The Pope yearns for New World Order tyranny

More than seventy years after my baptism, the great enemy of Catholicism and Christianity and the champion of abominations, Pope Francis, has cemented his  well-earned reputation as just one more New World Order-Marxist shill. For me it’s doubly painful because he also is a Jesuit, an order of men from whom I received a rigorous undergraduate education and a reinforcement of my faith. But that was fifty years ago, and it has taken me most of that half-century to realize that the Jesuit men from whom I learned are long gone, and have been replaced by an order of new-age fruit pies who behave not as “soldiers of Christ” but as mercenaries for a church-crushing Pope and the project of humanity crushing led by the like of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Joe Biden, the UN, the Papacy and their associated gangsters.

In hindsight, I failed to see the clues that were are all too apparent from the start of this Pope’s pontificate. Most especially, I paid too little attention to the deluge of praise from the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and the enormous mass of Jesus-only-on-Christmas-and-Easter American Roman Catholics and Protestants, all of whom appeared overwhelmingly delirious and even mad in their gushing welcome for the Pope on his first trip to America. At the time, I thought how disappointed this mass of Americans would be when the new Jesuit Pope gave them a proper what for.

But this Pope never gave them what for, he gave them abominations, climate fraud, persistent anti-Americanism, and a steady and aggressive campaign to destroy traditional Catholics and Catholicism. He revealed himself — through consistent words and deeds — to be at one with the Marxist New World Order. The joy he found on his arrival in America was because his acolytes knew he was one of them, a Pope who would begin to give them a softer ride toward salvation after they has been been battered by the always correct but at times stern words of John Paul II and Benedict XVI. Those two men always were empathetic toward their flock, but they never let them forget that the road to salvation is not a broad, smooth, and unobstructed highway, but rather a grinding, lifelong effort to get the camel through the eye of a needle.

It took only a short time to realize that this Pope was cut from the same cloth as typical Latin-American Marxists, as well as the cloth produced by the new-age Jesuits and their theorists when they manufactured the violence-causing and bitter-envy producing secular dogma of Liberation Theology. The latter is perhaps best summarized as the following message to people who achieve success in all ranks of society: “You have too much, we will take it from you, and leave you nothing.” Which, not surprisingly, is the motto which is emblazoned on the banners of the authoritarian WEF, the UN, and the NWO.

Since assuming the Papacy, this Pope’s every word and action has been aimed at destroying traditional Catholicism. His special priority is eliminating the the Latin Mass and those “Traditional Catholics” who love it. Thanks to the Pope’s well-advertised fingering of the Latin-Mass lovers among American Catholics, who also have been fingered by the most despicable private-sector, FBI/DOD/DHS-paid U.S. media organizations are — or soon will be — on the FBI’s terrorist watch list on the basis of their religious beliefs and preferences. This week, the Pope again deliberately made life dicey for American Catholics, and Americans generally, because they have refused to obediently support a unneeded, anti-human Carbon tax and its accompanying poverty-boom. This once again proves that the Pope’s driving motive in his Papacy is to instill in his flock unquestioning obedience to authority. The Pope does not seem to know that among the many glories of Christianity is the unbreakable link between the faith and liberty.

This Pope’s endless use of the mantra “this planet is our common home”, also the favorite mantra of globalist leaders, is nothing more than a sledge hammer to break nationalism, to condition the people to learn an equation whose answer amounts to “saving our common home” = living under vicious  authoritarian world government, which already has killed millions of people with the Chinese Virus; plans to kill billions more with additional biological-attacks, forced starvation, water rationing, ending the cultivation of rice, greatly limiting the acreage used for growing food; the witless slaying of huge numbers of cows and chickens, halting the manufacture of nitrogen-based fertilizers that is irreplaceable for grain growing, and ending agriculture production in The Netherlands, the world’s second largest producer of foodstuffs. (See, UN, WEF, NWO documents and statements and — if your stomach can take it — the speeches, statements, and musings of John Keery/Czar of all the Climate- frauds, as well as the stupidest American who ever lived)

This Pope is uninterested in following Christ’s cross but is publicly eager to follow the familiar symbols of  the kind of life on earth that he wants champions, one which flies as its flag the hammer-and-sickle, the swastika, the red flag of China, the Democratic Party’s terrorist flag of Antifa, and whose saints are Che, Castro, Zelensky, Netanyahu, Gates, Schwab, Trudeau, Biden, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Obamas, and every other authoritarian who has slithered or is now slithering on the earth. By becoming a mindless advocate of the knowingly murderous and science-free Climate Change experts, and throwing the power of his influence behind the New World Order, the Pope has proven his goal is not in saving souls, improving lives, and keeping the peace, but rather the creation of a New World Order featuring an omnipresent tyranny of the elites.

Finally, two sections of the Pope’s most recent message “Laudate Dei” (Praise God), are worth noting. First, the Pope’s new document is about glorifying the fraud of climate change and, as a whole, reeks of his detestation for Western Culture. It betrays, I suspect, a career spent seeking to undermine it on every possible occasion.

In the document, the Pope first lashes out at a key component of that culture, namely the idea of individual merit and, therefore, the indispensable importance of rewarding each individual for achieving  meritorious goals. His goal apparently is  to place equity over equality, meaning that the application of the lowest common denominator at all levels of human enterprise. He seems to argue that both the most talented and least talented must be assigned — by a government of the elite, of course — equal outcomes in life. In the American context, this would mean forcing Americans to believe in the equality of the achievements of George Washington and Joe Biden, of Dwight Eisenhower and Joan Rivers, and of Jesus and Stalin.  On this issue, the Pope writes:

Mistaken notions also develop about the concept of “meritocracy”, which becomes seen as a “merited” human power to which everything must be submitted, under the rule of those born with greater possibilities and advantages. A healthy approach to the value of hard work, the development of one’s native abilities and a praiseworthy spirit of initiative is one thing, but if one does not seek a genuine equality of opportunity, “meritocracy” can easily become a screen that further consolidates the privileges of a few with great power. [NB: These are odd words for Pope as his allegiance belongs to “the few with great power. Are they not his well-loved comrades?]  In this perverse logic, why should they care about the damage done to our common home, if they feel securely shielded by the financial resources that they have earned by their abilities and effort?

Second comes the Pope’s tongue-lashing for Americans on the issue of the climate-change fraud. The Pope supports to the hilt the climate-change quacks’ advocacy of the grotesque lie about man-made climate change, and claims that it is “settled science” and so not questionable.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact. As a result, along with indispensable political decisions, we would be making progress along the way to genuine care for one another.”

With these words the Pope again purposefully creates additional and unnecessary tensions among American Catholics, between those Catholics who can see at first glimpse an unscientific, pocket-picking fraud, and those who believe that Jesus taught those with Him in Bethlehem about the bad impact of carbon dioxide on polar bears, and then informed the two criminals crucified on either side of Him that their executions were due to carbon monoxide. No sane man would want to cause a schism in any Christian sect, and yet the Pope’s words throughout “Laudate Dei”, and in many other statements over the years, seem to betray an angry obsession to suppress all people who dissent on issues he advocates — especially American dissenters–  through the tyrannical policies of a one-world-government. The Pope’s clear preference seems to be the second coming of Mao, not that of Jesus Christ.


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Climate-Change hucksters are history’s most murderous tyrants

One of the moments I recall from my grammar school years occurred in the fifth grade, which is now nearly 60 years ago. We had a school event in the autumn of that year that was called Arbor Day, with an assortment of speakers stressing the importance of all people doing their best to limit pollution and clean-up existing pollution problems.

The highlight of the day, at least for me, was a presentation on carbon dioxide (CO2). The science teacher who spoke described CO2 as, first, a protector of life of all kinds on earth by helping to keep the atmosphere’s temperature livable for the earth’s population. Second, that CO2 is an indispensable building block for all life on earth, as well as for the increased “greening” of the world to ensure the reliable and ample growth of grains and other foodstuffs, meaning that the more CO2 there is in the atmosphere, the more all peoples on the earth will be able to grow better quality and more bountiful crops. This has always been true, it is a hard and irrefutable scientific fact. In short, the more CO2 in the atmosphere the better and more nutritiously the earth’s peoples are fed.

That Arbor day’s presentation ended with a marked emphasis on the importance of planting and nurturing as many  trees as possible, as they are master CO2 producers. Needless to say, Bill Gates is calling for the destruction of millions of acres of trees. Again, the main theme of that Arbor day was that without plentiful CO2 in the air, human and all other life on earth would end.

Today, the climate-change hucksters are loud and well-spoken individuals who endlessly defend the indefensible and, frankly, murderously anti-science position that claims that CO2 is a poisonous danger to all people, and that if CO2 is not eradicated from the atmosphere — along with the destruction of much of the world’s forests — life on earth will eventually disappear. In other words, the Climate Changers position on CO2 is 100-percent inaccurate and an anti-science lie. They and other so-called scientific and medical experts often arrogantly claim that they “own the science” and that is true. The science they own — at least that on climate change — is a death-dealing science they invented and are delivering to be used against all non-elite human beings on earth. The science they own — and claim to be “settled” — should be more accurately titled “The Universal and Massive Population Reduction Strategy.” These scientists, their funders, and the elites to whom they answer are dedicated not to improving the earth’s environment and so the quality of human life — except for their own lives, of course — but, rather, they are bent on annihilating the great bulk of humanity with their so-called settled, anti-science science.

