The Democrats want a war to the knife. Well, if they insist, but woe betide them

“For in the upshot,” the Roman historian Livy wrote, “liberty has come to mean at Rome, that a man respects neither senate nor magistrates, nor laws, nor ancestral customs, nor institutions of the fathers, nor military discipline.” Replace the word “Rome” with the term “Washington, DC”, and you have much of the cause for the republic’s steadily collapsing constitutional system.

The lawlessness of contemporary America has been a topic often raised in this space. But these past weeks have so brightly underscored that lawlessness that it can only be assumed that the Democrats deem themselves prepared for the civil war they so badly want to cause. Well perhaps they are, but I find it hard to believe. Their direct forebearers — the champions of slavery, secession, and civil war — also thought they were ready for war and even boasted that one of them could “kill ten” of their foes. That boast proved ill-founded.

The current Democrats’ judgment in this regard is no doubt based on the Republican establishment’s decades-long record of lame responses and supine acquiescence to their flamboyant lawlessness. With barely a whimper, the Republicans have never stood their ground to defeat one of the Democrats’ unrelenting attacks on the law and the Constitution. In just the past decade we have seen multiple criminal and, in the case of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, and their pack of fellow rabid rats, probably treasonous acts. All of these perpetrators remain walking about, spending their ill-gotten gains, and smirking at all U.S. citizens who obey and believe in obeying the law.

Among the most recent Democratic crimes to which the Republicans have not aggressively sought to apply the law are:

–Obama’s IRS spying on and persecuting American conservative organizations to tip elections in the Democrats’ favor.

–Holder’s DOJ refusing to prosecute Black Panthers who harassed and threatened white voters on election day.

–Hillary Clinton deliberately compromising classified material via a private unsecured server, a tool on which she installed a feature that send a copy of each document – incoming and outgoing — to her paymasters in Beijing.

–Obama, other Cabinet members, senior officials, and probably Brennan and Clapper used pseudonyms for conducting correspondence with Hillary through her compromised server. As a result, they knowingly broke the espionage laws and aided Hillary’s transfer of classified material to China and any other country that could afford to hire an amateur, teenage hacker and task him to attack the unsecured server.

–Obama illegally raiding the funds of other government agencies to pay for his parasitic health care program, unconstitutionally amending congressional legislation to suit his desires, and refusing to enforce immigration and border-control laws.

–Hillary Clinton arranging the murder of the U.S. ambassador and his security team in Tripoli to prevent exposure of her and Obama’s program to run guns to the Islamic State, and then lying about it, and, months later, dismissing the episode and the American deaths as no longer being important or relevant.

–Obama and his senior intelligence officials – Brennan and Clapper – lying about the imminence of the North Korean nuclear threat. They assured the nation that Pyongyang would not have a useable weapon for several years, and then suddenly revealed the sky was falling as soon as Trump was elected. Q: Why do you think Obama warned Trump that North Korea was the biggest problem he had? A: Because he and his administration had lied to Americans about the advanced state of development of the North Korean weapon.

–This point is a confident speculation. But collapse from a two-year period before Pyongyang would have a nuclear weapon and an ICBM to deliver it, to a stage of an imminent and then quickly demonstrated threat is extraordinarily unusual on the issue of nuclear-weapons development by rogue states. The technology; the talent, experience, and intuition of the veteran military and intelligence personnel tracking and analyzing the development; and the top priority and ample funding assigned to determining the pace of development all but assure that estimates of when North Korea would become a nuclear threat to the United States would not collapse from two years to right now. Bush and Cheney seem to have lied about Saddam having nuclear weapons; Obama and his criminal gang appear to have lied about when North Korea would have them.

–Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazil, Hilary Clinton, and John Podesta apparently arranged the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich, after he leaked DNC e-mails to Wikileaks.

–Debbie Wasserman Schultz facilitated the successful espionage campaign conducted against the U.S. Congress by the Pakistani Awan brothers.

