black working class Virginians — who:

–Work with their hands for an hourly wage – often at two jobs – to raise a family, keep a home, and uncomplainingly get by from check-to-to check. The targeted Virginians have been for decades the men and women who have had the “privilege’ of paying for the food, clothing, and housing of people who will not work; for health care for illegal aliens and the fight against the crime they bring; for the filling of Swiss bank accounts held by U.S. foreign aid given to overseas tyrants; for rebuilding foreign infrastructure while their own crumbles; and for seeing their children excluded from Virginia colleges to make room for foreign students, and the Democrats’ wide array of legally preferred, protected, increasingly deviant, and usually less intelligent students.

–Home-school children, which generally betters any form of public education and has no mandatory classroom show-and-tell visits from LBGTQ recruiters, anti-American speakers, feminists, or socialists.

–Oppose the unlimited admission of illegal aliens into the United States, the costs they impose on U.S. taxpayers, and the Democrats’ operations to plant these illiterate and often violent and/or diseased aliens in states – including Virginia – to act as enslaved-by-the-dole voters to keep the party in power forever.

–Fiercely oppose abortion and infanticide, which surely means that Northam’s barbarous regime would kill, without a second thought, those of any age who oppose them on the issue – so long as their targets are completely unarmed.

–Shop at Giant, Walmart, Dollar Store, Sam’s Club, and B.J.’s, instead of letting themselves be robbed by the extortionate prices of Whole Foods — and other such upscale stores — for the sake of appearing well-to-do and oh-so-much better human beings than the working man and woman.

–Regularly attend the services of Christian pastors, preachers, and priests who oppose abortion; believe the Bible means what it says and is eternally relevant; arrange charity activities because they know it is the proper role of citizens and their churches, not the state; and are not ready to identify all forms of sexual depravity as another form of normal that must be respected and, indeed, inculcated into the minds of children.

–Respect the republic, stand and sing the anthem when the flag is raised, and salute and assist our service personnel; oppose the governing elite’s unnecessary interventionist wars; maintain an abiding and praiseworthy distrust of government power and oppose its expansion; and share none of the Northam-ites and their national party’s passion to forcibly remake the people of Virginia, those across the republic, and those abroad in their own anti-American, anti-religion, and anti-family image.

–Act to the greatest extent possible as self-reliant adults in conducting their lives and caring for their own; seek no help from any level of government because it means increased external interference in their personal affairs: and have a healthy disdain, perhaps an unavoidable contempt, for the governing elitists who claim they should direct the personal affairs of other Americans, as in Obama Care, the Great Society, coming programs to make working men and women pay for the student loans of other parents’ children, and other national government attempts to enslave Americans of all races and creeds.

–Love and work to help improve their local communities, small towns, and the South generally, and readily defy any and all who seek to tell them how to behave and think, as well as how to remember, defend, and honor their ancestors, the history they made, and the traditions they passed onto posterity. The importance of this attitude in preserving localism has made them  – and the statues of C.S.A heroes and the General Lee’s battle flag that, in Virginia, testify to that legacy – the prime targets for the current Virginia regime’s acts of cultural and historical devastation.

–Damn and dismiss as liars the agent provocateurs of the deranged, billionaires-backed Global Warming advocates , as well as the false science and altered historical data on which it is based. They know that for 30 years these deceitful scientists and their crazed supporters and media shills (a) have been entirely wrong about every one of their major predictions that describe climate catastrophes that should have taken place 10-15 years ago, and that (b) the climate-frauds’ real goal is to destroy the American working class and their personal economies, geographic mobility, culture, ability to save, language, traditions, history and local affections and loyalties, and to reduce them to being the unarmed, indentured servants of an authoritarian world government that has the monopoly on force.

Hate-fueled attacks by Northam, his regime, and the Democrat voters on Virginians who hold the just-noted beliefs are either partially underway, in the que, or being prepared. They all hinge, however, on a successful Northam-regime campaign that forcibly disarms law-abiding Virginians so the authoritarians can pour their hate on Virginians without earning the much-merited rebuff of having their heads shot off.

The ball of civil war is in the court of the Northam regime. Its hate machine in the state’s assembly has passed a bill legalizing gun confiscation, and that bill is now under consideration in the state senate. The truth of this matter is that only Northam, his regime, and their voters can start a civil war in Virginia. Those they have chosen for enemies will not shoot first.

If the Senate passes the bill and Northam signs it, the only remaining question is when Northam will order his police to seize weapons and fire the first shots at law-abiding, 2nd Amendment-protected Virginians. Does Northam want to create hell in Virginia over this issue? If so, he will have it in spades. As the saying goes, Molon Labe.

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