Now, I readily admit that my scientific knowledge is no more than average, if that. Fortunately, a good friend of mine sent me the article that is appended below. The scientist-author who is the subject of this article, Dr. Indur Goklany, is an acknowledged climate expert, as well as “a 35-year veteran of the global warming (now climate change) debate. This presentation of Dr. Golkany’s science-based argument is compelling, and just as importantly it puts paid to the claims of such Climate-Change fraudsters as Biden, John Kerry, Justin Trudeau, all EU leaders, nearly all major universities, the media, the UN, the World Economic Forum, the Nobel gang and other prize-givers, and the American and European climate academics who supply the foregoing with the fake-science needed to support their murderous climate lies in exchange for substantial “research grants”. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospherics Agency (NOAA) lends these criminals a hand by altering historical climate records to make it appear that the corrupted data supports the lies that are dominant in what the political and scientific climate-change gangsters and cretins like Obama call the “settled science” of climate change.

Fossil Fuels Are the Greenest of Energy Sources

by Gregory Wrightstone, 26 September, 2022;

A 35-year veteran of the global warming debate says fossil fuels are the “greenest” of energy sources. In a recently published paperDr. Indur Goklany notes that carbon dioxide emissions from industrial activity and transportation have increased plant growth and that fertilizers and pesticides derived from fossil fuels have boosted crop yields so that more food can be produced on less land.

“Contrary to the claims of proponents of the Green New Deal and Net Zero, fossil fuels are the greenest fuels,” says Goklany. “First, uniquely among energy sources, fossil fuel use emits CO2, which is the ultimate source of the elemental building block, carbon, found in all carbon-based life — virtually all life on Earth.”

Referencing several studies, Goklany reports that up to 50 percent of global vegetated areas became greener between 1982-2009 and that 70 percent of the greening has been attributed to carbon dioxide emitted by the burning of fossil fuels.

Overall, Goklany credits 87 percent of the greening to fossil fuels. In addition to CO2 emissions, nitrogen deposition from fossil fuel-derived fertilizers and modest warming of the climate together account for another 17 percent of the greening, he says.

One researcher found that global leaf area had increased by 5.4 million square kilometers between 2000–2017, an area equivalent to the Amazon rain forest. Another reported global tree cover had grown by 2.24 million square kilometers from 1982–2016 through reforestation of former agricultural lands rendered surplus by improved farm productivity and of former deserts.

“Use of fossil fuel technologies has enabled human beings to spare 20.4 percent of global land area (GLA) for the rest of nature,” said Goklany, the author of several books and a former U.S. delegate to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “This exceeds both the habitat lost currently to cropland (12.2 percent of GLA) and the global cumulative area currently reserved or identified as conservation areas (estimated at 14.6 percent of GLA).”

In other words, the amount of land preserved from conversion to agriculture because of fossil fuel-related productivity increases is 25 percent larger than the North American continent, said Goklany.

Increased agricultural productivity has allowed cropland in many areas to revert to forest or other non-agricultural use, he said.  For example, between 1990 and 2020, forests in the U.S. and Western Europe increased 2.4 percent and 10.1 percent despite population increases of 30 percent and 11 percent, respectively.

Making coal, oil and natural gas even greener is their relatively small footprint for power production, says Goklany. To generate the same amount of electricity as fossil fuels, solar would need more than three times as much land; wind, five times as much; and hydropower, 25 times as much.

Finally, the International Energy Agency notes that solar and wind energy typically require more metals and minerals than their fossil fueled counterparts. A typical electric vehicle, for example, requires six times the mineral inputs of a conventional car. An onshore wind turbine takes nine times more mineral resources than a natural gas-fired plant, while offshore wind requires 15 times as much as gas.

Dr. Goklany’s analysis underscores that policies forcing the replacement of fossil fuels with solar panels and wind turbines are counterproductive, exacerbating some of the very problems attributed to global warming. Specifically, they would increase global hunger and reduce biodiversity.  Even if such an energy transition would “improve” the climate — which it won’t — the remarkable benefits of carbon dioxide for humanity and the rest of nature are too great to risk negating. Moreover, coal and natural gas are by far more economical and reliable as power producers.

If any technology is to be favored by policy makers for electrical power generation, Dr. Goklany suggests, that it probably should be nuclear power because of its relative overall cleanliness. Even then, planners would be well advised not to put all their eggs in one basket. Nuclear-heavy France currently is working on mechanical problems at multiple plants in the midst of an energy shortage being solved in part with fossil fuels. In any case, fossil fuels are currently indispensable for manufacturing fertilizers and pesticides that are critical to producing adequate food supplies at reasonable prices.

This commentary was first published at Real Clear Energy, September 26, 2022, and can be accessed here.

Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist; executive director of the CO2 Coalition, Arlington, Va.; and author of “Inconvenient Facts: The science that Al Gore doesnt want you to know.


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Seeking America’s destruction: The ADL, Jewish-American Supremacists, and Israel

Does any patriotic American really question the obvious fact that Jewish-Americans – apparently most of them — are right near the top of the list of the republic’s most virulent domestic enemies? These people are anti-white, anti-Christian, anti-nationalist, and, perhaps most of all, tyranny-loving. They irrefutably are seeking to utterly destroy the United States. Now, there is no reason to question this fact. It is not a conspiratorial delusion, disinformation, malinformation, or simply lies. It is just the plain truth. To question this reality can only mark the presence of a liar, an idiot, the deaf, or a Jewish-American hater of the American republic.

The U.S. government, its bureaucracy, most of the media, Hollywood and almost all economic, academic, business, political, and banking leaders, as well as a multitude of Christian pastors refuse to stand and confront the minuscule number of Jewish-Americans in the overall U.S. population. We all need to stand up and politely tell them to bugger-off, drop dead, move to Israel, or take your riches, kid-killing religious values, censorship, lethal pharma companies, all-out support for sexual depravity and stuff them up your collective ass or, better yet, up Yuval Harari’s well-reamed Nazi butt. Or maybe one of several old sayings might suffice, “What goes around comes around” and “Vigilantes always run out of time, protection, and life” come to mind. These Jewish-American supremacists – allied with the U.S. government — must be defied and eventually brought down hard if the republic is to survive.

The current head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt acts as if he is the chief public voice for what seems certain to be Jewish-America’s intense and bloodthirsty anti-white, anti-Christian, and anti-Constitution policies, as well its lust for tyrannical-government control over all Americans but themselves. The organization Greenblatt leads – with its lickspittle cohort, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) – are gathering data about Americans that they alone pick to define as terrorists, anti-Semites, white supremacists, right-wing conservatives, traditional Protestants and Catholics, Christian nationalists, etc. Then – after payment of course –  they turn the material over to the Democrat-commanded federal government, the DOD, and other anti-American federal agencies. The data names and locates the people the ADL has designated to be rounded-up, incarcerated, and probably killed. Among those not to be trusted agencies seem, at this pint, to be DOD, DOJ, IRS, FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA, CDC, FEMA, and FDA.

The ADL and the SPLC – and probably other subordinate organizations yet unnamed, as well as Israeli intelligence – constitute the republic’s first private-donation-funded (Jewish-American funded?) organizations that are bent on annihilating the kinds of people who founded, built, and defended America and have sought to protect its people’s God-given liberties under the Constitution. These two Jewish-American-led organizations arrogantly strut around and loudly proclaim their mission to protect all Americans from various kinds of depredations, an assertion that clearly is bullshit. They are often joined in this deeply deceitful behavior by the overwhelmingly anti-American/Israel-First lobby in the Congress.

These are clearly Jewish-American supremacist organizations that have long labored to control the United States with their fortunes, their stupendous lies, their intimidation, their Holocaust-whining, their media, their fiercely racist attitudes, their unrelenting weeping about supposed discrimination against Jews, as well as with the savage lessons they learned from the Nazis and the Bolsheviks and now practice and help Biden’s administration establish. Stalag Palestine or Labor Camp Siberia anyone? Even the KKK could not fool most Americans with their lethal, barely disguised tripe about protecting the nation’s racial purity and liberty. The Klan’s only plan was to use violence, murder, and torture to “fix the black problem” to the satisfaction of a paltry number of deadly Americans who joined and led the Klan.

The foregoing phrase ‘’deadly Americans” is the exact description of what appears to be the great majority of Jewish-Americans. How do we know this? Well, check my argument by listening to the ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt and the issues he and it champions, and then tell me how many Jewish-Americans or their media-outlets have you heard damning the ADL for trying to destroy the American republic and opposing the incarceration of its enemies in the thoroughly criminal Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden tyrannies. Remember silence is the surest sign of either acquiescence or support. As I see it, a review of this media strongly shows that most Jewish-Americans have made not a peep criticizing the torment of their non-Jewish, fellow citizens by Greenblatt, the ADL, and its allied organizations and big-money donors. In view of this pervasive silence in the face of the ADL’s fierce public pogrom – and especially given the words, multiple hatreds, and tyranny-love flooding forth from the cancer called the ADL – how could any non-Jewish-American fail to conclude that most Jewish-Americans hate their fellow Americans and that they can be relied on to remain silent while Americans are attacked by their kin and coreligionists.