–The Democratic governors of New York and California, and the Democratic mayors of multiple major cities — including New York, Chicago, and San Francisco — are refusing to obey federal laws meant to protect the security of the nation and the safety of the citizenry. In so doing, they are expanding lawlessness, abetting killers of American citizens, and shredding the republic’s social cohesion. In essence, these Democrats have revived the doctrine of nullification —  the claim that states can nullify federal laws they oppose — that was designed by John C. Calhoun, a South Carolinian who served as Democratic senator, vice-president, and secretary of  war. Calhoun’s doctrine was  supported by those who eventually formed the Confederate States of America. Calhoun also was a champion of slavery, which he described as a “positive good”.  The Democrats’ authoritarianism and eagerness to enslave people never, ever changes.

–Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strozkh, Lisa Page, Valarie Jarrett, Rosenstein, Susan Rice, John Kerry, myriad State Department officials that Secretary Pompeo has inexplicably yet to can, and the premier intelligence organizations of, at least, the UK, Australia, and perhaps Israel cooperated to try to defeat candidate Trump. They then conspired to try to stage a coup – indeed, a war against the republic — that would negate a legitimate presidential election, as well as overthrow the president and administration that election produced. For the latter action, the U.S. citizens named above merit indictment, trial, and conviction for treason – by either civil or military courts — and then the execution warranted by that conviction. In passing, it must be assumed that Senator Feinstein will at some point be fitted for the same noose for accommodating a Chinese spy and facilitating his activities for at least 20 years.

If any more impetus is needed to be prepared to give the Democratic Party the civil war it is seeking, it is the farce surrounding Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings. In many ways, the treatment of Kavanaugh should be seen as a direct attempt to invalidate the most indispensable tenet of U.S. law and legal tradition, namely, that every U.S. citizen is innocent until proven guilty. The Democrats’ argument is basically that which they have used to defend the criminal and traitor Hillary Clinton: anything a woman says is true and those she attacks are unquestionably guilty as charged, even if the woman cannot provide a shred of evidence to support her accusations or defend her actions.

Ms. Blasey Ford wandered into the hearing room, after consulting with her California “beach people”, to claim the nominee had sexually assaulted her 36 years ago. She could not, however, name the place, day, time, or any events that occurred in the time frame of the supposed incident. During her testimony – which those who think or pretend to believe women are superior creatures and incapable of lying have daftly called “compelling” – Ms. Blasey Ford cried but produced neither tears, nor red eyes, nor a need for a Kleenex; moved ably from being choked-up to giggling like a pre-teen; and repeatedly changed the tone of her voice from that of a mindless Valley girl, to that of a dramatic Hollywood victim, to that of a well-rehearsed and veteran liar. The latter after all is the traditional role of a leftist professor. Quite simply, if Ford had been questioned in the manner Kavanaugh was she would have been exposed as the unscrupulous conniver, lying fraud, and terminal adolescent that she is.

No matter that all of those people she claimed were witnesses to the event have sworn it did not happen; that Kavanugh made a highly credible argument that correctly identified the Democrats’ obvious conspiracy to destroy him as a means of undermining Trump; or that the Democrat’s production of two other so-called victims of Kavanaugh yielded two pathetic women who are transparently mentally ill, or liars, or Democratic Party employees, or all three, the Kavanaugh nomination was delayed for another week, but more likely the process has no end in sight.

And if this not enough of a demolition of the American justice system, the FBI was assigned the task of investigating the already proven false accusations of the insipid Blasey Ford. The FBI? Really? For more than two years the FBI and the Department of Justice have shown themselves – from top to bottom – to be an unbelievably corrupt, and a completely partisan, wholly owned subsidiary of the Democratic Party.

With the Democrats irrefutably showing that they, their tech-giant allies, and their blowhard billionaire clowns Bloomberg and Steyer mean to remove the Trump and his administration, and then shackle the deplorables into a state of slavery in which their civil liberties would truncated to the point of extinction, one can only conclude that they want a war to the knife, a bloody civil war.

As said above, this elitist alliance of vermin think they can win such a contest. I think not. But who knows. The best advice seems to be to vote for Trump’s agenda in November’s mid-terms and thereby allow President Trump a little more time to reinvigorate the Constitution – civil and/or military – by properly and severely applying the rule of law.

The Democrats, however, might not wait. If they are ready to begin the fight, then the words of an American patriot denote the proper course of action. “Stand your ground,” Captain John Parker told his militiamen at Lexington green early on 19 April 1775. ‘Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here.”






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