In Biden’s murderous, anti-White war, loyal Americans will be “White Nationalist Supremacists” prepared to kill tyranny

Last week the traitorous and absolutely illegitimate president of the United States, Joe Biden, directly threatened all Americans who oppose his Fascist behavior and diktats, pledging that “those who are not vaccinated will end up paying the price.” (1) Has there previously been a president who has threatened the citizenry on an issue over which he has not a lick of constitutional power to demand their unquestioning obedience? The answer is no.

It is now clear that this will be the Biden Administration’s dictatorial power toward any American – but especially white Americans – who know he is an illegitimate scoundrel and so refuse to accept that he has even a flake of legitimate authority that permits him to order any citizen to do anything that violates their constitutional protections against a criminal and out-of-control government. In his threat, Biden focused on vaccinations, but the citizenry’s safety demands that the inference must be drawn that this bastard intends to rule by decree.

In a book written in the mid-16th century, but only found in the 20th, the great English republican Algernon Sidney – a favorite of our of Founders, and who was executed for refusing his beliefs – described the plight of a citizenry that had been rendered slaves “by violence, oppression, or fraud [and thereby] are unjustly brought into servitude.” These citizens, Sidney explained,

“ever have a right of recovering their liberty, which no time can take from them. The continuance of the injury increases it. Their lord has not title to his dominion over them but force, and they may justly repel force with force, retaliating upon him what they have suffered from him, and punish him with bondage or death.” (2)

I again find it difficult to choose among the dozens of topics that genuinely merit immediate attention, and can support the determined preparations of Americans to remove a man whose “dominion” over them stands only as a testament to the effectiveness of heinous fraud and force. One topic to examine is that of the Capitol Police officer who executed Ashli Babbitt on 6 January 2021. This man has been left unpunished or, it seems, even suspended for his action. He is both an immigrant from Brazil and a Black man who supports BLM, two affiliations that — under Fraud Biden’s administration — puts him on a pedestal as a symbol to be adored by those already held as slaves by the Democrats.

Then there is what appears to be the complete collapse of border security that is allowing an endless, republic-destroying horde of illegal Third World aliens to enter the United States, people who immediately go on the dole and are free from any control by law enforcement. Also easily entering America are covert intelligence and paramilitary operators from Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China, etc., individuals who will eventually be directed to wage a covert war against the republic’s population and infrastructure. These operators will be free from any fear of opposition from the national government run by traitors like Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Schumer and many others of both parties, all of whom do not want to alienate their paymasters in Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran. In short, the world’s greatest superpower is wildly out of control, and it is that environment that Biden et. al want not only to maintain but worsen.

Perhaps the most important current issue facing loyal Americans is the increasingly clear and lethal fraud that is being conducted by Biden and his party, many Republicans, the media, the doctors and scientists who staff the National Institutes of Health, the CDC, the giant Pharmaceutical firms, and major doctors’ organizations, teachers’ unions, and university medical schools.

Biden, Fauci, Birx, and Bill Gates, are the faces of this fraud, and, as things are turning out, Fauci , Gates, China, and the Wuhan biological laboratory, whch Fauci funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars, are the agents of the Wuhan Flu, the facilitators of its use as a bio-weapon to kill a half-million Americans and shutdown their society/economy. They also are the creators of anti-Wuhan-Flu vaccines that may well kill millions more, and are among the mad zealots that have intentionally created a fear-based, quasi-fascist environment in America over the past 17 months.

These are all points that have been discussed in this space before. I raise them again only as means to again stress how out of control the republic is, and how that chaos is precisely what is wanted by the clique of America-haters and Chinese-government employees that now are masquerading as the governors and guardians of our nation-state. What to do?

Well the most obvious conclusion for all loyal Americans — especially White Americans — is to accept is that they are under a vicious, racist attack by Biden, his administration, and the slew of low-lives, atheists, criminals, non-entities, clerics who have no god, and death-worshipers of all colors that constitute their supporters. Note for example:

–1.) Biden has ordered the military to be purged of our husbands and wives, and sons and daughters because they are white, because they are patriots, because they will defend the republic to the death, and because they are achievers in live. They are, in other words, all the things Biden and his followers are not, and never can be. So far, of course, they have only purged White people.

–2.) Biden has called on Big Pharma to play the role that I.G. Farben played for the National Socialists in Germany, only Big Pharma is using poison vaccines not poison gas. Funny thing, I.G. Farben helped kill millions of Jews, and now great number of pro-Biden, Jewish-Americans are cheering on the mass murderers. Useful idiots, these people. Their acceptance by Biden and the Democrats will end — probably violently — once their anti-White campaign is complete.

–3.) Biden and his fellow Chinese-paid cronies have assigned big business and big tech the roles of ensuring that Americans must use Vaccine Passports — precisely akin to Herr Hitler’s use of Yellow Stars — to continue or gain employment in their own country and, eventually, to travel in their own or to other states. These entities already have begun to block loyal Americans’ use of banks, credit cards, and social media.