It is also worth noting that the foregoing is not a new phenomenon. Consider these other beauties that the ADL and its allies have championed or supported:

–Abortion: What can clearly be seen from what has been said in the media and in public statements by most Jewish leaders, is that 63 million murdered infant Americans is a tiny price to pay for what? Oh, yes, a woman’s right to be recklessly promiscuous and utterly and callously murderous. Abortion, of course, was meant to be and is the spearhead for wiping out the republic’s black citizens.  Even in Israel – home of the always whining, never-again/never-forget crowd – murdering babies at will is legal and applauded.

Replacing America’s white population: Jewish-American leaders have long advocated the illegal import of largely illiterate millions of cheap-labor-offering foreigners, people who are already well-trained by Latin American tyrannies to fear and obey government. These foreigners also must be allowed in because they often bring diseases long eradicated in America and so reintroduce them among the Americans the ADL has marked for incarceration and/or execution; namely, white people. There also seems to be no push-back from the Jewish-American community, its media, or its leaders to oppose the Biden regime’s obvious plans to use FEMA, the ATF, the U.S. Military, the IRS, the FBI, the NSA and other agencies, to rid the republic – either by killing them or first incarcerating and then murdering them — of whites, Christians of all colors, and nationalists.

Gun grabbing: One would suppose that no one would be more worried about gun-control – really gun-confiscation – than Jewish Americans, as they via their ancestors learned the dangers thereof from the Herr Hitler. But, no, Jewish-Americans – especially in their wildly out of proportion to population and generally demented Congressional delegation — form a large proportion of the shit-babbling fools, Democrats, and cowards (all synonyms, I guess) who support the removal of the 2nd Amendment. Why so? Because, as Hillary Clinton so often puts it, “guns endanger children,” which must mean that Jewish-American and all other anti-gun crusaders think 63 million murdered un-borns and new-borns are nifty, but no children should be killed by guns before the pedophile-loving Democratic Party and its members and heroes – like Jeffrey Epstein and many big shots in politics, business, the media, and Hollywood – can groom and/or kidnap the little ones and then distribute to them to party members and their supporters for torture events and/or fine dining.

Endless wars: Any war is a good war for the ADL, and apparently for the largely silent Jewish-American community and its Congressional contingent. Any war that Israel likes and supports is okay with the ADL, the Jewish-American community and media, and its bought-and-paid for slop-jar mouthed congressional representatives. One of America’s three great diplomats, George Kennan – the others being Benjamin Franklin and John Quincy Adams – said that the idea of the United States recognizing Israel was tantamount to knowingly signing an accord in which America would be the eternal loser. Truer words were never spoken, given our history of Middle East wars, support for the permanence of the Israel-run gulag Israel in Palestine, the Israelis’ theft of U.S. nuclear secrets, which were key the building of their first atomic weapons, Israel’s suborning of Jewish-American bureaucrats to commit espionage against the United States, Israel’s probable use of American financial aid to purchase the undying, unthinking, and America-damaging loyalty of large, corrupt, and dual-pass-ported majorities in both houses of Congress, the U.S. government’s repeated, haplessly idiotic attempts to defame and defang Islam, the benefit of which accrues only to Israel as the efforts are meant to lead to more U.S.-Arab wars.

–Anti-Semitism: The idea of applying the term antisemitism to any speech that Jewish-American leaders and organizations do not like has long worked like a charm to intimidate those Americans who question whether Jewish-American supremacy over the lives and ambitions of all other Americans is the desired outcome for their society. Often the phrase is just the start of attacks by the ADL and their allies on an individual’s financial, banking, and business interests, combined with pressure on advertisers to abandon the ADL’s target. This is not new, Jewish-Americans leaders and film makers, with U.S.-based British diplomats and intelligence officers, F.D. Roosevelt and his cabinet, and the FBI, worked together in the latter 1930s to force America’s entry into World War 2. Then, when Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and the America First Committee (AFC) called out this stinking, war-mongering gang between 1939 and 1941, the miscreants worked to undermine the non-interventionists – often using war-wanting journalists and their papers, as well as unconstitutional electronic and physical surveillance — and identify them as Nazis and traitors.

–All of this was done against Lindbergh, the AFC, and America as a whole at a time when nationwide polls consistently showed that about 80-percent of Americans wanted no part of another European war. Given these numbers and his own beliefs, Lindbergh refused to play any part in quietly watching this British-Eastern Elite-Jewish-American subversion of the American will, and, with precision and utter truth, publicly identified Britain, Jewish-American leaders, and Roosevelt’s regime as the three greatest agitators pushing America into a war its people clearly did not want. Lindbergh, America First, and the American people held the line and had some short-term successes until Roosevelt’s engineered war with Japan began at Pearl Harbor, which also produced Hitler’s declaration of war. The revenge exacted on Lindbergh by Jewish-American leaders from 1939 through the present day has reduced Lindbergh’s stature and reputation to dust covered with manure, when, in truth, Colonel Lindbergh was one of the greatest, most talented, most heroic Americans of the 20th century. If you have doubts about the pro-war agitation of Jewish-American leaders from 1939-1941, watch Warner Brothers’ movies from the period; read about Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter’s role as Roosevelt’s agent in promoting the interventionist cause; read the writings of journalist Walter Lippmann as he pushed for war, and review the pro-war activities of the Jewish Telegraph Agency based in New York City.

Finally, I want to thank the ADL and several of its media shills who recently reviewed my work in four articles and found it wanting: Media Matters (2), The Wrap, and Salon. To receive just a tiny percentage of the same oddly written, deeply ignorant, and racist articles from the same kind of Jewish-American hate-hacks that attacked Colonel Lindbergh, I can only regard as a commendation. To my great delight, I have apparently hit the same target (domestic Democratic tyranny and domestic war-lovers) as did Colonel Lindbergh. It is a target I will continue to hit as often as necessary until it is either tamed or destroyed, or I am.

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A few points on the great majority of 26 comments on my last post

–1.) Where do you think Israelis and Jewish-Americans learned their style of government: (a) the Nazis, (b) the Bolsheviks, (c) their scriptures, religious writers, and clergy, or (4.) all three?

–2.) I of course bow before your dazzling and in-depth expertise about Q and his falsity. I cannot rule out that possibility, but you have to, in fairness, consider the possibility that there be a few people on earth who know more about Q than you do. Wisdom often lies in never saying never.

–3.) By now it must be clear that I write as a strident nationalist. From that angle, I would ask — what’s your problem with Putin? He faced a neighboring country that was deliberately killing ethnic Russians in substantial numbers. He faced a government created by the West, after it overthrew a pro-Russian regime in Kiev and was ready to offer the country membership in the EU and NATO. He also faced a country that was hosting several dozen U.S.-built-and-controlled chemical weapons laboratories and manufacturing facilities not far from Russia’s border. Some of those labs were building weapons that could be specifically targeted against Slavs. The only surprise we’ve had from Putin is that he did not attack earlier and with far greater savagery Instead, he stupidly followed the always defeated, post-1945 America model of war-making that rejects the infallible rule that only application of overwhelming and indiscriminate military power — like that used this month by Biden and his NWO, UN, and Big Tech buddies (all also Nazis/Bolsheviks/Israelis) against Americans living on Maui) — can deliver the only mercy ever found in war-making — quick and utter victory.

–4.) Thank you all for writing.

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A note on some recent reader comments

The last few blogs I’ve written have drawn an odd assortment of comments. The overwhelming theme of some of those messages is that I am a dishonest mouthpiece for Jewish-Americans and Israel.

Now, I have written more than 600 pieces for this blog in the past dozen years. There is no way to read those items and come to the conclusion that I am mouthpiece for the Israel-firsters. Those who do can only be judged half-wits or – perhaps more likely – Israel-firsters trying to make me lash out violently at Jewish-Americans, other Jewish people, and Israel in manner that approximates their own feigned anti-Jewish hatred and credible pro-Nazi demeanor.

I also must note that my criticism has become increasingly strident given that such Jewish-American organizations as the ADL and the SPLC – each a great pool of  mercenary, traitorous, and poisonous scum – are gathering information on white American conservatives and Christians in general and supplying it to Biden, the FBI, the Pentagon, and other government agencies to aid in their plan to wipe out the white conservatives and Christians that the Jewish-American organizations are fingering in return for pay.

I do have a relatively short temper, but I do control it, though at times it takes a concentrated effort. The latter was my experience this time out. That said, I can only suggest, in a friendly way, that Q long ago told us that Israel will come last.

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And now it is Niger?

The Biden administration and that ever-reliable loser known as the U.S. military, with the few African lickspittles they have left, are out to intervene in Niger, even as they are getting their asses kicked in Ukraine. Seems time for Senator Paul and the Freedom Caucus to sound out loud and clear in opposition to this week’s war-of-choice.

But will they? Somehow, I doubt it. They have done virtually nothing to stop hundreds of billions of dollars being sent to help Ukraine fully reset itself to Nazism, the latter always the political philosophy of choice for the Democrats. Indeed, the power of war to create a steady flow of graft into the pockets and front-companies of grifting American politicians, generals, and civil servants is unrivaled. It became institutionalized in World War I and has been roaring ahead ever since. We enter wars willy nilly and never give a damn about casualties, wasted tax monies, or victory so long as the tide of money flows during the war and American companies get to lead the immensely expensive projects to reconstruct and paganize the country their president deliberately destroyed.

It is clear that Niger ranks at much less than zero national-security importance to the United States. To whom is it important? Well only France, whose dunderhead leaders have, for at least a half-century, built a 75-percent dependence on uranium from Niger to power their domestic nuclear-powered electrical networks. Niger, of course, is a country that loves the money France spends on uranium, but truly hates their former colonial masters. If someone is to reteach those Paris sees as uppity black people in Niger the fact that colonialism never really ends and they must obey, the French must do it off their own hook.

The mighty Macron has killed his own people with speed and aplomb by lying about the “threat” of Covid and then poisoning them vaccines meant to kill and cripple them, he has punished them by championing EU and WEF fascism and economic idiocy, he has tied the French to the now lost American war in Ukraine, and has knowingly left the French people first without Russian natural gas, and now without uranium to face the coming winter’s cold.

Perhaps, Macron should round up his close partners – Schwab and Trudeau – and fly to Niger and order those disagreeable black people to behave in the traditional French manner; namely, by surrendering to the those who threaten them. With luck, the people of Niger will treat them appropriately, by awarding them a South African welcome — a tire slipped down to their respective middles and then set on fire.

Back to the Congress with a reminder. Neither Ukraine nor Niger are of any interest to the United States, so keep us out of this Macron-made mess. It would be unwise in the extreme for the Congress, the dunce-filled Biden Administration, and its weighed-down-by-graft flag officers to begin a yet another losing war in Niger. After all, if there is one thing Americans have yet to be deprived of it is a nearly endless supply of used and new tires. The time nears to use them, if only to clean up the environment, that’s a trendy issue these days you know.

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This Virginian is worth a listen

I heard this song just know and found it pretty realistic about today’s America. The singer is a young Virginian named Oliver Anthony and the song is called “Rich Men North of Richmond”. This fellow Anthony surely is a worthy successor to his Virginia ancestors who fought and died for liberty, independence, and Old Virginia in 1776-1783 and 1861-1865. Give it a go.

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It is necessary to apply punishment in the most exemplary manner

It is therefore of the utmost importance to the security and happiness of any state, to punish, in the most exemplary manner, all those who are entrusted by it, and betray that trust: It becomes the wisdom of a nation, to give ten thousand pounds for a head which cheats it of sixpence. Valerius Maximis calls severity the sure preserver and avenger of liberty: It is as necessary for the preventing of tyranny, as for the support of it. Cato’s Letters, No. 20, 11 March 1721(1)

The increasing chaos and lawlessness that is today’s America, I suspect, is a prelude to civil war – surely the governing elites, their sycophants among federal, state, and military bureaucracies, and their allies in business, banking, medicine, pharmaceuticals, and the media have more than earned their own demise. Think, for example, of the current none-of-our-business European war that is bleeding the republic in terms of money, military, weapons, vehicles, and munitions, even as DOD leaders frantically work to queer-up the military. The only valuable aspect of the U.S. government’s Ukraine War has been its duration because it has allowed Americans to see, with utter clarity, that the actions of their leaders regarding the war have been despicable, profligate, unforgivable, dastardly, and directly aimed at hurting them here at home. These miscreants’ culpability for this war-loving/republic-hating behavior leaves them more than worthy of retribution from their countrymen acting in their own defense and on the basis of our founding documents. (Most especially, “On the Necessity of taking up Arms”, 6 July 1775, which I consider – with the Constitution — the best and most important. It was written by John Dickinson and Thomas Jefferson and published as an official resolution of the 2nd Continental Congress. The text of this document is below. It merits, I believe, a few minutes to read in its entirety, as it does a wide distribution as I doubt it is read much today in schools and universities. It also helps to explain why the Founders believed the 2nd Amendment was indispensable and unchangeable, and why our current elites want to erased.)

After reading the work of Dickinson and Jefferson, one question must be asked, “What is wrong with contemporary Americans?” Why do they put up with a national government that threatens and treats its citizenry and their country in a manner immeasurably worse than did the Parliament and ministers of George III? If colonial Americans rebelled against that overbearing regime, the current lack of rebellion – given the manifest and overwhelming crimes against them that are committed daily by Biden’s Administration — is simply inexplicable.

Are today’s Americans more cowardly, more ignorant about their history,and less observant than their predecessors? The first is possible, but the second and third can only be attributable to sloth, given the easy availability the alternative media’s accurate round-the-clock a coverage of the enormous impact on the citizenry and the Constitution-killing nature of Biden’s murderous policies, as well as his and his Cabinet’s witting personal support for such things as child-and woman trafficking; urban arson; gun confiscation, laughably ridiculous, quack-science-based claims of climate change; Black supremacy; death by Fentanyl; Black terrorist groups; population replacement via Biden-mandated illegal immigration to create the first peasant class in American history; illegal war-making abroad and at home; rugged and so treasonous elections; poisoned vaccines targeted particularly at whites; rampant treason in many Executive Branch departments and agencies; extortion by the president, his family, and his colleagues; 1st and 2nd amendment-wrecking; the physical mutilation and rape of children; and accelerating war on Christianity, unflagging support for cultivating Pedophlia and universal sexual depravity; cooperation with foreign narcotics cartels and their Chinese allies, the non-investigated destruction of hundreds of domestic food-processing facilities to help bring on famine; the economic, chemical/biological warfare, and technological empowerment of China, The United Nations, NATO, the Vatican, Ukraine, the World Economic Forum, and the fascist EU; and the growing madness and blood lust of each as well as the Democratic and much of the Republican parties. Each of these entities is a hive of eagerness for eliminating all white people and Christians of any color in the United States and worldwide.

The most pressing need for loyal citizens – and especially for the white and Christian populations which are tagged to be first to the guillotine – is to remove the Biden administration and obliterate every facet of the Democrats/Rinos/Federal Civil-Service’s long adherence to the tenets of the fascist and bloodthirsty orthodoxy of the New World Order. Now, many men and women whose views I respect have long argued that the Democrats’ domestic terrorist groups and perhaps some of those no-longer loyal in the military, FEMA, FBI, ATF, Homeland Security, CIA, NSA, DIA, etc. must be allowed to take the first shot that starts a civil war, just as Lincoln did. Think for a moment and consider if it would not take some kind of military of para-military force to systematically destroy c. 200 food-processing facilities? And then ask, who else but the FBI traitors would make zero effort to stop a nationwide campaign of serial arson that ensures the Biden administration’s plan to eliminate the reliable supply of food for Americans?

I now wonder whether such restraint is any longer appropriate behavior as the Biden-made inflation, war, population replacement, and economic-and-financial destruction continues. Why? First, we have seen nine years (2015-2023) of the brazen wickedness and aggressive inhumanity of elected Democrats at all levels of government and there is no credible reason to think that the republic’s Democrat-Rino enemies have any intention of altering their savage ways. Second, there is no reason to believe that a free-and-fair election will occur in the United States at any point in the foreseeable future. Indeed, the pre-2024 election preparations of Republicans in Michigan last month were disrupted when Michigan’s fascist state government arrested 16 Republicans for preparing for 2024 in in the same manner that has always been found legal for Democrats. We also have the Biden regime and state Democratic regimes refuse to prosecute those who murder whites for sport; those who perform sex-change operations on youngsters without their parents’ knowledge let alone permission; the ongoing and deliberate creation of a sexually depraved military destined to be worthless in battle but a danger to itself and all Americans and their children; the Biden administration’s cooperative operations with Mexican Cartels to bring in UN-mandated replacement population, to create a reliable supply line of kids to be tortured, raped, and dismembered by pedophiles; to continue flooding the country with sure-to-kill fentanyl, for the manufacture of which China supplies the precursors; while all the while Mexico, Panama, other Central American states , together with Biden, Mayorkas, and Austin,  facilitate the illegal entry of several hundred-thousand military-aged Chines men to enter the country.

The foregoing items, I think, cannot be assessed as anything other than direct and intentionally lethal attacks against Americans – especially white Christian Americans – their republic, Constitution, safety, health, employment, and the quality of the nation’s public schools in which teachers are no more than Democratic apparatchiks and apparently willing abusers of every child’s intellect, morals, and body. In addition, the Democrats and their whores in the FBI, local and state police departments, and the judiciary at all levels have already imprisoned hundreds of innocent citizens – mostly white and Christian I’d bet – for more than two years without trail, but with the in-jail application of violence verging on torture. If the foregoing does not amount to a civil war being waged by only one side, I do not know what it is.

So, is it time for a behavioral change among loyal American citizens, or is it still requisite for that segment of the population to patiently accept the above-noted acts of governmental tyranny  and judicial abuse, to acquiesce in the criminal free-for-all of non-punished violence accelerating across the country, quietly watch the ongoing effort to establish the supremacy of those with least merit, empathy, knowledge, and love of the republic, those with no apparent moral conscience and zero sense of civic responsibility, and those with such questionable sanity?