–4.) Biden and his regime have chosen to side with the great numbers of the most complete losers in American society; indeed in the republic’s history. These expendables, include Democrat-crafted feminists, sexual deviants, pedophiles, racists, dole-lovers, and a host of other minority-group detritus. These are people who fully realize that (a) they do not want to work hard-enough to succeed, and that their expensive educations qualify them only for whining about their failure in life and blaming others for it; (b) their only possible career is one of mindlessly supporting the governmental, military, academic, and media purveyors of tyranny; and that (c) their fanatic atheism uniquely qualifies them to work as SS-like murderers when Biden begins to imprison loyal Americans in work camps. Those camps, of course, will be identified at the entrance by the banner used so effectively by Biden’s role-models, one stating “Albeit Mach Frei”.

–5.) Biden’s regime has openly started another front in its campaign to impoverish and eventually enslave White Americans by blocking relief aid to white farmers and restaurant owners, and giving it only to their already enslaved minorities. Biden also is holding many Whites arrested in the BLM-staged event in Washington, DC, on 6 January 2021, in solitary confinement, without access to lawyers, and, according to some media reports, are being beaten or otherwise abused.

The acts of fierce, national-government tyranny noted in this list could be far longer, but for now those noted are enough. The question now is what should be done?

Start with yourself. I am, for example, White. I am also — as readers of this space and media watchers generally will know — a virulent nationalist, an American Firster to the bone. Now, I have never been a “White supremacist,” although I recognize — as would anyone with half a brain– that this republic was built, overwhelmingly so, on the backs, brains, brawn, courage, ideas, daring, inventiveness, and commitment to the rule law of White people. Surely other races have assisted; especially, in the past 150 years, Asians, who seem to have an insatiable appetite for work, family formation and preservation, and innovation. This recognition is not a sign of White Supremacy. It is just a fact.

Today, however, Biden and his lieutenants, their party, their corporate hit-men, and their young, semi-human Black and White terrorists and street thugs have decided it is time for loyal White Americans to either acquiesce and die under their tyranny or fight back. In essence, they insist that, from here on out, Whites are to be legally suppressed, oppressed, disenfranchised, and popularly despised, harassed, and physically attacked by the low-IQ slime-creatures who are the core and main brain-power of the Democratic Party, and who are paid by corporate America and protected by federal law-enforcement agencies.

In other words, loyal White Americans are facing a contest — a fight to the death, really — among contenders for the top supremacist slot in Biden’s American. In such a contest, no person seeking survival for himself, his family, and his community would want to finish in last place. It already has been established that guaranteed supremacist slots are held by Blacks, Socialists, terminally adolescent intellectuals, illegal aliens, feminists, pedophiles, sexually deviants generally, abortionists, multicultural-and-diversity ideologues, and vastly overpaid, anti-student, and under-educated teachers. All this debris, will have been identified as holding positions on the list of “good supremacists” — (Do not laugh!) — and will remain so at least as until the Democrat grandees, George Soros, Bill Gates, and corporate and big tech leaders decide they are expendable — not much brain-power needed to make that call — and so merit liquidation.

In the light of the foregoing, it is time for all loyal White Americans to acknowledge that they are in a life-and-death struggle with tyrannical killers, supremacists all. Until recently, there have never been more than a handful of “White Supremacists” in the United States, and they, like all the supremacists now succored by the Democrats, were the unhinged dregs of humanity. If the lethal game of supremacists started by the Democrats must be played, there is no choice but to assume the role of “White National Supremacists” and under that banner destroy the semi-human trash that intends to destroy us, our liberty, our republic, and our way of life.

And, finally, who will be worthy of the title of “White Nationalist Supremacist”? Well, and quite naturally, it will be those people of any race who value the republic, its heroes, its flags, and its history; who stand by and fight for the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, colorblind justice, and the sanctity of life; who prize the ideas of fair dealing, equality before the law, peace, minding your own business at home and abroad, hard work, and keeping an eye out for those in need; who know the worth of community, decentralized and limited governmental power, Christianity, and the right of revolution and self-defense in the face of godless tyranny; and who seek the courage, joy, and pride that is always found in standing your ground against tyranny and, if you can, mercilessly slaughtering the would-be tyrants. After all, the timely, the thorough-going slaughter of criminal frauds and tyrants — especially in the national government’s judicial and law-enforcement organizations — is the best and only-accurate measure of social justice in any nation.

Let us close with one additional comment from Mr. Sidney. His words are nearly five centuries old but remain precisely pertinent to the tyrant-ruler Biden and his party.

“Whoever therefore assumes to himself any such power, breaks all those bonds, renders himself an enemy to mankind, and obliges all that are friends to reason and justice to destroy such a monster, who, having the shape of man, has nothing else of humanity.” (3)



–1.) See,

–2) Algernon Sydney. Court Maxims. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1996, p. 200

–3.) Ibid., p. 203



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