I guess it comes down to deciding whether we accept that the first shots were fired several years ago and many have hit their marks; that no mercy, humanity, or repentance is to be expected from the well-dressed swine who compose the political, economic, academic, and social elites; and that further delay in changing the citizenry’s tolerant behavior towards those who wish them dead, given the republic’s current dying state, will do no more than make its death certain. The decision to fight back is both a hard one and an individual one, but those who make the right decision are not likely to be lonely.

Finally, I thought it was worth including the text of the Dickinson-Jefferson document referred to above as the best example on how our ancestors thought their way through a response to British oppression and decided that the Crown had to go, even if it took a bloody rebellion fought against very long odds. My own view is that the colonists had not been provoked, threatened, and physically hurt by Parliament’s legislation and the King’s actions anywhere near the level that Americans have been hurt by the Biden regime since its installation after an irrefutably fixed election.


–1.) Cato’s Letter, No. 20, 11 March 1721, quoted in Russell Trommer. Tea Time. Cato’s Letters, American Liberty, and the call of the Tea Party, 2016, p. 202. Valerius Maximus was a “Roman rhetorician and writer. His book, Nine books of memorable deeds and sayings, consists of historical anecdotes that were used by students of rhetoric to obtain historical information.” See,

–2.) A declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, now met in General Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms, 6 July 1775

“If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason, to believe, that the Divine Author of our existence intended a part of the human race to hold an absolute property in, and an unbounded power over others, marked out by his infinite goodness and wisdom, as the objects of a legal domination never rightfully resistible, however severe and oppressive, the Inhabitants of these Colonies might at least require from the Parliament of Great Britain some evidence, that this dreadful authority over them, has been granted to that body. But a reverence for our great Creator, principles of humanity, and the dictates of common sense, must convince all those who reflect upon the subject, that government was instituted to promote the welfare of mankind, and ought to be administered for the attainment of that end. The legislature of Great Britain, however, stimulated by an inordinate passion for a power, not only unjustifiable, but which they know to be peculiarly reprobated by the very constitution of that kingdom, and desperate of success in any mode of contest, where regard should be had to truth, law, or right, have at length, deserting those, attempted to effect their cruel and impolitic purpose of enslaving these Colonies by violence, and have thereby rendered it necessary for us to close with their last appeal from Reason to Arms,-Yet, however blinded that assembly may be, by their intemperate rage for unlimited domination, so to slight justice and the opinion of mankind, we esteem ourselves bound, by obligations of respect to the rest of the world, to make known the justice of our cause.

Our forefathers, inhabitants of the island of Great Britain, left their native land, to seek on these shores a residence for civil and religious freedom. At the expence of their blood, at the hazard of their fortunes, without the least charge to the country from which they removed, by unceasing labor, and an unconquerable spirit, they effected settlements in the distant and inhospitable wilds of America, then filled with numerous and warlike nations of barbarians. Societies or governments, vested with perfect legislatures, were formed under charters from the crown, and an harmonious intercourse was established between the colonies and the kingdom from which they derived their origin. The mutual benefits of this union became in a short time so extraordinary, as to excite astonishment. It is universally confessed, that the amazing increase of the wealth, strength, and navigation of the realm, arose from this source; and the minister, who so wisely and successfully directed the measures of Great Britain in the late war, publicly declared, that these colonies enabled her to triumph over her enemies.-Towards the conclusion of that war, it pleased our sovereign to make a change in his counsels.-From that fatal moment, the affairs of the British empire began to fall into confusion, and gradually sliding from the summit of glorious prosperity, to which they had been advanced by the virtues and abilities of one man, are at length distracted by the convulsions, that now shake it to its deepest foundations. The new ministry finding the brave foes of Britain, though frequently defeated, yet still contending, took up the unfortunate idea of granting them a hasty peace, and of then subduing her faithful friends.

These devoted colonies were judged to be in such a state, as to present victories without bloodshed, and all the easy emoluments of statuteable plunder.-The uninterrupted tenor of their peaceable and respectful behaviour from the beginning of colonization, their dutiful, zealous, and useful services during the war, though so recently and amply acknowledged in the most honorable manner by his majesty, by the late king, and by Parliament, could not save them from the meditated innovations.-Parliament was influenced to adopt the pernicious project, and assuming a new power over them, have, in the course of eleven years, given such decisive specimens of the spirit and consequences attending this power, as to leave no doubt concerning the effects of acquiescence under it. They have undertaken to give and grant our money without our consent, though we have ever exercised an exclusive right to dispose of our own property; statutes have been passed for extending the jurisdiction of courts of Admiralty and Vice-Admiralty beyond their ancient limits; for depriving us of the accustomed and inestimable privilege of trial by jury, in cases affecting both life and property; for suspending the legislature of one of the colonies: for interdicting all commerce to the capital of another; and for altering fundamentally the form of government established by charter, and secured by acts of its own legislature solemnly confirmed by the crown; for exempting the “murderers” of colonists from legal trial, and in effect, from punishment; for erecting in a neighboring province, acquired by the joint arms of Great Britain and America, a despotism dangerous to our very existence; and for quartering soldiers upon the colonists in time of profound peace. It has also been resolved in parliament, that colonists charged with committing certain offences, shall be transported to England to be tried.

But why should we enumerate our injuries in detail? By one statute it is declared, that parliament can “of right make laws to bind us IN ALL CASES WHATSOEVER.” What is to defend us against so enormous, so unlimited a power? Not a single man of those who assume it, is chosen by us; or is subject to our controul or influence; but, on the contrary, they are all of them exempt from the operation of such laws, and an American revenue, if not diverted from the ostensible purposes for which it is raised, would actually lighten their own burdens in proportion as they increase ours. We saw the misery to which such despotism would reduce us. We for ten years incessantly and ineffectually besieged the Throne as supplicants; we reasoned, we remonstrated with parliament, in the most mild and decent language. But Administration, sensible that we should regard these oppressive measures as freemen ought to do, sent over fleets and armies to enforce them. The indignation of the Americans was roused, it is true; but it was the indignation of a virtuous, loyal, and affectionate people. A Congress of Delegates from the United Colonies was assembled at Philadelphia, on the fifth day of last September. We resolved again to offer an humble and dutiful petition to the King, and also addressed our fellow-subjects of Great Britain. We have pursued every temperate, every respectful measure: we have even proceeded to break off our commercial intercourse with our fellow-subjects, as the last peaceable admonition, that our attachment to no nation upon earth should supplant our attachment to liberty.-This, we flattered ourselves, was the ultimate step of the controversy: But subsequent events have shewn, how vain was this hope of finding moderation in our enemies.

Several threatening expressions against the colonies were inserted in his Majesty’s speech; our petition, though we were told it was a decent one, and that his Majesty had been pleased to receive it graciously, and to promise laying it before his Parliament, was huddled into both houses amongst a bundle of American papers, and there neglected. The Lords and Commons in their address, in the month of February, said, that “a rebellion at that time actually existed within the province of Massachusetts bay; and that those concerned in it, had been countenanced and encouraged by unlawful combinations and engagements, entered into by his Majesty’s subjects in several of the other colonies; and therefore they besought his Majesty, that he would take the most effectual measures to enforce due obedience to the laws and authority of the supreme legislature.”-Soon after, the commercial intercourse of whole colonies, with foreign countries, and with each other, was cut off by an act of Parliament; by another, several of them were entirely prohibited from the fisheries in the seas near their coasts, on which they always depended for their sustenance; and large re-inforcements of ships and troops were immediately sent over to General Gage.

Fruitless were all the entreaties, arguments, and eloquence of an illustrious band of the most distinguished Peers, and Commoners, who nobly and strenuously asserted the justice of our cause, to stay, or even to mitigate the heedless fury with which these accumulated and unexampled outrages were hurried on.-Equally fruitless was the interference of the city of London, of Bristol, and many other respectable towns in our favour. Parliament adopted an insidious manoeuvre calculated to divide us, to establish a perpetual auction of taxations where colony should bid against colony, all of them uninformed what ransom would redeem their lives; and thus to extort from us, at the point of the bayonet, the unknown sums that should be sufficient to gratify, if possible to gratify, ministerial rapacity, with the miserable indulgence left to us of raising, in our own mode, the prescribed tribute. What terms more rigid and humiliating could have been dictated by remorseless victors to conquered enemies? In our circumstances to accept them, would be to deserve them.

Soon after the intelligence of these proceedings arrived on this continent, General Gage, who in the course of the last year had taken possession of the town of Boston, in the province of Massachusetts Bay, and still occupied it as a garrison, on the 19th day of April, sent out from that place a large detachment of his army, who made an unprovoked assault on the inhabitants of the said province, at the town of Lexington, as appears by the affidavits of a great number of persons, some of whom were officers and soldiers of that detachment, murdered eight of the inhabitants, and wounded many others. From thence the troops proceeded in warlike array to the town of Concord, where they set upon another party of the inhabitants of the same province, killing several and wounding more, until compelled to retreat by the country people suddenly assembled to repel this cruel aggression. Hostilities, thus commenced by the British troops, have been since prosecuted by them without regard to faith or reputation.-The inhabitants of Boston being confined within that town by the General their Governor, and having, in order to procure their dismission, entered into a treaty with him, it was stipulated that the said inhabitants having deposited their arms with their own magistrates, should have liberty to depart, taking with them their other effects. They accordingly delivered up their arms, but in open violation of honor, in defiance of the obligation of treaties, which even savage nations esteemed sacred, the Governor ordered the arms deposited as aforesaid, that they might be preserved for their owners, to be seized by a body of soldiers; detained the greatest part of the inhabitants in the town, and compelled the few who were permitted to retire, to leave their most valuable effects behind.

By this perfidy wives are separated from their husbands, children from their parents, the aged and the sick from their relations and friends, who wish to attend and comfort them; and those who have been used to live in plenty and even elegance, are reduced to deplorable distress.

The General, further emulating his ministerial masters, by a proclamation bearing date on the 12th day of June, after venting the grossest falsehoods and calumnies against the good people of these colonies, proceeds to “declare them all, either by name or description, to be rebels and traitors, to supersede the course of the common law, and instead thereof to publish and order the use and exercise of the law martial.”-His troops have butchered our countrymen, have wantonly burnt Charles-Town, besides a considerable number of houses in other places; our ships and vessels are seized; the necessary supplies of provisions are intercepted, and he is exerting his utmost power to spread destruction and devastation around him.

We have received certain intelligence that General Carleton, the Governor of Canada, is instigating the people of that province and the Indians to fall upon us; and we have but too much reason to apprehend, that schemes have been formed to excite domestic enemies against us. In brief, a part of these colonies now feels, and all of them are sure of feeling, as far as the vengance of administration can inflict them, the complicated calamities of fire, sword, and famine.-We are reduced to the alternative of chusing an unconditional submission to the tyranny of irritated ministers, or resistance by force.-The latter is our choice.-We have counted the cost of this contest, and find nothing so dreadful as voluntary slavery.-Honor, justice, and humanity, forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we received from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them, if we basely entail hereditary bondage upon them.

Our cause is just. Our union is perfect. Our internal resources are great, and, if necessary, foreign assistance is undoubtedly attainable.-We gratefully acknowledge, as signal instances of the Divine favour towards us, that his Providence would not permit us to be called into this severe controversy, until we were grown up to our present strength, had been previously exercised in warlike operation, and possessed of the means of defending ourselves,-With hearts fortified with these animating reflections, we most solemnly, before God and the world, declare, that, exerting the utmost energy of those powers, which our beneficent Creator hath graciously bestowed upon us, the arms we have been compelled by our enemies to assume, we will, in defiance of every hazard, with unabating firmness and perseverance, employ for the preservation of our liberties; being with our [one] mind resolved to dye Free-men rather than live Slaves.

Lest this declaration should disquiet the minds of our friends and fellow-subjects in any part of the empire, we assure them that we mean not to dissolve that Union which has so long and so happily subsisted between us, and which we sincerely wish to see restored.-Necessity has not yet driven us into that desperate measure, or induced us to excite any other nation to war against them.-We have not raised armies with ambitious designs of separating from Great Britain, and establishing independent states. We fight not for glory or for conquest. We exhibit to mankind the remarkable spectacle of a people attacked by unprovoked enemies, without any imputation or even suspicion of offence. They boast of their privileges and civilization, and yet proffer no milder conditions than servitude or death.

In our own native land, in defence of the freedom that is our birth-right, and which we ever enjoyed till the late violation of it-for the protection of our property, acquired solely by the honest industry of our fore-fathers and ourselves, against violence actually offered, we have taken up arms. We shall lay them down when hostilities shall cease on the part of the aggressors, and all danger of their being renewed shall be removed, and not before.

With an humble confidence in the mercies of the supreme and impartial Judge and Ruler of the universe, we most devoutly implore his divine goodness to protect us happily through this great conflict, to dispose our adversaries to reconciliation on reasonable terms, and thereby to relieve the empire from the calamities of civil war.

By order of Congress,







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If there needs to be fight over race, so be it

There are increasing numbers of Democrats, along with their allies in the U.S. Government, academia, the law, the media, and, by self-implication, the leaders of business, banking, investment companies, and such rabid-dog Jewish-American organizations as the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center, who are championing the elimination of white people in the United States. This is a piece of racist extremism, as well as one of just plain hate and envy. In Bidenesque terms, these incipient murderers are supremacists of color, apparently bent on becoming the world’s first master race that lives on the dole. It seems this brand of racism is close to that used by the National Socialist Party’s Third Reich to conduct – in contemporary terms – a fairly moderate genocide.

Now, the character flaw of racism is common and completely applicable to every American of every race at all levels of society and public life. Indeed, it is applicable to every human being on earth, as we are all God’s fallen creatures. Competent and stable adults of all races throughout the world, however, recognize that racism is wrong, and, if you will, a sin. They work to suppress thinking, speaking, and acting on the basis of that flaw and many others. But, obviously, not all the world’s people grow up to be responsible adults; many start out as dolts and grow into grifters, haters, and murderers, like most of the Democratic party, its supporters, and those who advocate America’s interventionist and war-causing foreign policy.

Whites are now called vicious exploiters of the so-called “people of color”. They are said to be, as white supremacists and white nationalists, unanimously eager to cause the subordination of all non-whites to their oppressive whims. This is a poisonous lie, but also a hilarious joke. I am now 70 years old and it is clear that since the mid-1960s all of America’s blue collar-and-middle classes have had their taxes extorted and wasted by both parties championing policies that began with LBJ’s Great Society, which was and is an ill-disguised attempt to make Black-Americans our society’s most privileged race. The Great Society was billed as an effort to ensure Blacks were treated economically, political, and education-wise as “equals” by the rest of the citizenry, most especially via the taxes the latter pays to the national government. In essence, LBJ and his party used, and are continuing to use, Great Society-style programs as a clear reparations program that has destroyed the Black family and – as LBJ intended – re-enslaved Blacks to the same party that owned them before 1865.

The Great Society’s policies and their successors can be said to most closely resemble slave auctions with a twist. In this iteration of these auctions, Blacks eagerly accept being paid with tax money to re-up with the Democratic Party’s slave drivers. As LBJ said at the time, the Great Society program “will keep the Niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years,” (1) a saying Biden freshened-up into “If you vote for Trump, you ain’t black”, a sharp threat to Blacks that a lifetime on the dole requires slavish loyalty even if it is self-destructive. And it very much seems to be working. The Democrats have used the policies and laws that are part of and successors to the original Great Society program to reclaim and boast about their return as slave drivers, a status they proudly held until the end of the War for Southern Independence. Of course, that war was in no way fought by the North to free the slaves. Emancipation surely was a by-product of that war and Lincoln’s political legerdemain, but to have fought the war in the name of freeing slaves – rather than maintaining the union – would have pushed the border states into the Confederacy, left Lincoln’s government without a viable fighting force, and probably started civil strife across much of the north.

Instead of accepting freedom, equality, and, as important, its attendant personal responsibilities and building from there, American Blacks, since LBJ, have learned to endlessly take from a trough holding virtually every imaginable inducement to become good, lawful, responsible, productive, and prosperous citizens. At least that’s what the everyday American thought, but the Democrats intended it to be a re-enslavement fund. Trillions of dollars have been directed into the pockets of Black Americans, and they have been given privileged access to schools, jobs, and now to rank in military in a manner that is blind to merit, but eagled-eye for the right color to be given preference. And yet what have Blacks experienced from the actions/policies of the Democratic Party? The Black family has been destroyed; Democrat cities are governed by Black majors, usually bent on the same economic and social ruination that the terrorist Mandela and his successors inflicted on South Africa; those cities are jungles of criminality; fatherless Black families are a disastrous and preeminent fact; Black-on-Black crime is soaring, as is Black-on-White crime; genocide-intended abortion is championed by many Black leaders and has cost many millions of Black lives; and the wastage of enormous amounts of tax money have been used to offer Blacks unique and surely unconstitutional monetary benefits and institutional-privileges. (Though a part of this reality seems to be at an end, praise God, given the Supreme Court’s termination of affirmative action and – hopefully — the anger, alienation, and hatred it was deliberately meant to promote in the non-Black population.)

More recently, the Democrat slave-drivers ordered their Black plantation dwellers to demean themselves even more, and they have obeyed smartly and lawlessly. As a result, Americans have been treated to sight of Blacks burning American cities; killing fellow citizens of all colors, but especially whites; deranged Black teenagers indiscriminately killing or crippling old white people, even those in wheel-chairs; and the creation of Black-based terrorist organizations that regularly engage in violence and arson fueled by funds from leading U.S. corporations and America’s corps of addled billionaires.

The Democrats also have forced their Black slaves to grossly degrade themselves as human beings by allying them with every enemy of the American republic, equality, liberty, Christianity, and all non-Black Americans and their children, by making common cause with drug runners, illegal aliens, individuals and groups representing every kind of sexual depravity, human traffickers, mad feminists, and pedophile child-killers, the latter to take the place of the abortionists. All of this is madness.

The Palestinians have been said to be a people “who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” For inexplicable reasons, American Blacks seem to follow the same pattern even more faithfully than Palestinians. Most Blacks seem never to have recognized the extraordinary array of advantages that have been on offer to them — thanks to the taxes paid and patience exhibited by the White working-and-middle classes – for nearly seventy years. Today, Blacks make it appear that they are – this time voluntarily – as fully in the thrall of the Democratic slave drivers as they were in 1861. The Democrats do not need whips any longer, just gobs of White peoples’ tax money to waste on opportunities ignored, refuse, or botched by Blacks.

There is no denying that Blacks have had a long, hard trail to travel to equality, but so did white indentured servants, the Irish, a host of Eastern Europeans of all religions, Hispanics, Italians, Asians, Catholics of all nationalities, etc. For all of these groups and more, the road towards full equality, voting rights, employment, education, and, frankly, fitting into a long-established society long, arduous, and at time violent. In my experience, White people have bent over backward to be fair-minded toward Black – note Whites’ have yet to respond in kind to Black calls for their elimination. In addition, Whites have been forcibly indoctrinated by their federal and state governments and their thug bureaucracies to give the benefit of the doubt to their Black fellow citizens, who too often seem to prefer to be on the dole and under the leadership Democratic slave drivers over participating in the development republican liberty for all. Remember, Democratic leaders think Blacks are stupid, smugly saying they are not smart enough to acquire an identification document and bring it to a polling station.

To understand the extraordinary change wrought since the 1850s in American society on the race issue, one can probably not do better than to read the words Abraham Lincoln spoke when he was trying to win an Illinois senate seat in 1858. Lincoln is irrefutably known to have consistently opposed slavery, but, as important, he also knew his countrymen and their attitudes. During the seven senatorial debates with Stephen Douglas – which attracted enormous crowds – Douglas and his aides spread rumors that Lincoln intended to create full equality between Blacks and Whites, an allegation whose widespread belief would have sunk Lincoln’s senate campaign and short-circuited his then-growing national stature. Faced with this certainty, Lincoln did what he did best. As part of his opening statement in his 4th debate with Douglas, on 15 September 1858, Lincoln faced reality, applied commonsense, and lived to fight another day. In his disarmingly folksy way, Lincoln said that

While I was at the hotel today, an elderly gentleman called upon me to know whether I was really in favor of producing a perfect equality between the negroes and white people. [Great Laughter.] While I had not proposed to myself on this occasion to say much on that subject, yet as the question was asked me I thought I would occupy perhaps five minutes in saying something in regard to it. I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race. (2)

Lincoln’s statement nailed the state of White America’s mind in 1858. He knew that, in 1858, there was almost no support for complete White-Black equality anywhere in the United States, save from the war-mongering mad men and women who were part of the extremist groups called abolitionists in New England and elsewhere in the Northeast. These extremists were – and intended to be – promoters of civil war. As noted above, Lincoln faced the same hard reality after the success of the completely constitutional secession movement. He knew that a war whose declared purpose was to end slavery would attract few northern volunteers for U.S. military. He also knew that a war for protecting the union would produce untold numbers of volunteers. Even on this score, Lincoln needed help, and got it from Jefferson Davis, who defied the clear warnings of his senior advisers and ordered the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Lincoln needed Davis to shoot first, and the Mississippian obliged.

At war’s end in 1865, Lincoln’s was dead and most of the Confederate states were in economic distress or economic ruin. Under the new president, Andrew Johnson, the Congress began a program called reconstruction which was understood to be a means of aiding the south economically and easing their way back into the Union. This, of course, turned out to be a cover for coercing the south and its people to behave like good little northerners and do the national government’s bidding. First, the U.S. army was sent to occupy the region and enforce Washington’s will. Next, as in the case of the actions of George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton against the imploded Soviet Union, the north’s economic-sharks were unleased to pick clean the bones of the South’s devastated economy. Most important, never-say-die Democratic politicians – many of whom had been slavers– were gifted by Washington with a fine opportunity to extra-legally return Blacks to bondage. The Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan as their private Anti-Black army for coercing the new American citizens. The Democrats ignored the law and the Civil War amendments to the Constitution and made Blacks little more than slaves in terms of living conditions, employment opportunities, education, poll taxes, wages, segregation, Jim Crow Laws, and lynching. In this vein, they also had the support of substantial northern indifference, as well as of the mostly Anti-Black southern media. Reconstruction and the Democrat’s racist savagery made the postwar period into a new hell for the former slaves and destitute southern Whites. One that did not begin ebbing until Black participation in both World Wars, and the new opportunities that flowed from the New Deal. Those opportunities also were buttressed by the dazzling display of Black talent, seen and admired by nearly all Americans, in the areas literature, singing, musicianship, sports, Church-going, and neighborhood building. No quick fixes were at hand, but a start was made in the interwar years and continued to slowly but tangibly grow until the middle-1960s.

But since the start of LBJ’s re-enslavement program, Black Americans seem to have decided to stick with the heirs of Democratic slavers in return for life on the dole; their support for Democratic politicians who are termed Black leaders – think here of rank and grifting racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton; token jobs in federal, state, and local governments; unconstitutional minority privileges in hiring and education; and the freedom to commit and escape punishment for premeditated arson and murder. For these rewards, many Blacks commit their kids to educational mediocrity because the Democrats block school-choice legislation and oppose home schooling. They also have flocked to have abortions so that the dreams of Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and most of the Democratic Party to eradicate the country’s Black population can be achieved. The money and sweet talk that shapes Black behavior to conform to the Democratic Party’s anti-American, anti-Christian, and Anti-White goals are the core goal of the Great Society which has played out precisely as LBJ planned.

Now we are seeing the same brand of coercive tactics being used by the Biden administration to reduce White influence by murder, incarceration, or relegation to peasantry. Allied with that corrupt and debauched administration, the Democratic Party, the banks, the national government’s socialist bureaucracy, the sexually depraved, and large corporations are all seeking to reduce Whites to the status of slaves. Realistically, there is not a chance in hell that these entities will succeed in getting Whites to exchange liberty, family religion, country, and God-given rights for the same sort of tripe has apparently fully satisfied Blacks. It is much more likely that the Democrats and their gang of corrupt elitists – almost all demented white elitists, few of who have worked a day in their lives – are going to meet with a traditional brand of resistance that will, shall we say, change their lives forever.

White people, I believe, would be delighted to be to work with Blacks and all other races to cleanse the republic of those intent on authoritarian rule, replacement migration, mass murder by vaccine and abortion, pedophilia, fluid genders, sexual depravity in all its forms, the use of equity to reward those without merit, impoverishing climate fraud, the willy-nilly surgical removal of breasts and genitals from grammar school kids that the Democrats want groomed to be sex-and-torture toys, and a dozen other endeavors meant to kill republicanism, constitutionalism, fair elections, Christianity, unbiased law-enforcement and justice, open-minded judges, etc.

To close, think for a moment about what Mr. Lincoln correctly assessed to be the near universal opposition of White Americans – north and south – to complete equality between Whites and Blacks. Then think about how far the White American attitudes toward Blacks have changed since 1858. The difference between then and today is enormous and theoretically provides more than ample room for inter-racial cooperation and the defense of republicanism, liberty, and Christianity. And yet, so many Black people either are or have been portrayed by the media – especially by television and Hollywood’s movies – as believing nothing has changed for the better and/or as believing the only path forward for Blacks and their freakish and sexually depraved Democrat masters is violence against whites and the creation fascist, Anti-White national government. So much for the work of Dr. King and the meaning of his legacy. It has been deliberately trashed by the Democrats, just as they have inculcated in the same people their own fierce hatred for America’s Founders, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, Christianity, the American south, and commonsense.

As for Whites – north and south – it only makes sense they seek to recover some of the reality identified by Mr. Lincoln in 1858. As long as Blacks and their mad-and-putrid owners want to entrench and then use a racial-pecking order that puts whites on the bottom and makes them and their children targets for random physical violence, Whites will stand with Mr. Lincoln and ensure, in one way or another, that while such a pecking order is being created, they are intellectually and morally prepared, well-armed, and ready fight our way back to the top and remain there. If Whites fail to prevail in such a contest they will lose all they have and all they built on this continent since the 17th century, leaving it to the people of all races who wish to be recognized as the scum of the earth,

Finally, one can only imagine that LBJ must be looking up from his home in hell and smiling, perhaps saying “Damn, those Niggers really are going to vote for us for 200 years!” The most tragic part of all of this is that nearly the only Whites who mean to harm Blacks are those in the highest echelons of the republic’s current political, governing, medical, business, bureaucratic, and academic elites, and they are succeeding in inflicting a harm meant to yield the eradication of Blacks. In the song called “Jokerman” (3), which Bob Dylan wrote in 1983, the following lyrics can be found, Freedom just around the corner for you, but with the truth so far off, what good will it do?”(4)  For myself, I think it is plausible to say that the freedom Blacks claim to desire is indeed “just around the corner” and has been the case for much of the past 150 years, but unless they recognize the truth and costs of their voluntary re-enslavement to their Democrat masters, and then throw of the chains of their current exploitation by all of the above-named elite entities, they will remain forever ignorant of their position, which is just around the corner from freedom.


–1.)  This quotation from Johnson can be found on the internet in several places, mostly on leftist sites that offer such flimsy arguments as” it has not been proven that LBJ ever spoke the words”. (See, for example, Oddly though, when Twitter was still owned in 2020 by leftist authoritarians, Anti-White racists, the FBI, the State Department, and the CIA a tweet was published on this issue and was not removed. It remains there now. It includes Johnson’s words and a lengthy, accurate, and persuasive description of how Democrats have deliberately and often violently re-enslaved Blacks. (See,, (September 2020). See also, for fact-based examination of the issue that concludes that the above-noted article from Snopes in wrong.


–3.) Bob Dylan, “Jokerman”, 1983, see

–4.) Ibid.

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On the eve of the republic’s death, what else to do but seek more war?

With the economy collapsing, the dollar holding on for dear life, the energy industry deliberately paralyzed, sexual depravity becoming the new American Dream, the rule of law becoming passé, a pedophile moron in the White House, famine in view on the horizon, what else would be logically done by the U.S. government than to seek out more wars?

Biden has now given a total of almost $150 billion dollars in currency and arms to the comedian/queer/soy-boy who is Ukraine’s leader, a country of no importance to America, who has chosen to fight a superpower, and who is now getting his country’s – and, soon, hopefully his – guts torn out by Putin’s patient and deadly Russia. This, it seems, does not come close to a wise investment. But still, any war is better than no war for Biden and America’s bipartisan governing elite. As an afterthought, is it not stunning that with an almost one-billion-dollar annual budget the U.S. military’s flag-officers cannot not even effectively arm their – not America’s – Ukrainian Nazi allies. Well just add this to the flag-officers’ post-1945 can’t-do list, and enumeration that already includes – at least — winning wars, evacuating in an orderly manner, training foreign armies, defending air space, enlisting manpower, or defending national borders. What can they do? Well, these mighty flag officers can queer-up those in the ranks and in their military academies, and the can lie straight face when claiming that they are non-politicized.

Despite these facts, each of our flag officers probably have received congratulatory notes from the U.S. military’s liar-in-chief, General David Petraeus, the only flag-officer to lose two wars and then get promoted to near-cabinet rank. Now in retirement, he has taken time off from the corporate-board nirvana to heap more disgrace on himself and the U.S. military by accepting an assignment from the Pentagon and the Biden administration to deceive the American people about the Ukraine war. This he has done by showing up on every corrupt U.S. media outlet to claim that the Russians are lousy fighters, will be beaten, and Ukraine will win. General Petraeus’s only apparent skill is deceit and losing wars, so beware of betting your money on a Ukrainian win.

This past week also saw the United States and its vassal donkeys in NATO bring Finland into the alliance’s fold, most members of which are globalists, liars, money-crazy, and champions of sexual depravity. Look at the map. Where is Finland? Yup, it is right on the border of Russia and within easy aircraft, drone, and rocket range of St. Petersburg; it is only 207 air miles from Finland to St. Petersburg. Here we go again.

Recall that Putin said decades ago that Russia will not tolerate NATO expansion that keeps snugging up to Russia’s borders. He also sought to get the attention of the apparently deaf NATO leaders by taking back Crimea in 2014. After stressing this fact, taking Crimea to show what might come NATO’s way, and all but begging NATO to understand his warning was earnest, the Obama regime staged a coup, replaced the sitting pro-Russian government with a pro-NATO, pro-EU Nazi regime, built dozens of U.S.-controlled chemical warfare laboratories, and trained the Nazi Ukrainian military and armed it with U.S. and NATO weapons. Unsurprisingly, that army began steadily killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine’s eastern region. Putin now is on the verge of whipping the Ukrainians and NATO, and that will give the U.S. and NATO a hat-trick of lost wars since 2001 – Afghanistan, Iraq, and now Ukraine. Finland in NATO is hardly likely to stand, though it may cause a nuclear war which will finish the Finns and most everyone else.

In this week of the Biden administration’s savage pursuit of new wars, the news comes of a rather large U.S. military exercise with the forces of the Philippines, and of Manila agreeing to build or rebuild four U.S. bases in the islands. You may recall that such an event happened in the past, when Admiral Dewey smashed Spain’s decrepit Asian fleet in Manila Bay. At that point, the U.S. government not only built bases there after Spain exited, but U.S. presidents, Congresses, media, and America’s Protestant churches decided that while the Filipinos might be humans, they were not fit to govern themselves and so had to remain some kind of appendage of the United States, though none dared called the islands a colony. Washington reneged on its pledge to free the Filipinos and let them govern themselves, and U.S. forces fought a savage, several-year insurgency against those Filipinos – Christians and Muslims — who thought such reneging was un-fair and even, shall we say, un-American. The Philippines remained a colony in all but name until the Imperial Japanese army and navy arrived and kicked the U.S.’s butt out of the islands. The Japanese then proceeded to terrorize and murder American POWs and Filipinos until MacArthur returned. America now seems to be returning – without MacArthur, of course – to buck-up the Philippine government against China. You would think that Manila knows the U.S. has not won a war since 1945, but I guess it’s a case of any port in the storm. If the worst reoccurs, there are unlikely to be any PT-Boats – nor John Wayne, Robert Montgomery, and Ward Bond — coming to rescue any portion of the U.S. military personnel that Biden appears to be ready to put in harm’s way in the islands and then abandon, as he did in Afghanistan.

Finally, how long must Americans put up with a State Department run by Hillary Clinton, or least run by her surrogates obeying Clinton’s international agenda of war, chaos, and destruction. It’s easy to recall, I think, that when Clinton was Secretary of State, one of her favorite gambits was interfering in other countries’ elections and domestic troubles, almost certainly with the aid of U.S. intelligence and the dolts — and at times pedophiles, the media say – she sent abroad to be ambassadors. These appointees tended to have no discernible commonsense, no minds of their own, no understanding of the country in which they were stationed, no genuine concern for U.S. national interests or security, and, when the time came, some of them participated in the effort to overthrow Trump. I recall at least four instances in which she sent doltish ambassadors, computer whiz-kids, and Soros-backed NGOs to wreck foreign countries from within; namely Egypt, Russia, Ukraine, and Syria. Regarding the latter, the U.S. ambassador won fame for wandering around Damascus carrying his mobile and a rucksack and urging people to overthrow Assad. When this callous loser came home, he was wined and dined and given achievement awards. Today, Syria continues to struggle to survive and is still sanctioned by the United States, even after several major natural disasters. Interesting too is that Clinton’s intervention in the internal affairs of Syria and Egypt shattered their imperfect but still viable policies for protecting Christians in each country. Hating Christians, of course, is another Hillary trademark.

Now there is more evidence showing the rank and corrupt spirit of Clinton still controls the State Department. Recent and widely disseminated media reporting claims that U.S.-intelligence and the State Department are supporting the ongoing demonstrations and riots in Israel. Readers of this space will know I carry no brief for Israel, and do not give a hoot whether that country and its America-hating government and people survive. That said, Israel’s survival or destruction can only rest in the hands of the Israeli people. I am not sure that there is anything clearer or more compelling than the record of failure that has accrued to the U.S. government from 1898 to this day from its unnecessary military interventions in other countries, actions aimed at destroying regimes, murdering political leaders it dislikes, seeking to install “better” leaders — like Zelensky? — or just to give the U.S. military and intelligence services a bit of sport.

America’s interventionist record is marked only by lost wars, unnecessary U.S. military casualties, less liberty at home and abroad, unconscionable wastes of taxpayer money, the development of a sector of the whore media that parrots and embellishes Washington’s lies about “glorious victories” and the “triumph of virtue”, and creates demigods out of gun-shy, corporate-board-bound flag-officers who take their men and women to war, death, or maiming, even though they know their commanders-in-chief have no intention of winning the unnecessary interventionist wars they start. The Israelis – like all peoples – deserve a chance to make their own way in the world. They have made a hash of the effort since the state was formed and have made a relentless and eternal enemy of Muslims, but perhaps they have had enough of Netanyahu and his promise to make them a nation of guinea-pigs for vaccines.

Whatever the result of the current popular uprising in Israel, the U.S. government should stop intervening in it. If Netanyahu’s anti-American government survives, the coming post-Biden administration can put paid to Israel’s decades-long record of corrupting the U.S. Congress, stealing U.S. nuclear secrets, suborning U.S. citizens to spy for Israel, stealing U.S. technology and sharing it with America’s foes, and now spreading anti-Christian hate and compiling lists of U.S. Christian patriots for surveillance and eventual arrest by Biden’s fascist FBI, D0J and Pentagon. Now, there is a piece of advice about Israel that has been going around for few years and, at the moment, seems most appropriate. It goes “clean out the domestic scum first, and save Israel for last.” Just can’t recall who said it, but from the deliberate and murderous Israeli attack on the U.S. Navy’s ship Liberty to all of the anti-American attacks noted above, Israeli leaders seem not to have recalled the old saying that “what goes around comes around.” Perhaps such a lesson will be in order before long.

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